Chapter 1- Diagon Alley

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I was in Diagon Alley with Hermione, both of my parents were on a business trip so Mr. and Mrs. Granger were kind enough to take me, we were currently walking down the walkway when I saw Hermione staring at something, or someone. I turned and saw that it was Harry and Hagrid! they walked up to us and we smiled at them, I realized that
over the summer Harry had grown a few inches! he was now I foot taller then me! he used to be only a few inches taller. I also realized that his hair is a bit more messy than before, and he's gained a couple of pounds, good, he needed to gain some weight anyway, those Dursley's aren't feeding him properly.
" Harry! Hagrid! " Hermione and I exclaimed, they both smiled at us,
" Hello, Hermione, Scarlet " Hagrid replied, we both smiled back before we both looked at Harry and sighed,
" Oh, it's so good to see you! " Hermione said smiling, Harry smiled back,
" Well, it's great to see you, too! " I looked at him and shook my head,
" What did you do to your glasses? Oculus reparo. " his glasses were than fixed again, I tell you, Harry really needs to keep clean these days, he looked down at his glasses then smiled up at me,
" I definitely need to remember that one. " I smiled before Hagrid cleared his throat,
" You'll be all right now then, right Harry? I'll leave you too it then " we all smiled at him as he walked away,
" Ok! Bye! " I waved, he turned and smiled while waving then walked away, we all turned and starting jogging, I grabbed Harry's hand while Hermione ran,
" Come on everyone's been so worried! " Hermione exclaimed while we ran into a book shop.


We all walked in and were soon bombarded with a bunch of red heads, Weasley's.
" Oh! Harry, Thank goodness! We'd hoped you'd only gone one grate too far... " they all hugged each other while
I looked around, huh, I never realized how busy it was today, I wonder why. I looked over and saw Kirsten; she turned
around and saw me, we did this weird dance/run over and hugged each other while everyone stared at us. We just laughed
while walking back over to the group where everyone welcomed here back before someone started talking,
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you , Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart! " I heard everyone cheer as girls squealed about him, personally, I
hate him, he so full of himself its not even funny, I then saw Mr. Jerk face walk out with a cape on? wow okay you're not
a superhero here, god, you're not even a man, my hair turned a dark shade of green, I was annoyed by this man already,I looked over and saw Kirsten give him a disgusted face. Good, I wont be the
only one not to like him then.
" It can't be- Harry Potter? and Scarlet Jones? " I look over and realize that Lockhart is staring at both Harry and I, oh god. He
then starts to walk over, he Grabs Harry and takes a picture with him, then looks at me,
" Hello Scarlet Jones, now when you came in here to purchase my work, I bet you didn't expect to- " I didn't let him finish
because I just walked away from him, I just don't want to hear his voice anymore, I heard people gasp as I walked by. Soon
I was with Harry, Hermione, Kirsten and the Weasley's. Kirsten, and the boys were laughing their asses off but Hermione,
Mrs. Weasley and Ginny didn't seem pleased, as they were about to object about my rudeness I heard an all too familiar voice,
"I'll bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?, famous Harry Potter. Cant even go into a bookstore without making the front page "my hair turned red out of anger, I
was about to say something when Ginny stepped up,
" leave him alone " oh yeah go Ginny! I looked at her and winked while she blushed, Malfoy smirked,
"Oh look Potter, got yourself a girlfriend! " a man who looked like an older version of Malfoy walked up and put
his hand on Malfoy's shoulder, Malfoy then looked a little scared?
"Now, now Draco, play nice, Mr. Potter, Lucius Malfoy... We meet at last. Forgive me, your scar is legend, as, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you. " I snorted as he looked at me and sneered, oh god, no wonder why he gets scared of his father, he has a horrible
face to look at when he's mad, Harry then glared at him.
"Voldemort killed my parents, he's nothing more than a murderer " Lucius Malfoy looked at him amused.
"Hmm. You must be very brave, to mention his name...or very foolish. " this time Hermione spoke up,
"Fear of a name only increase fear of the thing itself. " this time he turned and looked at her.
"And you must be... Miss Granger. Yes, Draco's told me all about you, and your parents. Muggles, aren't they? Let me hair... vacant expressions... tatty second hand book. You must be the Weasleys. " we all glared at him as Mr. Weasley came back from who knows where.

"Children, it's mad in here! Let's go outside. " Mr. Malfoy looked at him,
"Well, well, well. Weasley senior. " Mr. Weasley looked at Mr. Malfoy and glared,
"Lucius " I smirked, seemed as though no one likes this guy.
"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it. " Mr. Weasley glared,
"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy. " Mr. Malfoy scoffed,
"Clearly. Associating with Muggles... and I thought your family could sink no lower. " he then looked at me before looking at
Mr. Weasley while walking away,
"See you at work " the Malfoy walked passed us and smirked,
"See you at school " he then looked at Kirsten, she glared at him as he walked away, I looked at everyone,
"Clearly. Associating with Muggles... and I thought your family could sink no lower. ' like honestly who does he think he is? the
president?! he's about as important as Hermione's pet cat! no offence" I quickly added as I looked at Hermione who only shook her head with everyone else and smiled,
"Come on kids lets go, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow " I said goodbye to Harry, Ron and Kirsten while I walked back
with Hermione and her parents.  

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