Chapter 5- DADA/ Prof. Lupin

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After the incident that happened out in the woods, we went back to the great hall for some lunch, but by the time we got
there, everyone knew what had happened to Malfoy, we walked down the hall and sat down beside each other as we grabbed
some food. I looked over at the Slytherin table and saw Malfoy sucking up to Parkinson,
"Does it hurt Draco? " I heard her ask in a squeaky voice.
"It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself lucky. Madam Pomfrey said another minute and I could've lost my arm. She
says that I cant do my homework for weeks " I sighed,
"Listen to the idiot. He's really laying it on thick, isn't he? At least Hagrid didn't get fired.
I hear Draco's father's furious. We haven't heard the end of this. " I said before I saw Seamus run in threw the doors
towards us,
"He's been sighted! He's been sighted! " Seamus yelled, I looked down and saw that he had a newspaper in his hand,
he sat down beside me and opened up the paper so we could see the headline,
"Who? " I asked,
"Serious Black " he replied, pointing to an article that had his face on the front, I read the first part
of it and gasped,
" Dufftown? That's not far from here " I stated,
"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts do you? " Ron asked,
"With Dementors at every entrance? " Hermione asked,
"He slipped past them once. Who's to say he won't do it again? That's right. Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke.
Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." Kirsten said, everyone looked at her,
"Thanks for that " Harry replied, She smiled sadly at him,
" Sorry " we all put the paper down and continued eating in silence.

After lunch we headed towards DADA, we walked in the classroom and I realized that the man that had saved
us on the train was our teacher; Professor Lupin. We all gathered around the class as he began, I had only just realized
that there was a closet sort of thing in the middle of the classroom,
"Intriguing, isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a to what is inside? " he asked, before I could say anything
Dean answered,
"That's a boggart that is " Dean said,
"Very good Mr. Tomas " the teacher replied,
"Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like? " He asked us,
"No one knows " Hermione replied behind me, scaring me in the process,
"When did she get here? " Ron whispered, I giggled and shook my head,
"They're shape shifters, they take shape of what the person fears the most. That's what makes them so terrifying " I finished,
"Yes, yes...Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands, please.
After me. Riddikulus!" Proffesor Lupin said.
"Riddikulus!" everyone replied; Lupin nodded.
" Very good.A little louder and very clear. Listen: Riddikulus!"
"Riddikulus! " she said louder; as we were
reciting what the teacher was saying, I overheard Malfoy behind me,
"This class is Ridiculous " he said, causing his goons to laugh, I fake giggled loud enough for him to hear as I 'accidently' stepped
on his foot, hard. All you heard from the class was a loud yelp from Malfoy, the teacher turned,
"Is something wrong Mr. Malfoy? " he asked, Malfoy gritted his teeth and shook his head,
"No sir, everything is fine " he growled back, I giggled, the teacher turned and looked at me with a raised eyebrow, I looked
at him and smiled sweetly, he shook his head and turned to everyone else,
"So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter.
You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain. Neville, would you join me, please?" He asked,
Neville hesitated,
"Oh come on now, don't be shy " Neville slowly walked up in front of the class in front of the Proffesor Lupin.

"Now Neville, what are you most afraid of? " He asked, Neville said something that no one could hear,
"Sorry, what was that? " The teacher asked,
"Prof. Snape " he said loudly, everyone laughed but me, I cant blame him, Snape has been tough on him ever since we came to Hogwarts.
"Prof. Snape yes, frightens all " He answers,
"You live with your grandmother correct? " he asked,
"Yes, but I don't want it to turn into her either " Neville answered, I giggled,
" won't. I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes, very clearly, in your mind. " Lupin said.
"She carries a red handbag... " He started, but Lupin cut him off,
"We don't need to hear. As long as you see it, we'll see it. Now, when I open that's what I want you to do. Excuse me.
Imagine Professor Snape in your grandmother's clothes. Can you do that?" Lupin asked, Neville nodded,
"Yes. Wand at the ready. One, two, three. " Suddenly he opened up the door and Snape slowly walked out, you know those
horror movies where you see a random man slowly walking- almost crawling out of your closet while staring at you with a blank
face? well that's what happened here, I saw that Neville had froze in his place,
"Think Neville Think " I said, I guess I brought him back to reality because he held up his wand,
"Riddikulus! " Neville yelled, all of a sudden Snape's clothing turned into a weird green colour and I realized that he was wearing
a dress! he also had a blackish green hat on with a bunch of feathers and had a red hand bag,
"ahahaha" I laughed, I leaned on Malfoy for support, he was shocked at first but then
glared and moved so that I dropped to the ground, but I didn't care, but I guess Seamus had other plans,
"Scar! Hey! why'd you drop her asshole? " Seamus said/asked, Malfoy smirked,
"Oh look, I guess someone has a crush on Jones here " Seamus blushed,
"What? No! I just don't like you dropping my friends! " for some reason when I heard those words my heart broke, I'm
so confused, but I looked up at Malfoy and smiled,
"I wouldn't be talking Malfoy, don't you have a crush on a certain someone named Kirsten Evens? " I whispered so that
he could only hear, he widened his eyes once again and blushed while looking down. Exactly; I could embarrass him like this all the time about it.
"Okay, Okay that's enough, everyone line up in a straight line so that we can all have a chance with the boggart " Lupin said,
I got up and got in line, I saw that I was behind Ron, and I saw that he was first, he walked up and the boggart and
it turned into a spider, ew. He freezes in his place, but then regains himself and holds up his wand,
"Riddikulus! " He yelled, suddenly the spider had rollerblades on its legs and was having trouble standing,
everyone laughed as he walked over, I high fived him as I walked up, I looked at the boggart and it suddenly turned into a fly!
I heard people giggling ,
"You're scared of a fly? " Dean asked, I looked at him,
"If you've been through what I've been through then you would be scared of them too " I answered darkly, he gulped as
I looked back at the fly, I held up my wand,
"Riddikulus! " I yelled, suddenly the fly turned bigger then ever before and lost its wings while having a tux on with a hat and
cane as he started tap dancing on an elephant, I heard people laughing as I smiled happily while walking back,
another girl walked up and it turned into a snake, she held up her wand,
" Riddikulus! " she yelled, then the snake turned into a jack in a box, everyone laughed, Harry walked up
and looked at the boggart, it then turned into a Dementor, before he could react Lupin ran in front of him, the boggart suddenly turned
into a moon?
"Riddikulus! " he yelled, the moon then turned into a yellow balloon and flew all around the room, it flew towards me,
I screamed and ducked to the ground as it ran into the wall behind me,
"I'm good! " I said jumping back up, they laughed a little as we turned back towards Lupin,
"Well, that's enough for today, class dismissed " I heard a lot of grunting and complaints as we all walked out and in the hall.
Two week later we were all heading to Hogsmeade, well, most, I lost my form so I couldn't go, and I saw that Harry
couldn't either,
"Hey Scar! you coming? " Seamus yelled, I smiled sadly,
"Sorry, no, I lost my form, but have fun without me! and don't forget to bring me something! " I answered, Seamus
seemed hesitant but Dean grabbed him and pulled him away,
"Will do, bye! " Dean said, I smiled and waved,
"Bye! " I replied, I looked over and saw that Harry was looking at me confused, I walked over to him, I saw that Seamus was
still there; watching me wile Dean tried to push him down the block. I didn't think much of it as I reached Harry at the ledge.
"Hey " I said, Harry looked at me,
"Hey, what are you doing here? " He asked, I smiled,
"I lost my form " I replied, I shivered a little as the wind blew my hair in my face.
"Leave it to Scarlet to lose all her things " Harry said as he wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me warm. We laughed,
"Shut up, why aren't you going? " I asked, hugging him back.
"Oh my Uncle didn't sign it because......well you know what happened " he said, I nodded, understanding, I saw in the corner
of my eye that Seamus was staring at us and was glaring at Harry, I looked over and saw that he was staring at Harry's arm that was around me.
Why would Seamus be upset at this? he obviously stated that I was only his friend, wait, why do I care? "Sigh" this is

really confusing,
"Scar? " I heard Harry ask,
"Hm? " I said,
"Are you okay? you blanked out for a few seconds there " I sighed,
"Yeah I'm just a little......confused " I replied, he looked at me,
"Confused? " he asked, I nodded,
"Yeah " I answered,
"About what? " He asked,
"About Seamus " was my only reply, we looked at me, I continued,
"He keeps looking at me all the time, but when I look at him he turns around and blushes, and whenever one of the guys hugs
me and shows any affection towards me, he glares at them and gets upset, I'm so confused by this " I finished, he laughed,
"What are you laughing at? " I asked,
"Well, it's obvious that he likes you Scar " he said, what?
"What? he likes me? no, it cant be, he said that he liked me as a friend in DATA though" I said, he sighed,
"Guys do that, they say they don't like you so that you don't find out that they really do, they get nervous because we think
that you wont like us back " he said, I nodded,
"Oh " was all I said, still not believing him,
"Do you like him? " He asked, I blushed,
" Well I don't know...I think so?...I mean I get butterflies whenever I see or touch him, especially when we hug, and when he's around my heart raises
but I don't know I'm really confused " I answered, he nodded,
"Just calm down, just don't stress yourself about this, it's not good for you " I nodded,
"Okay, yeah you're right " I answered, he smiled,
"Good, now come on, it's getting cold out here " I nodded, we both walked back inside the castle, but not before looking back where
Seamus used to be, do I like him?  


please tell me what you think of this chapter, is it good? bad? should i continue?

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