Chapter 2-We're Dead??

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It's been about a week since Luna and I were kidnapped. I wouldn't say that it's bad here but it's honestly horrible. Each morning Luna and I are woken up (early I might add) and are taken upstairs to be interrogated on where Harry Potter is. But that's just for Luna and I; sometimes we go up alone and Luna is asked about her father and they ask about mine. But we would never tell so we always come back with bruises. Recently, Garrick Ollivander was kidnapped as well so that he can make wands for the death eaters since apparently they can't keep their first one's in one piece (imbeciles I tell you). Each day we're fed one piece of bread and some beans; only once. So we have all lost quite a bit of weight; when we lift our shirts up you can see our ribs popping out a bit. We can't shower either so you can imagine how bad we all smell right now.
When Bane and Gared basically threw us down here we really took in how gross it was; there were no windows so it was always pitch black except for a small torch in one corner of the room; the floors were covered in hay and there were not beds, no toilets, nothing. The smell down here is the equivalent to a horse or much worse because of how many times we've had to urinate down here without a washroom so the smell really stuck. It's cold down here, there are no blankets that they give us so we all huddle together every night to try and keep warm.
But what's worse is-
"Hey" I blinked from my day dream as my eyes looked up only to have locked with coal black one's who happened to be Bane's.
"It's time to get up princess" he said with a cruel laugh as he pushed me up only to have me fall down again. I looked over and saw Gared holding Luna as Ollivander stood back and watched. There was nothing he could do; they would kill him in an instant if he tried; even if he made their wands or not.
I was suddenly thrown up from the ground as Bane gripped me by the hair while we walked out of the cellar and up the stairs. Bright light hit my eyes as I tried to cover them with my hands. In front of us was the same chair that we've had to sit at since we came here. It was a black wooden chair that had some slivers peaking up from the beatings we took; as well as chains that locked our hands and feet in until they were done with us.
Something was different though; I look over and realized that Draco is here. I breathe in sharply as I realize what they're going to make him do.
They were going to make him watch.
I think Luna realized this to because her eyes widened with mine as Lucius and Bellatrix came forward while Narrissa and Draco stayed back.
"So, who's going first today?" Lucius asked with a smirk; Luna and I looked at each other but stayed silent as the grip on us got tighter. Lucius's lips turned to a thin line while looking at Bellatrix then back to us.
"Not going to answer? Okay, fine then. Black how about you go first" he said with a smirk as I was lifted up from the ground towards the chair that will forever haunt me.
"No! No! Please!" I begged and screamed while tears fell from my eyes. Bane shoved me in the chair; feeling the slivers already piercing my skin; cutting into my arms. He quickly strapped me before I could move and walked back where Luna and Gared were. Bellatrix stepped forward and smiled at me.
"So today we're going to be doing something a little different today" my eyes flicked over to Draco as he stepped forward with his wand in his right hand.
"I'm not the one who's going to be asking you questions today....Draco is" she smirked while laughed as my eyes widened even more than before.
'He's the one who's interrogating me today?? Wait....that means that if I don't answer him he'll....'
"That's right Scarlet, and trust me when I say this....he won't hold back if you don't answer truthfully" Bellatrix finished before walking over to where Lucius and Narrissa were. My eyes were back on Draco as he advanced forward with his wand pointing at me. His eyes showed fear so I guess he was forced to do this. At this point he was so close to me I could feel the heat radiating off of him.
"Draco, you don't have to do this" I whispered; so that only he could hear me. He looked at me as he gulped before putting his wand down
"I know....but I have to" he whispers back; looking over at his parents who were glaring at him now that his wand was down. I knew he had to; I know what his parents were like so I looked at him and slightly nodded; wanting to get this over with. His eyes turned hard; putting an act on for everyone as he raised his wand at me once again.
"Now tell me this....Where is Harry Potter?" he asked in an icy tone; I flinched from it before answering the same as I always have.
"I don't know" I replied back; he gripped his wand tightly before asking again to which I said
"I don't know" I bit louder; and it was the truth! I haven't known where Harry, Ron or Hermione have been all summer let alone right now!
"Don't make me do this" he replied, I sighed and hung my head a bit
"I'm telling you the truth! I haven't seen Harry all summer! He hasn't owled me! None of them have! So why would I know where they are right now??" I ask, finally snapping at them. Lucius looked over at Draco and snapped his fingers causing him to look up
"Draco, do it" Lucius demands. Draco looks over at me as if saying 'tell the truth!' but I already had so I couldn't say anything else. Draco looked at me and raised his wand but nothing came out of his mouth
"Draco" Lucius warned; but Draco wouldn't do it. He looked at me with his mouth open as if he was about to say the curse that's been used on me since day one but nothing came out. I looked him in the eyes before whispering
"Do it Draco; before you get in trouble" saying this caused him to look at me with guilt as he whispered
"Crutico" almost instantly I felt excruciating pain start from the tips of my toes all the way to my head; my hair turning snow white. My head whipped back as I was held in this pose for what seemed like years before
"Ok Draco that's enough" then it was gone I could move again but my limbs were so sore that I wouldn't.
"Alright that's enough from her, take her away" I felt myself being picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder as I let out a groan of discomfort before locking eyes with Draco. He looked so distraught with eyes that were welled up with tears. His face was even paler than usual but I put on a stern face before mouthing
'Don't lose control' before my face disappeared down the steps.
I was thrown on the ground with a 'thud' as the door slammed shut before weakly getting up with the help of Ollivander.
"You okay?" he asked; looking at my white hair. I nodded while looking at him with a smile
"Never been better" I replied sarcastically; our conversation was cut off with a high pitched scream that resembled Luna's as we both flinched with how painful it sounded.
"You didn't scream this time" Ollivander whispered; I looked over at him while smiling a crocked smile while wiping off some blood from the side of my mouth.
"I didn't realize; I guess I'm just so used to it now" and that's the scary thing; you're not supposed to get used to a torturing curse; it's unnatural.
"Besides" I continue; tying my hair up so that it was out of my face into a loose ponytail, the roots slowly turning black again.
"I don't like giving them the satisfaction of my pain either" I finished coldly; clenching my fists together as another scream filled the walls while they shook slightly. The next 20 minutes past; Ollivander and I sat in silence as Luna's screams were the only thing that was heard. I held Ollivander's hand tightly when Luna's screams suddenly stopped and nothing else was heard but a few mumbles as footsteps echoed close to us while we watched the cellar door swing open and Luna be thrown in; looking just as I had before. I rushed over to her with Ollivander as we helped her up.
"Are you okay?" Ollivander asked the same question to Luna as she shook her head

"Yes.... I suppose it could be worse" she replied; bless Luna. Even when we're in the worst situation she will still and always think positive.

Food was thrown at us as we grabbed it and started to eat it quickly before they could grab it from us (sometimes they like to tease us and have us wait hours before they actually give us our meal). We've been here for over a month now and it's been the same routine as before; wake up, be tortured, fed, sleep, repeat. Once we were done we threw it at the pile of broken plates that were from previous meals. We heard them shatter; not caring about the noise at this point because all it really was, was noise to us.
We heard pattering of footsteps above us before we heard mumbling voice, coming from their radio that we've come to listen to for the past few weeks.
'Sources say that they saw Potter and their friends on the run back at Diagon Alley; the old shopping centre that is now filled with death eaters. Though this is the most recent we've seen of Potter and his friend's we're hoping that it isn't the last; now here are the daily deaths from this tragic upcoming war that we hope will end soon'
We listened to this broadcast every time they turned it on; hoping that we'll hear good news and hoping that we don't hear any of our friend's or family's names.
'Daisy Collons, Harold Manton, Margot Ruth, Luna Lovegood, Garrick Ollivander, Scarlet Black-'
We all gasped as we heard our names come on the radio. Everyone thinks we're dead......What are Harry, Ron, Hermione and Alexis going to think when they hear this? What will my father do when he hears this? What about Seamus.....
"Oh my god" Ollivander whispered while putting his hand up to his mouth, I looked at Luna to see that for the first time ever, tears are falling from her eyes as she's put in Ollivanders chest, soaking his tattered shirt with chocked sobs, though he didn't seem to care as he rubbed her back in soothing circles.
"They think we're dead....everyone thinks we're dead" I whisper; putting my hands up to my chest. And that's when it dawn's to me that the worst thing that could happen to us here is when we lose hope. We all thought that someone was going to find us and save us....but now that everyone thinks we're dead there really is no hope anymore is there? All this time I thought that Harry, Hermione, my dad or someone was looking for us! But as soon as the announcer said our names was when I realized that no one was coming for us. We were going to die here.
And as I shuffled forward to hug Ollivander and Luna I felt myself shed a tear as I closed my eyes; hoping that I'll wake up from this horrible nightmare.

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