Chapter 10-So Jake's an Asshole and a Pervert....Great

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It's been almost a week since Harry has left with Dumbledore and I have to say that it's a bit.....different not having him with us. I look over as I watch Alexis, Ron, Hermione and Jake laugh at something funny. I've been so out of it lately, I guess I just really miss Harry. I mean, he's like a brother to me and without him here it's very-
"Scar? Are you alright?" Jake asks; I look at him and smile weakly at him
"Yes I'm fine thanks; I guess I just miss Harry; I'm not used to him not being here" I reply; they all nod at me in agreement.
"I see what you mean" Ron replies; Alexis puts a hand on my shoulder
"Don't worry; he should be back at any day now" She says reassuringly; but it doesn't seem to lift my spirits much. But I smile at her anyway which brings one on hers. We continue walking down the hallway when we see a big blur pass us; but not before running into Alexis and knocking her down.
"Hey!" she yelps; falling to the floor as her books sprawl everywhere with her quills and bag as well.
"What the fuck?" yes; Alexis is also very....vocal when she's hurt or surprised.
"Sorry!" The voice sounded a lot like Draco's
"Malfoy?" Alexis asked; we all look down and realize that it was Draco! He looks at her in panic as he helps her get her books and other things back in her hands.
"Sorry; I uh-didn't mean to run into you" he replies; almost stuttering in the process.
"It's fine" She giggles; causing a faint blush to find It's way to his cheeks. I'll have to confront him about that later. It went quiet after she said that; she tucked a piece of hair behind her ears.
"Well..we need to get going; we have class and-" Draco grabbed her wrist before she would walk away; Ron and Jake immediately tried to step forward but I stopped them with my arm
"Wait" I whispered; they looked at me confused before nodding.
"Um..Can I talk to you?" he asked; she quirked an eyebrow but nodded before following him down the hall; far enough so we couldn't hear but we could still see. I watched as her face went from confused to surprise to really happy and excited in the matter of seconds. I faintly heard her squeal (which she never does) and hugged him before kissing his cheek and walking back to us while waving at him as he blushes and holds a hand to the cheek where she kissed.
"What was that about?" I asked; smiling at her dazed face
"He asked me out" she replied; I smiled and squealed which she replied to as I hugged her
"Awe girl I'm so happy for you!" I ask while pulling away and saw that she was looking behind her with a frown on her face; I looked over and saw the guys shaking their heads.
"Why would you date Malfoy??" Ron asks in shock
"What? What's wrong with that?" I ask; Jake and Ron gasp as they look at the two of us before shaking their heads in disbelief.
"It's Malfoy, that's what's wrong" Jake said; spitting his name. I scrunch up my nose at the both of them before looking over at Hermione
"Mione? What do you think about this?" I ask; she sighs
"I don't like Malfoy; but if you like him Alexis then I'm happy for you" she replies; smiling. Alexis smiled and hugged her tightly as Hermione returned it.
"Come on guys I'm hungry!!" I exclaim; grabbing them both by the arms as the guys follow behind us.

We had finally made it to the Great Hall as I opened the doors; only to see everyone in here already. Everyone looked at us as I giggled in delight at all the food on the table.
"FOOD" I yell before running over to the Gryffindor table and grab an empty seat as I take some corn, some beef stew and lots of potatoes. I hear people chuckling at me as my friends walk over and glare at me as they all sit down.
"What?" I ask; potatoes dripping out of my mouth causing me to frown.
"You made us run here" Alexis replied; I smiled
"So? At least I didn't make you fly" I reply
"What?-you know what; never mind" Ron says; before digging in with me. I soon finish just as everyone else starts theirs
"Hey Scar; look who's watching you" Hermione giggles with Alexis as they nod to my right. I look over only to see Seamus watching me. Once we make eye contact though he quickly tries to look away but then slam's into the person next to him and drops his fork on the ground; I hear him apologize to that person before bending down to grab the fork he had just dropped. He looked up at me again with a blush on his face as I giggle and turn back.
"Do you still like him?" Hermione asks I blush as my hair turns purple and pink out of embarrassment
"You do!" she gasps; pointing at my hair as I look down.
"No!" I reply; hiding my face as I turn a darker shade of purple and pink. I even feel my eyes change colour a bit as well.
"Yes you do! Or else you wouldn't be all red and your hair wouldn't be a different colour!" Hermione exclaims; I sigh before looking at her
"Okay I do, so what?" I ask; at the corner of my eye I see Jake glaring at Seamus...that's weird.
" should do something about it" Hermione replied; I shake my head real fast.
"No; I couldn't do that. Not right now at least" I reply; she sighs.
"Scar; you can't just wait for him to do something. Sometimes you have to step up; make a move. He won't wait forever if you don't do something about it first" Hermione replies. I ponder on her answer before nodding slowly. He won't wait if I keep giving him mixed signals. Oh god I'm so bad at this kind of thing. I look over at Alexis to see her smiling really big towards me.
"We could have a double date!" Alexis exclaimed; I blushed once more before shaking my head
"No-no; it's fine. Anyway I want you to spend some time with him on your own; I think he'll open up way more if he was with people that he can really trust" I reply; smiling a little as she nods.
"Alright if you say so" she says; finishing that last bite of her sew before getting up; all of us following her; I look back and see Seamus looking at me once again.
'Scar; you can't just wait for him to do something. Sometimes you have to step up; make a move. He won't wait forever if you don't do something about it first' I slightly smile at Hermione's words before looking Seamus in the eye as I winked at him and smiled before turning around and walked out. I looked back once more to see him blushing at me as I giggled before closing the doors.
I looked over as I saw everyone leaving me behind. I gasp before running to catch up to everyone.
"Guys wait up!" I exclaim before stopping beside Alexis and walking into step with her. Suddenly; I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder; I look over and see Jake.
"Um Jake? What are you doing?" I ask; trying to take his arm off of me but he just grips it tighter.
"Nothing" I see him looking at something as I turn my head to look. I see Seamus and Dean walking towards us. My eyes widen as they stop and look at how Jake is holding me as I gasp.
"Jake what are you doing? Stop! Seamus might think we're dating!" I say; Alexis, Hermione and Ron watch as I try to get my arm off of him as Seamus and Dean walk by. Seamus looks at me with a glare as he walks away.
"What the fuck Jake!" I yell; punching him in the chest as I try to get his arm off me.
"Jake let go of her" Alexis glares; Hermione and Ron nodding with her
"Jake what is wrong with you? You know she likes Seamus" Hermione says loudly; at this point I see Seamus and Dean watching us from afar. I suddenly glare and put my hand on his chest before heating my hand up so that it burned him
"OW" he yells; letting go of me as I run far away from him as possible. Jake removes his hands from his chest to see a hole in his uniform and a huge red mark forming on his skin.
"Hey guys! I'm back! What's up- oh my god Jake what happened to your chest?" I hear Harry say as I look over to see him shocked while looking at Jake's skin.
"Scar" He grunted, Harry looked over at me as I tried to explain.
"He wouldn't let go of me Harry; he was holding onto me and wouldn't let go so that was the only thing I could think of" I replied
"I was holding onto you so that Seamus guy would see that we're together" he replied
"But we're not!" I exclaimed; he looked at me and smirked
"But we will be" he replied; I scrunched up my nose in disgust
"No! I would never date you Jake; you know that" I replied; suddenly I was up against the wall as Jake held me there.
"Yes you will" he whispered; then suddenly kissing me on the lips. My eyes widened as I tried to get him off me by burning him again; but he ignored it. Then I did the next thing I could think of; I kicked him in the crotch. He dropped to the floor as I wiped my mouth off.
"Don't fucking kiss me you asshole! That's technically assault!" I cried; he quickly got up and looked at me; anger written all over his face.
"You bitch" and before I could even process what had happened; I felt a stinging sensation as my head flew to the side while I slide down to the ground. He had slapped me. Then he was tackled to the ground as I looked over and saw Seamus punching him repeatedly; I got up and tried to grab Seamus.
"Seamus, please stop" I whispered
I watched as he kissed her; I felt so angry as I stepped forward. But before I could pry him off her she kicked him in the crotch as he fell to the floor.
"Don't fucking kiss me you asshole! That's technically assault!" she yelled; then he slowly got up off the ground and looked at her; even from here you could see how angry he was.
"You bitch" he then raised his hand and slapped her; you could hear the sound of his slap echo through the hall as she fell to the floor while holding her cheek. I clenched my fist before running over and tackling him to the ground.
"Don't.You.Fucking.Touch.Her" I say between punches; I felt a hand on my shoulder but chose to ignore it as I kept punching him anywhere I could get.
"Seamus, please stop" I heard Scar whisper as I stop mid punch and turn around. Tears were streaming down her face as her bottom lip quivered. She looked so broken and vulnerable; I stopped and got up as I grabbed her hand and led her away from Jake before engulfing her in a hug. I felt my sweater dampen as she shook slightly. I look over as see Jake getting up as I tighten a hold on Scar. Everyone else seemed to walk over to us and stand around Scar. I watched as Jake narrowed his eyes and pointed at me.
"This isn't over" he said darkly; then he smirked and looked to where Scar was
"And Scar; just know that I'm not finished with you yet; our kiss kind of got interrupted" he said; a sickly sweet tone as I looked over at Scar to see her eyes wide open as more tears fall from her eyes.
He seemed to love her reaction as his smirked widened before turning around and walking away down the hall. I sighed before looking at Scar once more
"You okay Scar?" I whisper softly; she looked at me before shaking her head.
"No" she whispered before crying even more; I hugged her to my chest and rubbed her now dark blue and white hair and I looked at everyone as they all frowned back.
"It's going to be okay Scar" Alexis said; Hermione nodding with her.
"Yeah; we won't let you out of our sight" Harry added
Scar nodded before smiling weakly at them; I hugged her tighter as she looked up at me; I smiled down at her
"I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you" I whisper; softly kissing her head as she buries herself into my shoulder.

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