Chapter 3- The Toad

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The next morning I woke up in the same clothes that I was in last night, I got up and walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the
mirror, I almost screamed when I saw rackoon eyes staring back at me, at first I was confused but then I remembered what had happened
last night, I broke up with Seamus, I quickly got undressed and walked in the shower turning on the tap, for about ten minutes I was just standing in the shower just thinking everything through, soon fresh tears were running down my cheeks as they blended in with the water and washed away, I turned off the tap and got out of the shower while wrapping a towel around me. I looked at myself in the mirror and I realized
that my hair had turned a deep shade of blue along with my eyes, I sighed as I dried my hair, letting the curls bounce as I dropped them,
after my hair was dry I applied some mascara and some lip gloss, then I quickly got in my uniform and looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was in long blue curls as I naturally had a bounce to it, while my sad blue eyes looked like an even deeper blue with my mascara popping them out, I sighed as I walked out of my room and down the stairs, only to see Hermione and Alexis waiting for me, they both looked up as they saw me
come down, and when they saw that my hair was blue with a frown on my face they knew not to bring up the incident from last night.
"Hey Scar " Alexis said, I gave her a weak smile as I waved at them both,
"Hi " I whispered, afraid that if my voice went any louder that it would crack,
"Want to get some breakfast with us? its your favourite, crapes with syrup and chocolate chips " Hermione asked, I thought about Seamus
sitting at the table laughing with his friends and I felt a pang of hurt whell up inside, I gulped and hesitantly nodded,
"Sure " I replied, they both gave me small smiles as we all walked out in the hall towards the grand hall, we opened up the doors and saw that
everyone had already started eating, it felt as if everyone stopped talking and the attention was on me now, I sucked in a breath as we walked
down the hall towards our seat where Harry, Ron, Fred and George where, I passed by Seamus and Dean and I felt both their eyes on me
from behind as I sat down next to Harry, they all looked at me as I sat down,
"Hey " they all said as I smiled and waved,
"Hey, I guess the rumor had spread pretty quickly yeah? " I said, laughing dryly at the end, they all nodded.
"Yeah " then it was silent, everyone went back to eating as I got some crepes and syrup on my plate, I cut it up and took a bite, letting the
taste linger after I swallowed, soon I felt eyes on me again as I turned and looked, I saw that Seamus was looking at me from a far, his eyes
were rimmed red, it looked as if he was crying, I quickly looked away as Harry looked up,
"I'm sorry you know " I stopped eating and looked at him in confusion,
"Why are you sorry Harry? " I asked, he sighed, scratching his neck before speaking.
"This is my fault, if I hadn't called his mom stupid maybe you guys would still be together, maybe-" I put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him,
"Harry, its not your fault, he was going against one of my best friends! friends before relationships Harry, you know that " I replied,
he sighed and looked down,
"I know but-"
"And besides " I cut him off,
"He called me crazy, a liar and an attention seeker!, even if we were still together, I don't think our relationship would last if I found out that he didn't trust
or believe in me, its not your fault Harry, you better know that" I replied, finishing my sentence, he sighed and smiled,
"Thanks Scar" he replied, I smiled while giving him a side hug,
" No problem Harry" I said, smiling as I finished my last bite of crepe. I looked up afterwards and saw Kirsten in the corner with Pansy; she looked over at me after laughing at one of Pansy's jokes and frowned before pointing at me. Pansy looked over and smirked; making a crying face. I narrowed my eyes and looked away; I don't even care about Kirsten anymore; she ditched us so there's no use of crying about a person who doesn't even care for you anymore. I looked over at everyone before I got up and smiled.
"Well, we best be going, don't want to be late for DADA right? " I asked, everyone smiled, realizing that I was in a happier mood, my hair was still blue, but it was turning back to black, making it look like I had blue highlights. Hermione, Alexis, Harry, Ron and I all got up as we walked towards the door, only to be stopped by a hand in front of my face, I look over and I realize that its Malfoy? he looked down at me and smiled a genuine smile at me,
"Hey Scarlet " he said, I raised my eyebrow.
"Hey Draco" I said slowly, he smiled and looked down at my books.
"Well now that we're all heading to the same class did you want me to hold your books? I can if you want" he replied, I hesitantly gave him my books as he smiled,
"Cool, well lets go " he said, I looked back at my friends and they all shrugged, I saw that Seamus was fuming as I walked out with Draco, he was acting really weird.
Soon we all arrived at DADA as I took my seat beside Harry, Draco sat behind me, Hermione and Alexis across from one side and Ron on the other, for the next few minutes was just of people talking until we heard footsteps coming down the hall, we all turned around and what I saw was horrible, I saw the same toad dressed in all pink, and when I mean all pink I mean all pink its disgusting! she looks like an overgrown pig with hair!
"Good Morning Children! " she says in her screechy high voice, holy shit I'm going to die in the class,
"Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations... O.W.L., more commonly known as "owls". Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be... severe. Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven, but you will be pleased to know from now on we will be following a carefully constructed, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic. " I looked
up at her as Hermione raised her hand,
"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells " Hermione stated, I opened up my book and realized that she was right, what
the hell?
"Using spells? Ha, ha! Why, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom. " she laughed as I tried not to cover my ears,
"We're not going to be using magic? " Alexis asked,
"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way. " I snorted as Harry looked at her,
Well, what's the good of that? If we're going to be attacked, it's not going to be "risk-free". " Harry replied smartly as I smirked from beside him,
Students will raise their hands to speak in my class. It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examination which, after all, is what school is all about. "Um everyone else gets away with talking but once Harry talks he gets in trouble? ha! what a bitch,
And how is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there? " I asked, she looked at me and smiled fakely at me,
There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children, like yourselves? " she asked, as I was about to reply Harry cut me off,
Oh, I don't know, maybe... Lord Voldemort? " by then everyone went quiet as whispers spread the room, the toad smiled wickedly at him before answering,
Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain Dark wizard is at large once again.! " she replied, Harry gasped,
"No its not! I saw him! I fought him! Scarlet saw him! " he replied, everyone was looking at us as if we had grown three heads,
"Detention Mr. Potter- " but Harry cut her off,
"So apparently Cedric died by his own accord? " Harry asked, she sucked in a breath before smiling,
"Cedric Diggory's death was a mere accident " she replied, at this point my hair was a flaming red, I stood up and looked at her, fire in my eyes, she gasped and stepped back,
"Bullshit! you know Cedric didn't die by accident, it was murder! even a lunatic would know that! now I don't know what you're hiding you old hag but don't you dare disrespect Cedric's death by saying that it was nothing but a mere accident!"
I yelled, my hair on fire as I boiled in the room, students looked at me in shock, not expecting me to explode like this,
"Enough! detention Mr. Potter, you to Ms. Black, in my office" she replied, I glared at her as I sat down at my desk and just stared at it as I felt peoples stares on me for the rest of the period.

By the end of the day I had cooled down, but I was not looking forward to going to detention to see toad face again,
at least Harry will be with me, so that I wont die from the toad's ugliness, as we both arrived at her office we knocked on the door and walked inside, there we saw that her entire room was pink! pink walls, pink floors, pink sugar that goes in your tea? gross, I feel sorry for the pictures that have to see this everyday, all day, Harry and I sat down as Umbridge took a seat across from us, handing us a piece of paper and a quill, but with no ink? ok either this lady is as blind as a bat or she's just all kinds of crazy,
Good evening, Mr. Potter, Ms Black. Sit. You're going to be doing some lines for me today. Now, I want you to write "I must not tell lies." " I bit my lip trying not to say anything back to her as Harry looked up,
"How many times? " he asked threw gritted teeth, she smirked,
"As many times until it......sinks in " she replied, walking away. I looked down at my desk and realized that we didn't have any ink to write with our pens.
"There's no ink " I stated,
"Oh you wont be needing any " she replied, walking back to get something, I looked down and began to write " I must not tell lies" after about the third line I felt a stinging sensation on my left hand, I tried to ignore it but it became to painful to
bear, I looked over at my had and gasped lightly as I saw the words forming on my hand as I realized that my blood was on the paper, I looked over and saw that Harry had realized it too, we looked at each other as I tried not to cry, my hair was slowly turning blue from sadness and pain, he gave me a look as if to be strong and I nodded, then I saw a shadow loom over me, I looked up and saw Her looking at me with a grin on her face,
"Something wrong? " I shook my head along with Harry, she smirked,
That's right. Because you know, deep down, that you both deserve to be punished, don't you Mr. Potter? Ms. Black? Go on. " she replied while walking back to her desk, I sighed and looked back down, continuing to write as the words suck in deeper in my skin, causing my eyes to glaze over with tears.

I opened up the portrait as I clutched my hand to my chest as tears fell from my eyes, my hair blue from the roots, Harry was holding me
trying to comfort me as we walked threw, we looked up and saw that Hermione, Alexis, Fred, George, Dean and........Seamus were still
downstairs waiting for us, once my friends saw me crying they all ran towards us,
"Scar what happened?!" Alexis asked, all I did was shake my head and walk past them, heading up to my room,
"Scar, Scar wait " I heard Seamus say, I tried to walk faster but he turned me around, grasping my bad hand, I yelped and pulled back,
everyone looked down at my hand as I took it back, they all gasped,
"Scar, what happened to you? " Hermione asked, I sighed, quickly wiping away my tears.
"Umbridge did this to Harry and I during detention, she-she cursed the quill that she gave us to write" I whispered, they gasped as
Seamus growled,
"Why didn't you tell us?" I looked at him,
"Oh and since when did you care huh? I thought that you thought that I was crazy? and a liar? you probably think I did this my self since I'm such an attention seeker" I replied back coldly before looking back at
Hermione, she sighed,
"You guys need to tell Dumbledore about this " she said, Harry and I shook our heads,
"What's he going to do? he cant go up against the ministry" I replied, Harry nodded,
"Yeah and besides, he's way to busy anyway " Harry finishes, Hermione was about to talk when I looked at her,
"No Hermione, even you know Dumbledore cant do anything about it" she shut her mouth as soon as I said that and sighed while nodding her head, Seamus shook his head as I turned around,
"No, No, No there has to be another way, I never thought you would give up Scar " I turned around and got in his face,
"Don't you dare call me that Finnigan! only my friends call me Scar! and do you really think any of us can do anything?" He didn't reply
"Yeah didn't think so, so don't you dare say anything you bastard! I don't even know why you're down here! its not like anyone asked for you to be here and wait for us!" I replied as my hair turned red with each word I said, I then turned around and fled upstairs, leaving everyone dumbfounded once again.  

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