Chapter 6- Nicholas Flamel

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  We were all sitting in the great hall, I was starving as usual but Harry wouldn't eat anything. Kirsten walked
over and sat beside us,

" Take a bit of toast " Harry looked at Kirsten and shook his head before looking back down at the table.

" Kirsten's right Harry you're going to need your strength today " I added, Harry looked at me before taking a little bit of his toast, then dropping it on his plate.
" I'm not hungry. " before anyone could protest prof. Snape walked over to us; I wonder what he wants.
" Good luck today Potter, Then again now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you...even if it is against Slytherin. " he then smirked and walked away. But, he was odd.
" That explains the blood " I looked at Harry who was staring at Snape's leg.,
" Blood? " I asked; he looked at us.
" Listen, last night I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3 headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping " I looked at him as if he was crazy,
" But why would anyone go near that dog? " Hermione asked; Harry looked at her.
" The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts business, very secret " I looked at him,
" So you're saying... " he looked at me,
" That's what the dog's guarding. That's what Snape wants " before I could say anything, we all heard a sudden screech from above,
we all looked up and realized that it was an owl, Harry's owl, but he's carrying something quite large,
" Bit early for mail, isn't it? " I asked, Harry looked at me in shock.
" But I-I never get mail. " then the large parcel dropped on top of Harry, we all looked at it.
" Let's open it " Ron stated; we all nodded and opened it with Harry, and inside was a broomstick. A Nimbus 2000 to be exact.
"It's a broomstick!" Cried Harry; Kirsten looked at him.
"That's not just any broomstick Harry, It's a Nimbus 2000! " Harry was shocked, I would've been too.
"But who.... " he then stopped and stared at someone, I looked over and realized it was McGonagall, oh that sneaky gal.
Turning back aound we convinced Harry to eat the rest of his toast; hopefully Gryffindor wins this game so that he can stop worrying so much.


We were all waiting for the Quidditch game, Ron looked quite impatient.
looking up I saw them fly out from somewhere above us.
underneath, they all surrounded the middle of the field in the air in a circle, Mdam Hootch walked out in the middle of the field with a quaffle in her hands.
" Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you. " she looked at the Slytherin team when she said that, oh Madam Hootch,
did you think they would ever play fair? let alone clean?. She threw the quaffle up in the air and they started the game.

" The Quaffle is released...and the game begins! " We watched as Gryfindor had the Quaffle; speeding towards the nets. A girl with long brown hair in a ponytail had it and before I knew it she scored!
"Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor! " we all cheered as she flew around with her fist in the air, this continues
on for another minute or two before we get another goal from a girl named Katie Bell.
" Katie Bell Another 10 points to Gryffindor! " I cheered, but then someone from the Slytherin team, I think his name was
Flint took the Bludger and whacked it against Wood's head. He fell off his broom and plummeted to the ground head first into the sand. Before anyone could react we saw Harry up above, and
it looked like something was happening to his broom,
"What's happening to Harry's broomstick? " I asked; Hermione took a closer look and gasped. Pointing at one of the bleachers I see Snape looking up at Harry; not breaking eye contact.
"It's Snape, he's jinxing Harry's broomstick! " I nodded in agreement; realizing that was she was saying is true. Kirsten looked at Hermione,
"Jinxing the broom?! what do we do? " Hermione held up her wand,
"Leave it to me " She then walked out of sight, we waited as we watching Harry slowly slipping,
"Come on Hermione! " We both say in sync; looking over at the other bleacher, we saw that a part of it had caught on fire. Wow, didn't know
you had it in you Hermione. Looking back up, Harry was back on his broom and was zooming off towards the Golden snitch. It shined in the air; and moved so quick that it was hard to catch up to it.
" YEAH GO HARRY!! "We screamed; Harry stands up on his broom in order to get closer to the snitch; what are you thinking Harry?! he tries to grab the Golden Snitch but he falls off; hitting the ground. Good thing it was only a 2-3 foot drop. He got up but he didn't look too good,
"It looks like he's going to be sick! " Hagrid yelled; Harry begins to choke something up; spitting it out we saw that it was the Golden Snitch! Harry holds it up proudly in the air,
" He's got the Snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch! Gryiffindor wins! " we all scream
and cheer, well, except the Slytherin's, besides Kirsten of course,

We were walking with Hagrid. Harry wanted to tell Hagrid how we think Snape cursed Harry's wand. It wasn't going over very well.
" Nonsense! why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broomstick? "
" Who knows. Why was he trying to get past that 3 headed dog on Halloween? " Harry asked; Hagrid's eyes widened.
" who told you about Fluffy? "
" Fluffy? " I chocked
" That thing has a name? " Hermione added
" Well, of course he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore
to guard the- " he stopped,
" Yes? " We all said in sync;
" Shouldn't of said that, don't ask anymore questions, that top secret that is "
" But Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snapes trying to steal it! " Ron stated; Hagrid stopped walking
" Prof. Snape is a Hogwarts teacher! " Kirsten scoffed,
" Hogwarts teacher or not. I know a curse when I see one. I've read all about them. You have to keep eye contact. And Snape
wasn't blinking "
"Exactly " Hermione and I agreed; Hagrid narrowed his eyes.
" Now, you listen to me, all five of you. You're meddlin' in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Prof. Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel " wait.
" Nicholas Flamel? " I repeated;he looked at me wide eyed,
" I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that. I should not have said that. " then Hagrid leaves, poor guy, cant even keep a secret when under pressure,
" Nicholas Flamel......Who's Nicholas Flamel? " I asked while looking at Harry,
" I don't know " he replied; we then walked back to our dormitories to think this over.

I was watching Harry and Ron as they played wizards chess, I was on Harry's side and Kirsten was on Ron's side, as Harry
was making a move I saw something moving behind Kirsten, I looked behind her only to see Malfoy staring at Kirsten, I smirked.
" Hey Kirsten? " she looked at me,
" Yeah? " I laughed while pointing behind her,
" You have a stalker " she looked behind her and groaned, but then she smirked and pointed behind me,
" Seems that you do as well " I looked behind me and sure enough I saw Seamus staring at me, he saw me staring and blushed
while looking away, I giggled and turned back around, my cheeks lightly pink.
" Oh he's so cute " she gasped and looked at me, I looked at her,
"What? " she pointed at my hair,
" Your hair, its......Orange " I looked at it and it was!
" Haha yeah it gets like that when I'm excited " she was confused, oh I guess I haven't told her yet.
" oh I'm a Metamorphmagus its when I can change the largest things like my gender, to the smallest things like my
hair color, only, my hair changes with my mood " she nodded,
" Wicked " I laughed as I saw Hermione walk in, she looked over at Ron's game and gasped,
" That's totally barbaric! " Ron looked at her,
" That's wizard's chess." Ron looks down at Hermione's luggage.
"I see you've packed. " He stated; she looked at him with a frown.
" See you haven't " She replied;he made another move before looking at her,
" Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragon's there! " she nodded her head in approval.
" Good. You can help Harry and Scarlet then. They're going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel " We both looked at her
" We've looked a hundred times! " Harry groaned; she then leans forward towards us.
" Not in the restricted section...Happy Christmas. " then she walked out and left us, Ron shakes his head,
" I think we have a bad influence on her. " we all nod our heads in agreement as we get up and walk out of the hall; hopefully we'll find this Nicholas Flamel guy soon or she'll have a fit.  

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