Chapter 7- Christmas And More Information On Nicholas Flamel

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I woke up with someone jumping on the bed, I opened my eyes only to find Ron jumping on me,
" Come on Come on wake up, its Christmas! " he then got up and ran out of the bedroom, probably going to wake up Harry,
I walked out and looked down below the railing, I saw loads of presents, Harry came out of his room and stood beside me
while Ron ran downstairs, he grabbed a present and started opening a present then stopped to look at us,
" come on guys come down and open your presents! " Harry's eyes widened,
" I've got presents? " Ron nodded at him as Harry ran downstairs, I laughed and followed behind, I took a present from
Ron's hand and opened it, inside there were a bunch of sweets! I looked up at Ron and hugged him,
" oh thank you so much Ron " his ears turned pink as he hugged me back, I let go and handed him a present, he opened it
and inside were the exact same candy's that he got me, we laughed as we high fived each other, we soon opened all of our
presents, I got a prank book from George and Fred, lots of books from Kirsten and Hermione, a broom from Harry! and a mystery
gift, I opened it and found a necklace inside, it was a silver round necklace and was glass in the middle, it was honestly one of the most prettiest necklaces I have
ever seen, I looked down at the note and started to read,

Your mother left me this in my possession before she died, and now its time that It was
returned to you, use it well.

Well that's odd, I put the necklace on and I felt a little weird but, I didn't take much notice of it, I looked at the
cloak that Harry got and got confused,
" what is that? " I asked, he looked at me,
" it seems to be some sort of cloak " Ron looked at him,
" well, put it on then, let see it " so Harry got up and put the cloak on, but his body disappeared!,
" whoa! " Harry looked down and his eyes widened,
" My body's gone! " Ron then realized something,
" I know what that is, that's an invisibility cloak! " Harry looked down once again,
" I'm invisible? " he then spun around, it was quite funny since he looked like a floating head, I found your head Mr. Headless Horsemen!,
" they're really rare, who gave it to you? " Ron asked, while looking at Harry in shock, Harry took the cloak off and took a note off of the floor,
" I don't know, it just said 'use it well' " wait that's what mine said!,
" I got a note just like that for this necklace! " they looked at me,
" well, does yours do anything? " I looked at them,
" I don't kn-" I got cut off when I suddenly saw something in my head, a vision? I saw Fred and George coming, I came back when
Harry touched my shoulder,
" Scarlet, are you ok? " I looked at him and quickly took the cloak from him and hid it under the couch,
" hey! what are you doing! " he tried to get it but I held him and Ron back,
" hold on Fred and George are coming" they looked at me as if I went mental,
" what are you talking about- " Ron was cut off when Fred and George ran through the door laughing, Ron and Harry
looked at me, eyes widened once again, the twins quickly ran upstairs and into their room, Ron looked at me,
" how did you know that they were coming? " Harry nodded in agreement, I looked down and grabbed my necklace,
" I think it was this necklace, once I put it on I had some sort of vision that they were coming so I hid the cloak so they couldn't see it " their eyes widened,
" wicked " then Harry realized something,
" wait when you zoned out and had your vision, that necklace turned a bright blue " Ron nodded in agreement,
" yeah and your eyes turned blue as well " I gasped, it did? cool! I looked at them and smiled,
" well no matter how cool this is I am starving, lets go get some food " they both nodded as we walked out of the room and
towards the Great Hall.

Harry and I were in the restricted section, trying to find Nicholas Flamel, Harry picked up a book, my necklace told me that
something bad would happen,
" Harry no! " but it was too late, he opened it and a large scream filled the quiet library, he closed it and put it back quickly,
" Who's there?! " oh shit! its Filch! Harry and I looked at each other before grabbing the invisibility cloak, which
caused our lantern to fall and break on the desk,
" I know you're in there. You can't hide. " we put on the cloak and slowly walked around Filch, meanwhile his cat Mrs. Norris
was staring at us the whole time, now that's all kind of creepy.
" Who is it? Show yourself! " we get to the door and run out, after a while we stop, breathless, we walk around a corner
and saw Snape and Prof. Quirrel in the hall, Snape had Prof. Quirrel up against the wall,
" Seaverus...I-I thought that... " Snape squeezed Quirrel tighter,
" you don't want me as your enemy, Quirrel " wow he looked upset,
" W-what do you m-mean? " something wasn't right about Prof. Quirrel, I don't know what, but I was going to find out,
" You know perfectly well what I mean " I slowly backed away but stepped on Harry causing him to gasp, Snapr turned
around and looked where we were standing, he held out his hand and almost grabbed us but Harry grabbed me and pulled
back, Snape looked confused but turned back at Quirrel and the glare was back on his face,
" We'll have another chat soon...when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie. " all of a sudden Filch came around the corner, shit,
he held up our lantern,
" Oh, Professors. I found this, in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed. " oh god, they all
run off, we need to hide and fast!,
" follow me " Said Harry as he found a door, we ran in and closed it behind us, we took the cloak off and sighed, but when we looked
up, we both saw a mirror, we walked over to it and stood in front of it, I saw my parents! I guess Harry did too,
" Mom? " we both said in sync, then we looked to our right,
" Dad? " and it nodded at us, we both smiled and sat down, just looking at what was in front of us. Though, the picture
of my parents were blurred so I couldn't see their faces, but I didn't care, not one bit.

Christmas was over, and classes were starting again, we were all in the library as Hermione looked for some book with
Kirsten, finally they both come back and Hermione drops a huge book in front of us,
" I had you looking in the wrong section! How could I be so stupid? I checked this out a few weeks ago for a bit of light reading. "
Harry and Ron looked at her like she was crazy,
" this is light? " Hermione gave Ron a look before flipping threw the pages until stopping on one particular page,
" Of course! Here it is! ' Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker for the Philosopher's Stone! " Ron looked at her,
" the what? " I looked at them,
" Honestly, don't you two read? "The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal." I continued reading but was stopped by Ron,
" Immortal? " Kirsten looked at him,
" it means you'll never die " he scowled at her,
" I know what it means! " which caused him to get shushed by Harry, Hermione looked at him for a second before
she continued to read,
" The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 665th birthday!" "That's what Fluffy's guarding on the 3rd floor. That's what's under the trapdoor...the Philosopher's Stone! " we all looked at each other,
" you know what this means right? " we all looked at Kirsten,
" what? " Ron asked, she looked at him,
" it means that we're going to go get that stone! " Ron looked at her,
" are you mad! we nearly got killed by that three headed dog the last time and now you want us to go back?
besides, Snape is already one step ahead of us, what if he gets the stone before us? " she looked at all of us before
" I guess we'll just have to get to the stone first before him"  

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