The End of Snape

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All you could hear was the clicking of Harry and I's footsteps as we sped walked down the hallway; you could see students running the opposite direction towards their dorms so they could go back home. Anyone who was under year 5 wasn't allowed to participate in the war. I still cringe when I even think of that word; I knew it was coming; we all did. I just didn't expect it to be now.
"Harry do you even know where we're trying to look for this diadem?" Harry looked back before shaking his head as we came to some spiraling stairs that lead up to the Ravenclaw common room.
"Harry! Scar!" we stopped running and turned around only to see Luna running up to us
"Harry the diadem, it hasn't been found for centuries"
"Look Luna we really don't have time for-"
"And only a person who would've been here centuries ago would know where it is" a light bulb went off in my head
"Luna you're a genius!" I exclaimed; she smiled softly.
"But who is still here that lived centuries ago?" I asked
"Helga Ravenclaw of course! She's usually down the hall on the left beside the dormitories" then Luna ran away after saying this; leaving us alone once again. Harry and I looked at each other before running off back up the steps towards the hall. We ran around the corner to an opening where we saw someone hovering in the middle; watching as students ran by. She had a frown on her face.
"Helga Ravenclaw" she looked over at us before floating away; we ran after her as she flew faster.
"Wait! Please we just need to know where the diadem is!" she stopped suddenly as Harry and I ran threw her.
"What is your business with it; don't you know it's been lost for centuries?" she said blankly.
"Yes but we were hoping you would know where it is" Harry replied; she turned around and faced us now. Hands put together in front of her with a frown still on her face.
"I can't be certain if you're going to use it for good or not"
"We're trying to defeat you-know-who" I exclaimed; she turned to me.
"Use it to defeat or use it to help" she replied; I sighed. How the hell are we going to convince her?
"Luna Lovegood sent us here; she thought you would be of help" her face turned angry
"She is naive to think I would be any help!" she then frowned once more before turning around to leave.
"Please Helga; if you really love this school; all the teacher and students. You would help us find where the diadem is" I whispered softly; she wouldn't turn around and kept floating away.
"The diadem is in a place where things are hidden" she said suddenly and then she was gone. Harry looked over at me in frustration,
"How the hell are we supposed to figure out where the diadem is now? Some help" he crossed his arms and began to walk out before realizing that I wasn't following.
"Where things are hidden....where things are...that's it!"
"The place where things are hidden! Where is a place you know of that you can only find if you really look?" I asked; his face went blank before lighting up.
"The Room of Requirement!" we both smiled before running down the hall and turning the corner; I looked back and saw Helga looking at us; she watched me and softly smiled before disappearing.
I followed behind Harry as we ran down the halls, by now death eaters roamed the halls, attacking students and teachers as they fought. So many bodies were left on the floor; dead. I had to look away before I puked; I couldn't stand too look at their pained faces; the last thing they felt before they died. We finally made it in the middle of the hallway near the Great Hall as the walls began to shake a bit before a door was formed in front of us. We both looked at each other before opening the door.
"Harry! Scar!" we looked over and saw Ron, Hermione and Alexis; but Hermione and Ron were drenched.
"What the hell happened to you two?" I asked; casting a spell to make them dry again.
"We'll explain later; did you find the diadem?" Hermione said; walking in the ROR with us; we shook our heads.
"No but we know that it's in here somewhere" I replied; we all looked around and saw that there were things stacked up to the ceiling everywhere. There were so many things that have been dumped here over the years. It's going to take us hours before we could even make a dent in our search. We all sighed
"Well now what?" Ron asked
"We start looking, it's got to be here somewhere" Harry replied; everyone began to search except for me.
"Um guys?" I crossed my arms as they looked over at me
"What?" I sighed at them before taking my wand out from my boot
"Accio Diadem" looks of realization came on their faces as a tiara zoomed towards me; catching it in my hand I held it up in front of them as Hermione put it in her bag.
"Potter" I heard behind us; we all turned around and saw Draco standing behind us with his wand out along with Goyle and Blaze by his side.
"Malfoy" Harry replied

"Draco!" Alexis exclaimed; he looked at her for a second; pain in his eyes before looking back at Harry. Alexis frowned when she was ignored.
"What do you want?" Harry asked
"Just my wand Potter" Draco replied.
"What's wrong with the one you have" Harry asked; quirking an eyebrow and crossing his arms.
"It's mother's, it's nice but it doesn't...connect with me you know?" Draco smirked as he pointed his wand towards us; as we take ours out as well. What has gotten into him?
"You're not getting it back" Draco's smirk fell as a glare replaced it
"You'll regret saying that" was his only reply before he shot a spell at us; we all dodged as Harry shot one right back at them; the other two began to run away as Draco shot one last spell; almost hitting Hermione.
"Hey! That's my girlfriend you prick!" Ron exclaimed; running after the three. Alexis and I looked over at Hermione as she blushed and looked down. We looked up when we heard a yell as Ron ran back towards us.
"Goyle's got the whole bloody place on fire!" he yelled before grabbing Hermione's hand and running the opposite way along with Alexis. Suddenly, I saw a light flash towards us as a dragon made out of flames came.
"Oh shit!" I yelled, being pulled back by Harry as we followed Hermione, Ron, and Alexis. Soon, we became trapped.
"What now?" Alexis asked; Hermione took out her wand and casted a safe charm on us; though it won't last forever.
"Great! But how are we going to get out of here? This won't last forever" Harry exclaimed; I looked over and saw a couple of brooms lying around as I picked one up.
"We'll fly our way out" I replied; getting on one as I hovered in the air; soon everyone had one as Hermione lifted the spell and flew off with us. We soon the saw the door come into view but heard a scream. I looked over and saw Draco, Blaise and Goyle on top of one of the piles; trying to get away from the fire. Goyle slipped off and went down into it as we heard him scream before the flames engulfed him. I gasped and looked at Harry
"We need to save them" I said; flying over to where they were; I reached out and grabbed Draco's hand and hoisted him on my broom as I looked back and saw Harry do the same to Blaise. We flew towards the door and Ron shut them behind us as the ground shook when an explosion took place on the other side. We were all breathing heavily on the floor while Draco and Blaise got up and ran down the hall. Draco stopped before looking at me; nodded his head in thanks before looking at Alexis who was just getting up herself and disappeared.
"Harry!" I looked over and saw him holding his head; I quickly ran to his side and knelled down in front of him
"Harry fight it, get into his mind. Don't let him win" I repeated myself as sweat began to build on his forehead before he slumped against the wall. He looked up at us and smirked

"I know where he is"

"So you're telling me that he's going to be in the forest at that boathouse?" Hermione asks; Harry nodded as we walked towards the boat house. It was white and blue and had old wooden doors attached to it. We saw a light flash in front of us. Causing us to over our eyes before Snape and Voldemort appeared. We quickly ducked behind a bush as we watched them go inside the boathouse. We all looked at each other before sneaking towards it; stopping just under the window and listening in.
"You've been very loyal to me Severus. A true death eater"
"My lord"
"But there's one problem; you now hold possession of my wand; and the only way I can get it back is if-"
"But My lord please I-"
"I'm sorry Severus but I need my wand back"
They bickered back and forth for a couple of minutes before it went silent. Then, you could hear the sound of a hiss; the sound only a snake would make. We looked towards the ground and saw the shadows of the snake and Snape. It headed towards Snape and attacked him. You could hear shouts of pain from Snape. We watched as the snake repeatedly bit Snape before a gurgling sound was made and the shadow of Snape went limp against the wall. I put a hand to my mouth as I looked away; grabbing onto Alexis' hand.
"Sorry Severus, you really were a loyal servant to me" We heard Voldemort chuckle. We then heard footsteps before a zap was heard. Voldemort was gone. We quickly got up and ran in the boathouse; seeing Snape lying against the wall still alive.
"Potter" he whispered as Harry ran over
"The tears" he whispered; pointing towards his face weakly. Harry looked towards us,
"Hermione hand me a vile quick!" Hermione nodded and looked in her pack before handing Harry one as he caught the rest of Snape's tears. After; he put them in his pocket. Snape softly smiled at him and nodded in thanks.
"You get this a lot but you look exactly like your father have your mother's eyes" Harry smiled and nodded along with him as Snape suddenly began to cough. Harry put a hand on his shoulder as he stopped coughing and looked at Harry one last time.
"Thank you" Snape said; before closing his eyes and taking his final breath as he died right there in the boathouse. I turned away with tears streaming down my face while Harry slowly got up and walked over to us. We all group hugged and looked at Snape before walking out towards the Castle.
Looks like Snape wasn't all bad after all.

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