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19 years later...
"Come on Teddy hurry! You don't want to miss the train on your first day!" I yelled; grabbing my Godson's wrist and running faster so that we were almost at the brick between 9 and 10.
"I'm going as fast as I can Scarlet" He replied; gripping tightly onto his luggage. I looked behind Teddy for a split second; seeing Seamus holding onto Teddy's cage that held a Barn owl inside. It's big brown eyes watched us as we ran.
We stopped in front of the brick and quickly looked around before walking threw it; on the other side was the same rustic train that I used to go on with my friends; I smiled at the thought of it.
"Okay Teddy here's Moony; don't lose him" Seamus handed the owl over to Teddy; he had named the bird after his father; they were so much alike; in more ways than one.
"I know Seamus; you've told me a dozen times already" Teddy rolled his eyes while taking his bird; walking over to the luggage guy he put all of his things inside before walking back over to us.
"You nervous?" I asked; wrapping an arm around his shoulder
"A bit" he replied, he tensed up at the thought of it.
"Don't worry you'll be fine; you'll make lots of friends. Besides; you have Albus" I stated;
"What if I'm put in Slytherin?" he asked
"So what? In the end it's just a house" Seamus replied; Teddy shook his head
"I heard that all of the Death Eaters and people who are eventually going to go to Azkaban go in Slytherin. I also heard that they're all mean and hate anyone who isn't in their house"
"And who told you that?" I asked
"Well James is just playing tricks on you; it doesn't matter what house you're in. There's people in every house who are just as bad" Seamus stated.
"Like who?" he asked; not believing it.
"My dad" I replied; his eyes widened
"I didn't know Sirius went to Azkaban" by now his eyes were like saucers; I chuckled.
"Well don't you worry much about it; besides I think I see Harry and Ginny" I said; pointing over at them; I saw Lily, James and Albus walking with them.
"Hey guys!" I yelled waving them over; I dropped my arm around Teddy's shoulder to hug Harry and Ginny.
"How have you guys been? How was your summer?" I asked
"Pretty good; went to see Mr. and Mrs. Weasley for a couple of weeks."
"Good! How are they?" I asked; we continued to talk for a few minutes until we saw Hermione and Ron. With them we saw Rose; their daughter. Right away James ran over and they whispered to one another about their summer. I was happy that they were close. 
"Hey guys! How was your summer?" Hermione asked; hugging us all. I hugged Ron next and he shook hands with Seamus as well.
"Good, good" looking behind me I saw Draco and Alexis. I waved them over and I saw their son Scorpious with them. After we all reunited we heard the train whistle; signaling that it was time to board.
"Have fun Teddy; don't cause too much trouble okay? I don't need to have a letter saying you've blown up the toilets or something" I chuckled at my own joke; but Teddy didn't, in fact he looked really nervous. I frowned at him; I knelled down and put both hands on his shoulders.
"Hey what's wrong?" I asked; he refused to look up at me but sighed.
"Are you still nervous about being put in Slyterin?" I asked again; he nodded.
"I just don't want to let you down"
"Teddy you won't let us down; a house doesn't define who you are"
"But what if I don't fit in? What if people think of me as a freak? What if I have no friends?" I chuckled.
"Teddy you're thinking too hard about this; you'll find friends and you'll be in the house that's meant for you so you will fit in."
"But-" I cut him off
"Look Teddy; I'll let you in on a little secret" he nodded; wanting me to go on.
"If there's a house that you want to be in; the sorting hat will let you choose" his eyes widened
"Really; Harry wasn't supposed to be in Gryffindor. The hat almost put him in Slytherin" I said; he gasped.
"I didn't know" I laughed
"So don't worry Teddy; you'll get to choose the house if you really think you'll be put in Slytherin"
"Do you think dad would be happy if I was in Slytherin?" my heart ached when he asked about Remus; knowing that he would never know his father and his mom still hurt me. I know they would've loved him; I looked up as saw that his hair was beginning to turn white. He got that from Tonks; it's quite funny when he gets angry and his hair turns red. He gets even angrier when it does.
"Teddy...your dad is already proud of you; I know it" he smiled and gave me a hug; I felt my heart swell as my hair turned a light yellow. The whistle blew once more as I stood up and grabbed Teddy's hand; I watched as his hair turned back from white to brown once more.
"Come on before it leaves" I said; we walked to the train door and he walked inside; before they closed the doors he stopped and turned around at me
"I'll miss you" he said; his hair turned yellow; I knew that he was happy again.
"I'll miss you to Teddy; but you'll see us at Christmas" he nodded and left. I saw him get in a compartment along with Albus and Rose. He opened the window and stuck his head out as the train began to move,
"I love you!" I smiled; tears forming in my eyes as I waved.
"I love you too!" I replied; he waved back and went back in the compartment; closing the window along with it. Arms made their way around my waist; I knew immediately that it was Seamus.
"Don't worry love; we'll see him at Christmas; just like you said" he whispered; ticking my neck when his breath brushed against it. I only nodded; loving the feeling of his arms wrapped around me.
"Do you think he'll have fun there? Just like we did?" I asked; turning around to face him; his arms tightened.
"Of course; who knows maybe he'll take a liking to Quittach" I laughed
"I doubt it; he's too much like Remus to ever like Quittach" I replied; he smiled before leaning down and kissing me on the lips. They lingered for a moment before we pulled away.
I put my head on his chest; looking at the diamond ring he had just given me last week; I smiled at the thought.

1 week earlier

"Seamus where are you taking me?" I giggled; walking down the street with a Purple dress and heels. Seamus had told me that he was going to take us out but until now he didn't tell me anything else.
"You'll see Scar; so impatient" he teased; wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Oh whatever; you know how I get" I replied with a chuckle. We stopped in front of a restaurant; the sign read
'Aurora' on the building. We walked inside towards the front as we saw a woman with red hair; green eyes and the regular uniform that they wore.
"Hello welcome to Aurora; may I help you?" she had a think Irish accent so it was hard to understand her at first.
"Table for two; reserved for Seamus Finnigan" she looked down at her notes before nodding.
"Follow me" walking to a booth at the back; we sat down and took the menus from the lady; already looking through. 40$ for chicken strips? I don't even want to look at the price of the steaks.
"So what do you want to eat? It's my treat"
"Seamus the food is pretty pricey" he chuckled
"We never treat ourselves so I think we deserve a nice meal" I slowly nod; looking back down at the menu I finally decide on a Steak with garlic mashed potatoes. The waitress came back and took our orders; taking our menus she walked away. Now all we had to do was wait.
In the meantime Seamus and I talked about everything and anything; I was laughing so hard my sides were in pain. As we talked I looked around; realizing how fancy this place was. Large chandlers were hanging above the ceiling; some fireplaces were spread out; keeping the place warmer than it already was outside. They had painted the room a burgundy red; making it seem more romantic; and you could hear some music in the back being played.
"Steak with garlic mashed potatoes" the waitress said; handing me my food. I smiled at her in thanks as she gave Seamus his.
We ate in silence; but it was a good silent. I never knew how much I needed a night out until Seamus brought me here.
"Why did you really bring me here Seamus? There has to be a reason why you brought me somewhere so fancy?" he chuckled but looked nervous. Getting up from his seat he came over; I saw that he had a small box in his hand.
Then he got down on one knee; my hands went to my mouth.
"Scar; I've known you since the first day at Hogwarts; and I've loved you since then. When I'm with you, you make me a better person. I love your smile, your laugh, the way you talk. You make me happy. I'm not very good with these things but what I'm trying to say is...Scarlet Elizabeth Jones Black will you marry me?"
I started crying. I was so shocked, and happy, and excited. My hair turned from yellow, to pink, to purple, to orange and all over again. I nodded as I got up and dropped to the floor; hugging him tightly.
I sighed at the memory; breathing in his scent I smelt mint and cologne. Holding him tighter I felt him do the same.
"Let's go home" Seamus said; I nodded in agreement. We let go from the hug but he immediately grabbed my hand after. I smiled and gripped it back.
"I love you Seamus" he looked over and smiled big as he leaned over and kissed my cheek; causing my cheek to redden.
"I love you too Scar" He replied; the both of us smiled.
And as Scarlet and Seamus walked threw the brick wall; leaving the platform; Her mother was looking down at her; smiling because she knew that she was finally with someone who would make her happy.
"You will always be loved; my little Midnight"
Almost like a whisper; you could hear her voice. Though she wasn't there; Scarlet could immediately hear her; and smiled because she was right.
And looking up at Seamus; she gripped his hand tighter in hers. She put her head on his shoulder and they walked out of the station together. She looked down at her necklace that still hung around her neck and saw that it was glowing a bright pink. Looking up at the sky she smiled,
Though she couldn't see her mother she could still feel her love
And you should treasure that always.

The Day He Stole My Heart *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now