Chapter 2- New Enemey

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I felt pain, the pain was so painful that I just stayed on the ground for a few minutes before finally opening my eyes, I slowly sat
up and looked around, everything was scorched black, I saw dead bodies lying on the ground, I saw tents that were burnt to a crisp.
For a second I thought that I was the only one there alive until I saw something shoot up in the sky, it was the same image that I saw
in my vision, the same skull with the stupid snake coming out of its mouth. I looked over and saw that a man had conjured it from his wand about 10 feet from me. I quickly crawled behind a burnt tent so he wouldn't see me. I peaked my head out and watched him put his wand back in his pocket; quickly look around and run away. Weird.
I shook my head as I slowly got off the ground and dusted myself off, my vision was blurry when I got up as I grabbed my head while the world spun around me for a second; I stumbled before I gained my balance again.

I looked around, it was quiet, too quiet. I gripped my arms tightly together as I began to walk around; slightly watching the image in the sky at the corner of my eye. Suddenly I heard my name being called,
"Scar! " I heard Hermione yell, I looked behind me and saw Harry, Hermione and Ron running towards me, they stopped in front of
me as Hermione hugged me,
"We were so worried, we couldn't find you and- " I cut her off,
" I'm fine Hermione" I replied while hugging her back, she smiled and let go,
"We were looking for ages though, we thought we lost you Scar " Ron said, I smiled and shook my head,
"Don't be silly-" but I was cut off as Harry threw us on the ground, I looked up just in time to see a spell go by and just miss my ear.
"Stop! that's my son! " I heard Mr. Weasley yell, he ran over to us and stood in front of us,
"Are you kids alright? " he asked, we all nodded,
"Which of you conjured this? " I heard the man ask, we all looked where he was pointing and I saw the same image still in the sky,
"What? we didn't do that, we didn't do any of this " I exclaimed, the man shook his head,
"Do not lie! you have been discovered at the scene of the crime! " he yelled, I scowled at him,
" Don't blame this on us! we're only 14 years old, how the hell do you think we managed to do all this damage you old hag! " I
was about to get up to beat the shit out of this dirt bag but I was held back by my friends,
"Crime? what crime exactly? " Harry asked,
"Harry? that mark in the sky? that's his mark " Hermione whispered to him, oh wait, his mark, Voldemort.
"Wait so the guys who were wearing those black masks were his followers? " I asked, everyone nodded their heads at me,
"But what about the man? " I asked, they all looked at me,
"A man? " Mr. Weasley asked, I nodded,
"Yeah, the man who made that image in the sky " I said, pointing at the skull and snake, suddenly the man who accused us grabbed
me by the shoulders,
"Who?! what did this man look like?! " he asked, as he basically shook me around like a rag doll,
"Hey! let go dude this is a new shirt! " I yelled, trying to get out of his grasp.
"What did this man look like! tell me! " the man demanded,
"I don't know! I didn't see his face! " I exclaimed, he looked at me for a few seconds before dropping me, I tripped and fell on the ground,
okay, now I'm pissed,
"HEY! " I yelled as I saw him walking away, he stopped and looked at me,
"You have no right to not only accuse us of committing a crime! but also to just drop me on the ground like I'm noting! now get your fucking ass over here and you help me up like the little bitch you are! or I swear I- " but I was cut off when Harry covered my mouth and
Mr. Weasley picked me up and carried me off into the woods,
"I'm so sorry! she was dropped as a child " Hermione yelled to him,
"What? I was not dropped as a child! he's just being an ass crack! " but because my mouth was covered it sounded like,
"Mbghhk jkbfhdhf lkjjdhv " and the next thing I knew, Mr. Weasley cast a spell on me and everything went black.

Well, its finally time to go back to Hogwarts, Hermione, Kirstin, Ron, Harry and I are all on the train,
"You know I still Don't think you should've reacted like that to that man Scar " Hermione said, I laughed,
"Whatever he was a ass so he deserved to hear it how it is " I replied, suddenly there was a knock on the compartment door, we looked over
and saw that it was the trolley lady,
"Anything from the trolley dears? " she asked, Harry and I nodded while getting up and walking to the trolley, I bought some sugar
quills, I looked over and saw Harry looking at something, or someone. It was a petite girl with black hair and brown eyes.
"Two pumpkin pastries please " the girl asked, she then looked at him and smiled as her friends giggled, he just looked at her as she walked away,
"Anything from the trolley dear? " the lady asked Harry, Harry shook his head,
"Oh um, I'm fine thank you " I giggled and was about to walk back inside the compartment when I was suddenly shoved out of the way
by a girl who had brown hair with highlights in it,
"Watch it! " the girl snarled, I glared at her,
"Why don't you watch yourself you asshole!" I replied, she stopped and turned around,
"What did you just say? " She asked,
" Oh are you deaf? I said watch yourself asshole!" she was suddenly in front of me,
"I would watch what you say, because a goody-two-shoes like yourself could get hurt with saying stuff like that " she replied,
who is this bitch??,
"One, I'm not a goody-two-shoes, and two, I could take you on any day" I replied, we both glared at each other, then I heard Hermione,
"Hey, come on Scar, she's not worth it " Hermione said, the girl chuckled,
"Oh who's this? your mom? she should know not to get involved in things like this or she could get hurt " I growled,
"Keep her out of this or I swear- " she cut me off,
"You'll do what? go to a teacher? yeah cause that's just what weaklings like you would do" I growled,
"Wanna say that again? there's just so much shit coming out of your mouth right now I'd think you'd need to use the toilet" she growled at me and
raised her fist to punch me in the face but she stopped herself,
"You better watch your back, cause this isn't over " she finished before walking away. Good, cause I'm just getting started.  

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