Chapter 10- Time Turner

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I woke up in a white room on a bed, I soon realized that it was the hospital wing, I looked over and saw Hermione, Harry,
Kirsten and Ron. I saw that Ron had a cast on his leg from the wound that my dad gave him, ouch. I then saw that
Harry was waking up,
"Harry? " I asked, Kirsten, Ron and Hermione saw that I was awake and smiled at me before we heard a groan from Harry,
"Harry? " I asked once again,
"I saw my dad " was his answer,
"What? " I asked again,
"He defeated the dementors, he sent them away across the lake. I saw it " he answered, I nodded, I don't think that he would
lie to us about this, especially on his father.
"Harry, Scar they captured Serious, any minute they're going to perform the kiss" Hermione interrupted, I gasped,
"They're going to kill him? " I whispered, Hermione shook her head.
"No. It's worse. Much worse. They're going to suck out his soul. " I gasped, but then the door opened and Dumbledore walked in,
Harry sat up.
"Headmaster, stop them. They've got the wrong man." Harry exclaimed,
"It's true. Sirius is innocent. It's Scabbers who did it. " Hermione continued.
"Scabbers?" Dumbledore asked,
"He's my rat, sir." Ron replied,
"He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat." Ron continued,
"But then they gave him an owl...The point is, we know the truth. " I finished,
"Please believe us." Hermione begged,
"I do, Miss Granger. But the word of 5 13-year-old wizards will convince few others.
A child's voice, however honest and meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen.
Mysterious thing, time. Powerful......and when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower.
You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime.
If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight......more than one innocent life may be spared. "
Dumbledore finished while walking out, wait, if we succeed then one innocent life may be spared?
"Three turns should do it, I think. " Hermione said, causing me to come back to reality. I looked at her and realized that
she was beside my bed with Harry and Kirsten, she took out her time turner and turned it.
"Sorry, Ron, but seeing as you can't walk..." Before she could finish though, we were already gone. We ended up in front of the
castle, and it seemed to be early in the morning,
"What just happened? Where's Ron?" Harry asked,
"7:30. " I replied, Ignoring Harry while looking at my watch,
"Where were we at 7:30?" Hermione asked,
"I don't know. Going to Hagrid's?" Kirsten asked,
"Come on. And we can't be seen. " Hermione said while running off, I was following close behind with Kirsten,
"Hermione! Scar! Kirsten! wait. Hermione, Scar, Kirsten, will you please tell me what it is we're doing? Harry asked, we
were soon in front of a hill where the path led to Hagrid's hut, I saw Hermione and I in Malfoy's face,
You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach! " Hermione yelled while we both put our wands up at him, wow, we look pissed.
"That's us. " Harry whispered,
"Hermione, Scar, no! He's not worth it. " Ron and Harry exclaimed,
"This is not normal. " Harry whispered, Hermione turned around and looked at Harry,
This is a Time-Turner, Harry. McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year. " Hermione explained,
"You mean we've gone back in time?" Harry asked, Hermione nodded.
"Yes. " she replied,
Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment. Clearly, something happened he wants us to change. " I finished,
we all looked over and saw Hermione and I punch Malfoy in the face, ouch, that looked like it hurt.
"Good punch. " Harry praised, we smiled.
"Thanks. " We replied, Kirsten gasped,
"Malfoy's coming. " Kirsten whispered, we all ducked as they ran by, calling us mudbloods in the process.
"That felt good." we heard ourselves say,
"Not good, brilliant. " we heard Ron reply,
"Come on. We should be at Hagrid's. " We heard Harry say, they all ran down the hill towards Hagrid's hut as we followed along
close behind.
We soon ended up at Hagrid's hut, we ran down and hid behind a bunch of pumpkins, I looked over and saw Buckbeak, we're just in time.
"Look. Buckbeak's still alive. " Harry exclaimed, I laughed.
"Of course. Remember what Dumbledore said? If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared. " I said, we all nodded,
"Let's go. " Hermione said, as we were about to stand we saw, Fudge, Dumblefore and the other people that we saw before.
"Here they come. I'd better hurry. " Hermione exclaimed, I stopped her,
"Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free. " I finished, she nodded,
we all sat back and watched them threw the window.
"Scabbers, you're alive! " we heard Ron exclaimed,
"Keep a closer eye on your pet " Hagrid replied,
"That's Pettigrew." Harry growled, trying to get up, but I stopped him before he could.
"Harry, you can't." I whispered,
"He betrayed my parents. You don't expect me to sit here." Harry growled,
"Yes, and you must! " Hermione exclaimed,
"Harry, you're in Hagrid's hut now. If you go bursting in, you'll think you've gone mad.
Awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time. We can't be seen." Kirsten said,
"Fudge is coming. " I whispered,
"And we aren't leaving? Why aren't we leaving? " Kirsten whispered, I looked down and saw a rock, I picked it up and threw it,
it broke threw the window, I was grabbed,
"Are you mad? " Harry whispered, I grabbed another rock and threw it causing it to hit Harry in the head.
"That hurt. " Harry exclaimed, I smiled.
"Sorry. " I replied,
"We're coming out the back door. Go! " Hermione exclaimed, we all ran and hid behind a bunch of trees, soon, we saw ourselves hiding
behind the pumpkin, Hermione looked over,
"Is that really what my hair looks like from the back? " she asked herself, she then stepped on a branch and stepped back when the
other Hermione turned around, the other Ron looked at her,
"What? " Ron asked her,
"I thought I just saw...Never mind. Let's go. " She said, they then ran off towards the hill where they disappeared,
"Okay, go, Harry, Scar, Kirsten. Go! " Hermione whispered, we all ran towards Buckbeak but froze when we saw them walk out of the hut,
"Get away. Get off. Minister, I really think I should sign as well. Yes, very well. Perhaps it would be... " then they closed the door behind
them, Dumbledore knew we were here, smart.
"Okay, Buckbeak. Come quickly. Come with us now. Come on. " I exclaimed, trying to get Buckbeak to move, he wouldn't budge.
"Keep trying. Come on. Quickly. " I heard Hermione say, I grabbed a dead ferret that was on the ground and held it in front of
Buckbeak's face.
"Buckbeak. Okay? Quickly. Hurry up. Okay? " we started walking as Buckbeak followed us,
"Hurry up now, Buckbeak, okay? Come on. Come on, Buckbeak. Come and get the nice dead ferret. Come on. It's here. Come on, Beaky. "
I exclaimed, trying to get it to walk faster, we just got in the forest when we saw the Minister and Dumbledore walk outside,
"Here we are, minister. Follow me. Now, look there. " Hagrid said,
"Where? " Minister asked,
"Look beyond the rocks" Hagrid said,
"What am I supposed to see? " Minister asked, they looked over and gasped, they realized that Buckbeak was gone,
"Where could he be? " Hagrid asked, they all shrugged,
"Well, search the skies, if you must, minister. Meanwhile, I'd like a nice cup of tea or a large brandy.
Oh, executioner, your services are no longer required. Thank you.You'll find no small glasses in this house, professor. " we watched
as the man with the ax held up his ax and slammed it down on a pumpkin in anger.
"Now what?" Harry asked as we ran further back into the forest,
"We save Sirius. " Hermione replied,
"How? " Harry asked,
"No idea. " Hermione replied, we looked over and the wimping willow and saw Lupin run inside,
"Look. It's Lupin." I exclaimed, we stayed there for a few minutes before we saw Snape, I knew he was a stalker,
"And Snape's coming. " Kirsten whispered,
"And now we wait. " I exclaimed,
"And now we wait. " Harry replied, we waited for a while before we saw everyone walk out of the tree, Harry looked at Hermione
and Kirsten,
"You see Sirius talking to Scar and I there? " Harry asked, they nodded,
"He's asking Scar and I to come live with him." Harry replied,
"That's great." Kirsten exclaimed,
When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursleys'. It'll just be me, Scar and him.
We could live in the country......someplace you can see the sky. He'll like that after all those years in Azkaban. " Harry whispered,
soon, we saw the full moon, and Hermione yell,
"Harry! Run! " We saw Hermione yell, we looked at each other,
"Let's go. " I said, we were running when I saw lupin about to attack, I stopped and I howled, Harry pulled me back.
"What are you doing? ' Harry exclaimed,
"Saving your life. " I replied, howling once more before Lupin left us alone,
"Thanks. " Harry said, I nodded, then we saw Lupin running towards us.
"Great. Now he's coming for us. " Kirsten exclaimed,
"Yeah, I didn't think about that. Run! " I yelled, we all took off running, we ran deeper, and deeper in the forest, Kirsten and Hermione
separated from Harry and I as we ran. Ironically Lupin decided to follow us, we ran behind a large tree, we stood as still as possible
until Lupin left. We slowly walked around the tree and I sighed,
"That was so scary. " I whispered, Harry nodded,
"Poor Professor Lupin's having a really tough night. " Harry replied, I nodded before Harry gasped,
"Sirius. Come on! " Harry yelled, grabbing my arm, soon, we ended up in front of the lake where we were before, I
saw that Hermione and Kirsten were here as well, and we walked up to them,
"Don't worry. My dad will come. He'll conjure the Patronus. Any minute now. " Harry said, we waited, as we watched my dad, Harry
and myself get sucked out by the dementors.
"Right there. You'll see. " he said again,
"Harry, listen to me. No one's coming. " Hermione tried to reason with him,
"Don't worry, he will. He will come. " Harry said,
"Dad " I whispered,
"You're dying......both of you. " Kirsten whispered,
"Harry! " I yelled, we both looked at each other before holding up our wands,
"Expecto Patronum! " we both yelled, a big white light came out of our wands as it sent the dementors away. Harry looked at us,
"It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was Scar and I, I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before.
I knew I could do it this time because......well, I had already done it. Does that make sense?" Harry asked, I giggled,
"No. " I replied, we all started laughing then stopped, we all went over to Hermione and stood around her,
"Okay now we need to get Serious, ready? " Hermione asked, we all nodded as we got on Buckbeak and flew to
Hogwart's cells, we all looked over and saw my dad,
"Bombarda! " I yelled, the cell broke as my dad looked up at us, we smiled and walked out towards us and hugged Harry and I super
"I'll be forever grateful for all four of you. " Dad exclaimed,
"I want to go with you." Harry and I exclaimed, Dad smiled,
"One day, perhaps. For some time, my life will be too unpredictable. And're meant to be here." Dad replied, I frowned,
"But you're innocent. " I whispered,
"And you know it. And for now, that will do. I expect you're tired of hearing this......but you look so like your father.
Except your eyes.You have... " Harry interrupted,
"My mother's eyes. " Dad nodded and looked at me,
"And you, Scar, you look so much like you mother, except you hair, you got that from me " I smiled,

"It's cruel that I spent so much time with James, Lily and Annabelle, and you two so little.
But know this: The ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find here. " Dad finished, he then pointed
at our hearts, pointing out that, that's where he will always be, we all smiled.
"We have to go. " I said, he smiled and nodded before hugging us one last time before we watched him fly off into the distance with
"Well? He's free. We did it." Hermione and Kirsten exclaimed, I smiled and nodded along with Harry, we did it, we saved my dad.  

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