Chapter 11- Dumbledore's Death

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Well after that...lovely experience that just happened we all decided to go back to the common room; right now it's just Harry, Hermione, Alexis, Ron and I. Dean and Seamus left to the library for some essay or what not; probably for Snape since he loves giving out more homework for us at the end of the year. We were currently talking about you-know-who when I suddenly became very dizzy. I looked at everyone and realized that I couldn't hear them anymore. I had stopped walking and watched them continue on when everything went dark.
I felt as if I was in mid-air before I opened my eyes and realized that I was falling. I screamed before hitting the floor and groaning in pain; putting a hand on my shoulder while getting up off the floor. I looked around and saw that I was on the Astronomy Tower. Weird. I look around and see that I'm alone....or I thought I was.
"You don't have to do this Draco" I hear Dumbledore speak from behind. I look over and see Draco with his wand pointed towards Dumbledore. He was shaking and looked as if he hadn't slept in days. I look to his right and realized that Bellatrix LeStrange was beside him; whispering things in his ear that caused both Draco and I's eyes to widen.
"Just kill him Draco, it's what the Dark Lord wants" she says while cackling. Draco wouldn't move though, he could only shake while trying to squeak out the killing curse spell.
"Oh for bloody hell if you can't it then I will" Bellatrix sighed while going in front of Draco with her wand pointed straight at Dumbledore; the whole time Dumbledore being calm as ever. Then, Snape walks out from the shadows; gosh this is a bloody train wreck.
"No; the Dark Lord specifically said that Draco was the one to kill him" he said in his regular emotionless voice. Draco still looked panicked while Bellatrix rolled her eyes
"Fine" she replied; dropping her want to the side. They both watched as Draco stepped forward and brought his wand in front of him.
"No" I whispered; though no one could hear me. He shook twice as much now; knowing he had to kill our Headmaster.
"Avada-"he stopped and looked away before looking at Dumbledore straight in the eye.
"Expelliarmus" he shouts; grabbing his wand as it flies into his hands. Snape looked over with an angered expression shown on his face.
"What are you doing Draco?!" he then looked at Dumbledore and pointed his wand.
"Stuplify!" and I watch as our Headmaster is thrown from the tower and towards the ground
"NO!" I scream, running to the edge as I watch his body get flung off the tower; I look down and see him falling.
"DUMBLEDORE!" I shout; he looks over at me before he winks towards me. I shut my eyes tightly when he lands on the ground and feel myself tear up at what just happened. I could faintly hear his bones break; hoping that his death was instant. I open my eyes and move away from the ledge while breathing deeply; I look over and watch as Snape, Bellatrix and Draco all leave; the last thing I see is Draco look over as a tear falls from his eye before I am sucked out again and I'm back in the hall where my friends are waving their hands in front of my face.
"Scar? Your eyes were blue again; what did you see" Harry asked; tears fell from my eyes as I turned around and ran the other way towards the Tower.
"Scar where are you going?!" Ron exclaimed; trying to catch up with me along with everyone else.
"It's Dumbledore; I just watched him die" I replied, my voice cracking. No one else said a word until we go the to the Astronomy Tower. We ran up the steps and hid under a little ledge and saw Snape already there. Everything played out just like I had seen it.
"Expelliarmus!" Draco disarmed Dumbledore while Snape walked up with the same angered expression
"What are you doing Draco?!?" before pointing his wand out at Dumbledore
"Stuplify!" and everything went in slow motion for me. I watched as Harry tried to get up and run to Dumbledore as he fell off the Tower; but Ron held him back. Tears fell from my eyes while covering my mouth so no one would hear my sobs.
"Come on!" harry whispered while running down the steps. Snape, Bellatrix and Draco were walking down stairs so we had to be quick. We ran outside towards where Dumbledore's body landed. We saw that everyone else had heard the commotion and came outside only to find out that our Headmaster is dead. Most were crying while the rest were shocked; not fully realizing that Dumbledore had past. I walked to the front as I cried loudly. I looked to the sky and watched drops of rain fall and hit my cheeks, hiding most of my tears that are running down my face. I slowly lifted my arm as a bright light shined from it; everyone else following.
Today was the day that Dumbledore had past.
I look over to where Harry was standing next to me but realized that he wasn't there. I looked around me and saw him running towards Hagrids Hut.......WHICH WAS ON FIRE; I squint my eyes and see Snape, Bellatrix, and Draco too. I put my wand to my side and run after him.
"HARRY!" I scream; he tries to attack Snape but he deflects it and sends on to him
"Stuplify" Harry flips in the air before falling on his back.
"He was your friend and you betrayed him" Harry spat; Snape scoffed.
"He was never my friend" he spat back; Harry jumps up while pointing his wand at Snape
"Sectumsempra!" he yells; I recognize that spell from the text book he had gotten from potions class. He had found it at the back of the book and practiced until he had gotten it perfect. But Snape deflects it which causes us both to gasp.
"You try to us my own spell against me" Harry and I look at him with our eyes wide
"That's right, I'm the Half Blood Prince" he exclaims; then he turns away and walks towards Bellatrix and Draco before aparating. It takes Harry and I a moment to process everything before realizing that Hagrid's Hut is still on fire.
"HOLY CRAP" I yell; I run over to his hut and kick the door open; ripping from the hinges and falling to the ground with a large 'thump'
"HAGRID!!" I cry; looking around trying to see threw the smoke. Two figures emerge and I see Hagrid and his dog in view; Hagrids beard was on fire; and was trying to put it out.
"I'm fine; it'll take more than a fire to kill us" he replies; finally extinguishing his beard; I cough from the smoke as we run away; watching his Hut blow up from the distance.

"Well that sucks"


The next day we all woke up and I put on a simple black dress with black shoes along with Hermione and Alexis. Harry and Ron just had black suits. It was time for Dumbledore's funeral and it's still processing through my mind that he isn't here anymore.
We all walk into a room where his casket lays; everyone is holding a single white rose while we watch McGonagall walk up to the front.
"Yesterday we lost someone very important to us. Dumbledore wasn't just your Headmaster; but a friend as well. No one would've thought that yesterday was the day he would pass but; that's what happens. You just have to take one step at a time. Dumbledore, we will all miss you dearly" her voice cracked with every word; causing me to cry harder as people began to walk up and give their roses to him by resting it on the casket. It was my turn to go up and I placed my rose right on top of everyone else's. I looked down at Dumbledore and chuckled because it looked as if he was asleep.
"You've helped me through a lot Dumbledore; it was too soon that you left. Thanks for everything" I whisper; tears falling from my cheeks onto the casket. I turn and walk out of the room and see Ron, Hermione and Alexis.
"Hey" I say softly; they look over and smile weakly at me
"Hey" they reply
"Where's Harry?" Ron shrugs
"We're looking for him now" he replies; I nod as we walk towards an opening to a huge balcony on it. Sure enough we see Harry sitting at the ledge while looking at the locket he had gotten from the cave with Dumbledore.
"You know you'll need help finding those Horcrux's" I say loudly while he turns around
"Guess you're stuck with us" Alexis continues; Harry smiles while nodding before looking back down at the locket. His hands swipe over the side before it opens and a piece of paper falls out. Harry grabs it and opens the slip before looking at us with a confused look on his face.
"R.A.B" he says; we look closer and see initials on the paper
"That's weird; what do you think it means?" Alexis asks; Harry shakes his head.
"I have no idea" He replies; I smile wide while taking the paper and slipping it in my pocket.
"Well gang; it looks like we got a mystery on our hands" I say; pointing my finger to the sky. Hermione giggles along with Alexis but Ron and Harry look at me confused
"What?" they ask
"Scooby Doo!" I exclaim
"Scooby Who?" Ron asks; I gasp
"You've never heard of Scooby Doo? You're missing out!' I exclaim while pointing a finger at him accusingly while he holds his hands up in surrender
"Alright whatever you say" he replies; Alexis, Harry and Hermione laughing at us in amusement. This is what I love; being able to laugh with my friends without having to worry; even if it's only for a second.

A/N: Hey guys! So this is the final chapter for The Half-Blood Prince! I can't believe we made it this far; I just wanted to take everyone who has supported me and has been readying my book from the beginning till now it means so much to me! The 7th book will be coming soon but until then I hope you've enjoyed this so far!


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