Chapter 7- Hogsmeade

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Well, after the interesting incident that happened last night in the great hall, Seamus and I have been ignoring each other,
its just too awkward to talk about it, right now my emotions are running a mile a minute. One minute I'm confused, the next
minute I'm happy, and then the next I'm anxious. This is so complicated.

Anyway, after we got up this morning, we had the Werewolf test, I passed along with Hermione and Kirsten, the others weren't so lucky, but now we're on the bleachers watching a Quittitch game in the rain -.- so far, Slytherin is winning.
"Go Harry Go! " Hermione and Kirsten yelled as he flew off towards the Golden Snitch, but I had a bad feeling about today, and I
don't know why, suddenly my necklace turned blue again,
"Shit" I whispered before having yet another vision.
I opened my eyes and I found myself watching............myself? oh we were still watching the game, I looked over and saw
Hermione scream,
"Harry! " she yelled, I looked at where she was pointing and gasped, Harry was falling out of the sky, how?
but before he could fall to the ground, I lifted up my wand and pointed it at him,
"Aresto momentum!" I yelled, and he suddenly stopped falling at about 5 feet in the air before falling again,
I then saw myself and my friends running off of the bleachers towards him before everything turned black.

I opened my eyes and gasped, Harry was going to fall at any moment! I looked over and saw Ron, Hermione and Kirsten
still cheering, not paying attention to what had just happened. I looked up at the sky and saw Harry fly up towards the clouds,
"No" I whispered; my hair turning white. Watching as he went further up in the sky I was getting my wand ready, suddenly I heard Hermione scream,
"Harry! " she yelled, pointing up towards a small dot falling out of the sky, shit. My hair turned even whiter as I saw him fall, and it felt like slow
motion, I lifted up my wand and pointed it at him,
"Aresto momentum!" I screamed, everyone looked at me as I stopped Harry from falling at about 5 feet in the air, just
like my vision. Suddenly my spell wore off and he fell the rest of the five feet, it was quiet for the next few seconds
before I broke it,
"Harry! " I yelled, running down the bleachers towards him. Ron, Hermione and Kirsten were right on my tail, I was soon
in front of him,
"Harry! Are you alright? " But I soon realized that he was unconscious, I checked his pulse, I sighed, he was still breathing,
"Mrs. Jones! Mr. Weasley! Mrs. Granger! and Mrs. Evens! can you please take Mr. Potter back to the hospital wing please? "
Headmaster asked, we all nodded while picking him up and carrying him off to the hospital wing like he asked.

It has been hours since we have arrived at the hospital wing; the whole team (besides Wood) showed up after we did. Harry hasn't woken up yet, though, I cant blame him.
"He looks a bit peaky, doesn't he? " Ron asked, I looked at him along with George and Fred,
"Peaky? " Fred started,
"What do you expect? He fell over 100 feet. " George continued,
"Let's walk you off a tower and see what you look like. " I finished, everyone laughed at what I had said, well, besides
Ron of course who just turned pale.
"Probably a right sight better than he normally does. " Fred and George said, I looked down
and saw that Harry was waking up, I shushed everyone and looked at Harry,
"How are you feeling? " I asked softly, my hair still white but had streaks of blue in them now as well too, catching everyone off guard,
"Oh Brilliant " he said sarcastically, I laughed,
"You gave us quite a scare " Fred said,
"What happened? " He asked, I looked at him,
"Well, you fell off your broom " was the only answer I could give him,
"Really? I meant the match. Who won? " he asked, I looked down,
"No one blames you Harry " I whispered to him,
"Dementors aren't supposed to be on the grounds. Dumbledore's furious.
After he saved you, he sent them off. " Hermione continued,
"There's something else you should know too. When you fell, your broom sort of blew into the Whomping Willow, and...
Well... " Ron didn't finish as he took out the destroyed broomstick in his hand, Harry looked heartbroken, well, now I
know what to get him for Christmas.

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