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"three days? more than enough i don't even want to see that face of yours stupid dude," i said while packing.

i don't care even if he heard that. i covered up my suitcase and looked at the big black bag at the corner.

that bag is filled with things i didn't want anymore. things that would remind me of this shit hole. and i kinda want to change myself.

"yah, if anything happens, call me okay?" hoseok said and patted my head.

aw. he's the best brother in the world i swear.

i pulled my suitcase with my right hand and used my left hand to carry a hands-on bag.

"bye hoseok!" i shouted so that he could hear.

i walked out to the big green rubbish bin and threw the bag in.

"bye old nerd jung heeyoung, hello new jung heeyoung." i said and smirked to myself. i'm finally free.

i met minki at the park which consist of a playground and many memories came to my mind but i tried to not remember.

"HEEYOUNG!" i heard someone shouted.

i turned back and saw minki standing there with a wide smile. i quickly ran to him but on the way, the wheels of the suitcase hit my right leg, my right ankle twisted and i fell.

"ah shit," i groaned. he then rushed towards me and helped me up.

he called a cab and we went to a clinic.

"your ankle should be alright after a few weeks or a month, be careful not to put pressure on your right leg." the doctor said.

of course i have to obey right? after settling with the bills, we went back to minki's house.

minki's house

we reached his house and to be honest, it felt so warm and comfortable. like we could just lay on the couch and watch tv the whole day.

i walked in to smell a nice aroma from the kitchen. i peeped and a lady around her 30s was cooking with an apron. i guess, it's his mum.

how nice to still have his mum? just then, minki walked in and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"MUM! I'M HOMED!" he exclaimed before he ran to his mum. aw, how i wish my mum is with me right now.

i climbed up the stairs and to the last room. i guess it's my room. i put down my suit case and sent a message to hoseok.

bro, I have safely reached
minki's house :)

after i have sent that message, i scrolled through my contacts and stopped at 'best mum' i tapped on it and pressed call. i put it beside my ear.


hello mum!!!

oh heeyoung?

mum... did you know many things
happened after you left?

ahh, why? what happened?

i explained everything to her and she just sighed throughout my explanation.

although i just called her, i missed her already. i walked up to the door and twisted the knob and...


"MUM! I'M HOMED!" i shouted loud enough for my mum to hear.

i walked into the kitchen to smell the nice aroma.

"mum, you're really into western these days huh?" i teased her as i took the spaghetti and tasted it.

only food can bring you this mysterious happiness.

i walked around the house to see no heeyoung so i guess she's in her room. i was about to open the door but accidentally overheard a conversation between her and her mum.

she cut herself? she got bullied? did she smoke because of me and jiseul? god damn it...

i was about to open the door and pretend nothing happened, but at that moment, she opened the door.

"oh minki?" she said and smiled.

oh my god heeyoung don't act like you're fine. i thought as she closed the door behind her. i didn't know what to say.

suddenly, she pulled me to the toilet. she looked left and right then she whispered to me, "minki, do you by any chance have a box of cigarette?"

she looked at me, with those eyes full of innocence. i pulled out one from my pocket and gave it to her.

"don't worry, my mum do know that i smoke." i said as i made her hair messy and walked out. she's really cute.

dinner time


i quickly rushed to the kitchen at the thought of my aglio olio spaghetti.

my mum sat at the middle while me and Heeyoung sat opposite of each other.

"thank you for the meal!" we all said in unison before we started digging in.

"heeyoung, how's the menu today?" my mum asked her.

she smiled and said, "reminds me when I was back in new york." new york?

"you lived in new york?" i asked.

she nodded and she told us her family background and what happened over the years. it's been too long since this house felt so wholesome.

after dinner, i saw heeyoung helping out by washing the dishes and clean the table.

"mrs lee, let me do it," she said and smiled.

i looked at them, looking like daughter in law and my mum. what the actually fuck minki? Nono. i don't like heeyoung. no.

"you can call me mum if you don't mind."

WHAT THE HELL MUM WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS. heeyoung just nodded and smile. her eye smile is definitely killing me indirectly. because if looks would kill, i would be dead when i met her for the first time.

it was 12am, heeyoung went to sleep already but we both have a three days two nights camp.

mum came into my room.

"minki, i just want to say, heeyoung is a really good daughter in law," she said and sticked out her tongue.

"YAH! MUM!" i shouted and threw a pillow at her.

"alright goodnight," she said and closed the door.

edited on: 07/05/20

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