Chapter 26

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"Jung Heeyoung. Is Heeyoung here?" our home room teacher asked.

Obviously no one cared, everybody hated her. Except for me... I was the cause of all these. I only wished that I could defend her, but there's BaeMin.


After Heeyoung left my room, I was thinking if I should chase after her. I was in deep thoughts. A man, don't cry but a real man cry. I'm a real man. Of course, I cried. I missed her. If only I didn't agreed appa to meet BaeMin. If only I did not take the initiative to ignore her. If only...

"What the freak Taehyung?!" Jungkook came running into the room then went to get a dry towel.

"Yah! Kim TAEHYUNG! Are you done?! Do you really want to die? Can you fvcking wake up?"'Jimin slapped me while Jungkook helped me to get out of the bathtub.

He settled me down on my bed while Jimin sat beside me. Jungkook went out to make a phone call.

"Taehyung, look at those glasses. That dent wall. Your clothes. Do you really want to even burn the whole building? What's wrong with you? Do you know Heeyoung even visited you at her worst state. I feel like I don't even know you anymore... Everyday you see me, you would be reporting to me what Heeyoung did, what her face expression the whole day was like, you did that Everyday. Today, what happened? You just ran home like that?"

"Jimin.. I broke up with.. HER!" I almost choked at the last word, I couldn't stop those tears. I swear I look really gay right now.

"Aish, Kim Taehyung, seriously," he looked like he have already given up on me.

After a while of silence, my phone rang. My hands slowly went to reach for it.

"Hello," I answered.

"Taehyunggie! Soojung said that Heeyoung was admitted to the hospital!" I. dropped. my. phone.

"Taehyung, your phone—"

"Heeyoung's in the hospital," I said and rushed out of the house, leaving with only my cracked phone and a hoodie.


"Soojung? What's the ward room number?"

I ran to the room and Mark and others were outside. I was about to enter when Mark stopped me. I halted and glared at him.

I grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall. "So what if you like Heeyoung, you think you can win her from me?" I sent him a flying punch.

The others tried to stop me but I shook them off.

"My dad told me. I should date with BaeMin because they were good friends. That doesn't mean I was together with her. That doesn't fvcking mean that Heeyoung was angry at me. I could've fvcking explained to her but you ruined. You're the fvcking mofo who got involved in this with no reasons you FVCKING ASSHOLE,"

Kick, punch, slap.

He didn't dodged at all. I couldn't stand seeing his bastard face so I decided to leave. Before I left, I looked at the transparent thingy that was on the door. Heeyoung was smiling. She's the one who's always smiling no matter what happens.

Depression is not being able to talk about your problems, while taking on everyone else's just to hide your own.

She has it. Depression.

l gave those bastards one last look before leaving.


While I was walking on the street, my phone rang. Ignored. But it kept on ringing continuously which was making me insane. Groaning, I lifted my cracked phone and looked on the cracked screen.

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