Chapter 13

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Yoongi's POV

After one and a half hour, Heeyoung fell asleep on the desk with her hand still holding her pen. I slowly took out the pen and place it on the table.

She was wearing a short sleeve shirt, it was getting cold too.

I walked to her bed to get her blanket and covered her with her blanket. She slightly nudged.

I chuckled at her small action. She looked like an innocent angel sleeping, peacefully. I quietly walked out of her room to her living room.

"What did you do to her?" Hoseok asked.

"Nothing much, I taught her one chapter." I answered.

Why is he so serious? What kind of stuffs is he thinking I can possibly do to her?

➳camp site

Taehyung's POV


"Aren't you happy now? Go get whatever you want, Kim Taehyung." she said and walked off.

➳end of flashback

After breakfast, my mood was kind of off and everything that someone does pisses me off.

Especially when I'm Kim Soohyun's partner or so called group mate too.

Our next activity was to climb the mountain nearby. So we went to get changed and met up at the gathering venue. Mrs Lee of course reminded us to be safe at all times and we must take care of our own partners. Huge burden.

The journey (which is the walk) to the mountain is kind of long. The road wasn't stable but rocky and muddy.

We lined up in pairs with our partners before we set off. While walking, you can hear screams and shouts from both students and Mrs Lee.

"Taehyunggie!!" Soohyun shrieked every time when the mud gets on to her leg.

SERIOUSLY ITS JUST MUD NOT LAVA RIGHT. Urgh seriously, I would rather be bickering with Heeyoung then have this 'princess' Soohyun. Damn. Did I just mention Heeyoung? Sigh.

"Yah!" Soohyun exclaimed while hitting me hard on the shoulder.

"Are you not going to care for me?!" She complained. Seriously, oh my krisus.

I ignored her not even giving her a single attention she wants. She wasn't by my side for awhile and I was happy.

Heeyoung was flying around my mind, I was thinking about the times when we spent time together. Then suddenly,

"ARGH!" A loud, sharp scream came from behind.

All the students including me, looked back. Holyshit is that Soohyun? Soohyun collapsed onto the floor, holding her foot.

Mrs Lee then rushed to her and asked her what happened. She said she tripped a tree branch which was pretty huge and fell.

I laughed in my mind but showed a pretty serious and i-dont-really-care expression. I was about to walk away when Mrs Lee called for me.

"What?" I asked.

"Carry her back to the tent, she's injured." Mrs Lee ordered me, of course I had to.

I unwillingly carried Soohyun up in a bridal style in front if everyone's attention. I was kind of burdened by her.

Our gaze met but we never spoke. I place her in her tent with her head on her bag pack.

"Thank you.. Taehyunggie..." She slowly muttered, softly.

What? What was that for? A thankyou for what? Honestly, is she two-faced or what. Bitching about Heeyoung and now apologizing to me? Laugh my ass out okay.

"What for?" I asked her, not expecting a reply from her. I stood up and was about to walk to my class when she gripped my wrist and made me stayed back.

"What now?" I asked her.

To be honest, I'm very pissed off at her now. If she was a boy I would've punch her.

"Taehyung, I realized my mistake for bitching about Heeyoung. I'm sorry," she apologized. Is that a sincere one or faking?

I looked at her hand, still gripping onto my wrist. I shove it away saying a it's okay and walked away. Why is this feeling making my heart beat so weird? Sigh.

Soohyun's POV

After Taehyung left, I chuckled at my small accomplishment. Yes! Making Taehyung 'forgiving' me. Next step, make him believe me and hate Heeyoung. The last step... be together.

➳jung siblings' house

I woke up from my sleep. Walking into the living room, I saw Taehyung and Soohyun sitting together with their hands intertwined. My heart dropped a best. Are they... perhaps... dating? I scanned through everyone 's face and they all seemed to be happy.

"Hoseok, are they dating?" I asked oppa.

He smiled at me without answering my question. He turned his back at me and continued chatting with them. I wanted to reach out for his shoulder and tap him. But as soon as I reach those shoulder of his, my hand went through his body. What is this?!

I retrieved my hand and thought of what just happened.

"Jungkook?? Yoongi?? Hoseok!!!" I called out for almost their names.

But none of them responded. Then a random topic came by which caught my ears while I was quietly sitting on the couch.

"Ever since Heeyoung died, Soohyun and I would visit her with roses."

a/n; what even....

edited on: 08/01/17

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