Horrid Love

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You made me from the bricks and stones

thrown in the pit of hollow holes.

Lucid lullabies haunting your lips,

sink my heart you could not fix.

Dance in the blaze of starlight's gaze

a whisp of mist numbs our heartfelt caress.

As if we built an eternal maze

to avoid the sight of our feelings undressed.

You had built so many versions of Me,

the hardness of my being hardly set you free.

This time you came to an even worse conclusion,

that led you to another illusion.

My flesh was rotten from the bites of rodents

died far too long ago, resurrection hopeless.

But you kept building me up

with the gruesome love that you got.

Värvitud sinised linnudNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ