so fucking stuck

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So fucking stuck,

withering life it swings 

in my face, in myself

i dread to open my mouth

my mouth a can of worms

they squirm and attack

your tongue ripping thoughts

to splinters that shred the skin 

so soft make it bleed, leave a trail

of rust-coated worn decrepit wrecks,

human tissue impaled on a pike

made of sparks that splatter like

hormones they strike an infection

in my brain as I crane my neck to

reach out and swim above the abyss

the abysmal dread of open mouths

screaming choirs of naked flesh-eating

bugs crawling under the earth, your earth,

your voice exploited, groped in recycling process 

hands and legs keep spreading apart, away, off they come

like materialistic gains scattered in pieces misplaced in humus,

go hide, they buried, go seek in contaminated soils your being of toxic waste.

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