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"I know Liz, I am so sorry. I told him 5 times that I need money to pay you.for the past two weeks. Please give me a little more time." I begged.
" Dre you are fine right now. I'm just letting you know I can't keep doing v this for you. This is the last time okay? I'm sorry but I can't be babysitting for free. Plus whenever stacy has her baby, I'll have to start watching her. I really am s-"
"You're fine. I understand I gotta go. I'll get you your money as soon as possible." I said then hanging up.
Tears poured down my face as I felt that everything was falling apart. I dialed Michael number.
"What Dre?" He groaned.
"Michael, I need you to put money in our account now. I have to pay Liz! She's gonna stop watching Ari if I don't pay her!" I cried.
" God damn it, fine. I'll go put some money in your account woman. You're always complaining about something." He said irritated.
The tears start pouring heavier.
" Whenever stacy has her baby, Liz is going to stop watch Ari and help stacy with her baby! What am I suppose to do Michael?!" I cried.
"I Don't know Dre! You are 16 years old. Stop being a baby and figure it out! " He shouted.
"Okay." I aid softly trying to muffle my cries.
" you know I can't fix all of your problems. You're gonna have to grow up eventually."
"Thanks that what I really needed to fucking hear right now you asshole!" I cried.
" God your like another damn child!" He shouted
"If anyone is like a child it is you! At least I'm taking care of my kid not doing god knows what 3 hours away and can't even spare a damn day to spend with her! What kind of father are you?!" I screamed then hung up.
I sat on my bed crying as Ari napped.
I knew he'd eventually leave. No one loves me for very long.
I don't have anyone besides my beautiful little girl. Michael doesn't want me, stacy and Chris are in their own world. I feel so alone. Even michaels family ignores me.
God why is this Happening to me?
Finally I had money in my account. I paid Liz right away! That made me feel a little better.
As long as I get to finish school I will be okay.

"Hey girl!" Stacy greeted.
"Hey stac." I said tiredly.
"Dre when is the last time you slept?" She asked concern
"Well let's see the last time michael came home was over a month ago. Whenever he came home last."
"You haven't seen him in two months?!" She freaked.
"Nope." I said simply.
" You're acting like it's no big deal. "
"I'm not going to beg him to be in his daughters life. I might as well be a single mom! " I said.
" Dre I'm so sorry."
"Its fine.... I'll figure something out." I replied.

"You know Liz loves you to death." She added.
"I know. I'm not mad at her. She's gotta do what she's gotta do." I replied.

*2 weeks later*
God damn it! He still hasn't put money in my account!
I gotta figure something out to pay Liz!

I asked Katherine for a the money she told me no, I asked my parents, I asked rebbie, LaToya, Jackie. They all said no.
I sat on my bed. I feel like I do this every night. I sit on my bed and cry while Ari naps.
A few seconds later I get a call.
" hello?" I answered softly.
" Why the hell are you asking all my family members for money!" Michael yelled.
"I have to pay Liz. She's gonna stop watching Ari." I spoke calmly.
" Well I don't have anymore money! Stop mooching off everyone and definitely don't ever ask my family for money again! " He said angrily.
"Okay." I said softly as a single tear fell from my eye.
I hung up and called Liz.
" Hey its Dre. Don't worry about watching Ari anymore. I'll get you your money for the past two weeks as soon as I can." I said.
"I'm really sorry Dre. " She said sincerely.
" you have no reason to be sorry but thanks for all the help with her."

I fell down to the ground crying. I've finally hit rock bottom. I lost the love of my life, I am now a high school drop out and have no extra money so goodbye cellphone.

Aria started fussing. I picked her up holding her close to me. "I love you so much baby girl." I whispered.

The only thing right in my life was Aria. She's the only light I have, the only thing that makes me smile.

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