I was Just About....

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I paced my room trying to figure out how to approached the situation Michael... what trey said really got to me. I was sleeping around trying to get over feelings that were never gonna go away. I bite my nails nervously reciting what I was gonna a say to him, "look I think we should start seeing.....no.... let's just....ugh! This is stupid!" I groaned. I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. I'll have to tell him when Aria isn't with us and Jayden will have to probably be gone too.... maybe I'll should wait till the right time....no! I need to tell him now.
As I kept thinking and thinking my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Mom?" Ari's worried voice spoke. "Yes? Are you okay babygirl? " I asked. "Yeah but there's something wrong with dad. He's really mad. Me & Jayden are kind of scared. Will you come over ?" She asked. "I'll be there in 15 minutes." I said grabbing my keys. "Okay love you mom." "Love you too babygirl." I said getting in my car.
I drove to michaels and just walked in. Ari walked down stairs with a scared look. "He's in the kitchen on the phone." She said. "Where's jayden?" I asked. "Me and him are in his room." She said. I nodded. I walked in the kitchen to see michael with the phone to his ear, gripping the counter with his head down with a angry expression. It wasn't just a mad expression. There was a vain bulging out his forehead and his face was red. I gently grabbed his arm. He looked at me then looked away. "No! I gave her whatever she asked for! She's not getting any thing else!" He hollered. "Child support? That stupid woman should be paying me child support! No, tell them I said no! She's not getting him at all!" He yelled banging his fist on the counter. "If another ugly custody battle is what she wants then fine!" He yelled. "I don't care what it takes! Tell her stupid lawyer I am not agreeing to anything!" He spoke angrily through his gritted teeth. At this point I knew what they were talking about. Nina is trying to get some type of custody of Jayden....
Next thing I knew he slammed his phone down cursing. "Stupid bitch."
"Michael...please calm down." I said gently, as I still held his arm. He pulled his arm away from me and was looking through his cabinets slamming them. "God damn it!" He yelled. "Your scaring the kids." I said.
I've never seen him like this.... maybe I should just send the kids to Josh's for the night. "I'm sending them to Josh's, okay." He didn't reply. I called josh and told him what's up. I went upstairs.
Jayden was crying and Ari was comforting him. "Dreeee daddy mad." He cried reaching for me. "Dad is mad so you guys are gonna stay with Josh tonight. Okay?" They nodded. "Are you coming too?" Ari asked "No I'm gonna stay here with your Dad." I said.
I packed Jayden a bag as he was still latched onto me. "Why is he so mad?" She asked. I pressed My hands to jayden's ears so he can't hear. "This stay between us. I think Jayden's mom is trying to get custody of him." I said. "Ohh..." She said. Once josh came and got the kids it was just michael and i. I walked into the kitchen to see him with a bottle of Jack Daniel's drinking out of the bottle. "Michael drinking isn't gonna solve anything." I said trying to grab the bottle from him. "Somethings gotta keep me from breaking everything in site. Fucking women...." he mumbled taking another drink. I guess I just need to let him do whatever and just take care of him.
He sat on the couch still drinking his jack.... he's drank half of it now. "Talk to me, please." I begged. "I don't want another ugly custody battle. If she even touches him I swear..." he said throwing his head back. While I could I grabbed the bottle from his hand, putting in on the coffee table. He just stared off into space. "I don't have time for this.... I don't wanna go through this again...mwhy can't she just stay away from him?" He asked.
"Michael, that's his mother." I spoke gently. "no.... She's NO mother." He said shaking his head. "She doesn't deserve Jayden. If she gets any type of custody of him, she'll ruin him." His voice cracked. "Michael, I'm sure everything will be okay." I said.
"No! You don't understand!" He yelled getting up and walking away. I sat there but shortly went after him.
I found him in his bathroom sitting on the floor with his face in his hands. I just need to comfort him. I removed his hand from his face, straddling him. Tears streamed down his cheeks as I pulled him To me and he just buried his face. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I held his head gently to my chest. His tears soaked through my shirt, I rubbed his head gently. " I dont wanna put him or anyone else through this again!" He said. "Shhhh." I said gently. He held me tight. "Let's just go lay down. Come on." I said. He nodded. We got up and laid in his bed. He laid on his back staring at the ceiling. I cuddled up to his side, wrapping my arm him. He turned on his side. Pulling me to him, wrapping his arm around me. We laid like that for a while till we fell asleep.

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