a year later

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*1 year later *

I found peace some how. After going crazy for a year I felt at peace. I will never be the same but I am new now.
I get to go back to regular school now, I get to graduate when I was originally suppose to.
That camp really did save my life even though after my six months I had to go back. I wasn't fully ready to graduate from the camp. I was okay but I didn't feel okay enough to be completely & truthfully stable. So I stayed from another 4-5 months.
They taught me that it is okay to be sad about the past but I'm learning how to look at the past now & smile. I smile because I gave life to a beautiful baby girl. I smile because at one I had the perfect little family, we were so strong. I smile because michael did make me happy at one point. I spent so much time crying about the bad stuff, I ignored the good things.
Erin & my brother are now dating. They've been dating for about 6 or 8 months. They're perfect for eachother!
"You wanna go to the mall Dre? You are gonna need new clothes for school." Erin she holding up Josh's credit card. I smiled jumping out of my bed. "Yeah let me freshen up! " I said excited.
I put on some fresh clothes & my sneakers. "Josh said if we wanna get our hair done, we can." Erin said getting into the driver seat. I took the ends of my hair looking at how dead they are. "Yeah, my hair is pretty dead." I giggled.
" I'm so excited for you to go back to school! This was a long road that were still continuing on but it just warms my heart to see how hard you've faught & how brave you are. I can wait to see what you do when you graduate." She smiled. "Do you think you & Josh are going to get married?" I smiled. She nodded, "I really do love your brother." She smiled.
"I don't know what I wanna do when I graduate though......" I said confused.
" sweetie you have time. You've been through a lot so take it easy. Just try to find what you enjoy." She said.
I nodded taking her advice.
We walked around the mall & got clothes then went to the salon.
" I just want all my dead ends cut off." I told the hair dresser. "What about layers? I think layers would look good." He said. "Sure." I shrugged. After snot a hour or 2 we both were done. "Like that length." Erin said running her hands through my hair. "Me too." I smiled.
" I like that color on you erin." I smiled.
" So you ready to start school next week?" She asked as we walked back to the car. I nodded. "I think it'll help me feel more normal again. I am scared but it makes me really happy that I actually get to finish school." I said.
*next week*
"Okay here's your schedule. I packed your lunch, don't forget to get parking pass-" Erin kept talking. "Yes mother." I said jokingly rolling my eyes. "Remember this is a new start. What happened in the past stays between us three. No one has to know, be yourself. Okay? This is your second chance Dre." She said holding my shoulders. I nodded taking a deep breath.
" and here." Josh said handing me a pair of keys. "What are these for?" I asked confused. "A house key and a car to your car." He said smiling.
"Wait? What?" I asked. He walked me out the door to a black dodge charger. "Oh my god! Josh! This is to much! I can't accept this!" I said giving him the keys but to only have them pushed back. "This car is to last you, I don't want you breaking down or anything. Plus you deserve it especially since all the cleaning to the house you do." He said. "Don't you think it's a little too nice? " i said flastered "i want my sis to arrive in style what can i sat. Enjoy it okay?" He said putting the keys in my hand. I held the keys."Thank you!" I said hugging him tight.
"Alright, get going before you end up being late! " Erin said rushing me out the door.
I sat in my driver seat. My hands rubbed the stirring wheel. It's been so long since I drove a car. I put the keys in the ignition listening to the engine roar as I turned the keys. I smiled. I turned my favorite road station on and drove to my new school.
I parked my car in whatever parking spot I could find. I grabbed my book bag & my schedule and walked into the huge building. "Student ID." A security guard said. "Im-im new." I said.
" Whats your name? " He asked looking at a paper. "Audrey Rose." I stated. He nodded. "Walked down this hall way to the high school office." He said letting me pass. I nodded.
I walked to the office sitting in a chair.
" audrey." The woman said politely. I stood up.
" here's your ID sweetie, and another schedule incaselost yours. Your first class begins in 8 minutes. Selena will be here in a bit & she'll show you around." She smiled. "Thanks." I sat there and waited for Selena.
" Sorry I'm late, my little brother had a melt down this morning." A girl with black hair said walking in. "Is okay here's a pass. Selena this is Audrey. Audrey, Selena will show you around. You girls have a good day." She said smiling. I stood up. I followed Selena into the hallway. "So where are you from?" She said. "California." I replied. "Wow, I've always wanted to go to California." She smiled. "Can I see your schedule?" She asked. I nodded handing out to her. " Hey we have 4 classes together." she smiled. "Alright so you have English first, which is right here. She's a really cool teacher......" she showed me around the school and helped me with my locker.
" alright well let's go to our first hour." She said. We both walked in & everyone stared. "Sorry for being late Mrs.Willis. I was showing a new student around." She said pointing to me. "You must be Audrey. Welcome to Orlando High School." She said. "You will be seated next to Selena . here's your text book." She smiled handing me it. "Thank you." I said then taking my seat.
She talked to us the whole hour. I looked over to Selena & she made a dilly face at me. I giggled. She's pretty cool.
The bell finally rang. "God I thought she'd never stop talking! " Selena said.
" I almost fell asleep." I commented.
I went through all my classes till I hit lunch. I held my tray looking around . lost. This was always the worst part about moving. Finding a lunch table to sit at.
My eyes glued to Selena seeing her wave me over. I smiled in relief walling to her. "You can sit at our table." She smiled. " Thank you. I was panicking there for a second." I replied. "Guys this is Audrey. Audrey this is Stella, Vanessa, Nikki & Izzy. Trey, Kyle & Vince will be here in a bit." She said. They all talked to me & were super friendly. This is going better than I thought it would!

It still hurts & it always will. I think of her all the time. But after a year of therapy I learned to live with it.
I'm a sophomore in college now.
" babe today was so stressful." Nina complained walking into my dorm. "Why? " I asked. "That biology final was impossible! I wanna rip my hair out!" She said frustrated. "Well I have something that'll make you happy." I said wrapping my arms around her. "What? " She said rubbing my arms.
" I made an offer on that house." I said. She turned around excited. "Are you serious? " She squealed. I loved seeing her this happy. I nodded. She jumped on me hugging me. I held her thighs as she kissed my face all over saying 'thank you'
"Anything for you baby girl." I smiled.
" I'm so excited. I mean it maybe a small house but that's all we need for now! This it's such a big step babe!" She cheered. "I cant wait to tell my mom!" She squealed clapping her hands.
2 months later we were moved in. It was small but it's only the two of us.
I went to my parents house by myself. My mom and Nina didn't get along...
"Hey mother." I said kissing her cheek. "Hi baby." She replied.
" how are you feeling?" I asked. "I'm feeling good." She said with a forced smile.
When we found out about Aria I knew it crushed her. She tries to hide the fact that she is still hurting but I can see it. She still has Aria blankie and pictures of her every where.
" Mom are you ever going to not hate nina?" I ask sitting down.
"I don't hate her. I just don't like her. Once she realizes what she did was wrong and sleazy I will be more accepting of her. I can't keep accepting all your mistakes Michael." She said.
"Whats that suppose to mean, are you calling Aria a mistake?" I asked slightly offended.
" No I saying you and Dre breaking my house rules is a mistake that end up with a surprise." She said washing dishes.
It was silent for a couple seconds, "you can't blame Nina for Dre putting Ari up for adoption." I stated.
"You can't put the only blame on Dre for her putting Ari up for adoption." She replied.
" how? Why are you still sticking up for her? She put your grandchild up for adoption and didn't tell anyone and disappeared!" I hollered.
" You Better lower your voice child. Your in my house. I don't know where I went wrong with you. I know everything that went on Michael joseph. Your lying & cheating. She asked YOU for help before she was kicked out. Which you knew was going to happen. You were not there to help her or your child. Someone has to stick up for her because this mess isn't just her fault. It's hers, yours and Nina's fault. She knew you had a child and a girlfriend and kept pursuing you. I thought I raised you Better and do you really think I believed that Dre fell that one night I know you hit her Michael joseph." She said then walking out of the kitchen.
I buried my face in my hands. "Why do I even come home anymore? " i asked myself.
I left and went home to Nina.
" you and your mom fight again?" She asked as I got in bed. I nodded. "Her & i's relationship will never be the same." I said she Nina got behind me rubbing my shoulders.
" what happen this time?" She asked.
"She basically told me for her to like you, you'll have to admit that what you did was sleazy and wrong." I said.
" sleazy? That's a new one." She giggled. " I don't know what to do." I said.
"Well it'll be her choice to be apart of our lives. We've all put the past behind us but her." She said kissing my neck.
" right." I replied.

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