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It's been a couple weeks since Michael told me to stay away from Jayden basically. I feel so bad cause everytime I see him, he gets so excited. He wants to play games & make food & have fun but since his dad is an asshole we can't. I know being Jayden's mother is not my place and I wasn't trying to be his mom but it hurts my heart that I can't spend time with him. He gets so sad when I don't play with him.

"Mom Jayden wants you to play the color game with him." Ari said as she played on her phone. I looked over at michael & he gave me a warning look. "Sorry buddy I cant. I gotta get some ah? Work done." I said unsure opening my laptop. "Why won't you play with him anymore?" Ari asked confused. I was speechless, what do I say? Suddenly Jayden threw his game down crying. "She don't like me anymore!" He cried. My heart just broke. He started sobbing & screaming. "I'm sorry dre." He kept crying. "I tried to be good when daddy was gone! " He cried falling to his butt. Tears filled my eyes, I looked back at michael. He had guilt written all over his face. Fuck it, fuck michael. I stood up & went over to Jayden. I picked him up holding him. He held onto me tight. "I sowwy. I tried to be good." He cried. "Shhhh you were a very good boy when I watched you Jayden. Don't be sorry." I said as a tear fell from my eye. I held him tight rocking him, to get him to calm down. "You're okay bubby." Ari said rubbing his back. "Can we have fun, pwease?" He begged as he sniffled rubbing his goregous big brown eyes. "Of course. What do you wanna play?" I asked as I still held him & he played with my necklace. "You got games on phone?" He said. "Yeah, I have a new one you'll love too." I told him. I sat on the ground with him & played games. He's so smart & loving. I cannot stand to see him so upset.
"Movie now?" He asked. "Sure, what movie?" I asked.
" wion king (lion king). Daddy watch movie too." Jayden said.
Michael came and sat on the couch as I put in the movie. We were at michaels and he had one of those L shaped sofa's, so we all had plenty of room. Jayden laid on me as we cuddled, snuggled in a blanket & ari was snuggled up with Michael. She's such a daddy's girl, I love it.
I guess I fell asleep cause I woke up on his couch the next day. I rubbed my eyes sitting up, as I saw Michael cooking breakfast and Jayden laying on the floor watching cartoons. "Where's Ari?" I asked. "school." He replied. "Oh yeah. Forgot it was Friday."
"Liz wants you to pick her up." He said. "Am I bringing her back here.or to Liz's?" I asked. "Here for a couple hours then could you take her to Liz's?" He asked. "Yeah. That's fine." He said as I walked into the kitchen.
Soon little feet patered behind me as I felt a hand tug on my pants. I turn back to see Jayden's cute face. "I got to go potty. I gotta be a big boy." He said referring to that he had to use the big boy potty
"Okay let's go potty." I said as he grabbed my hand. I don't care what michael has to say, Jayden feels comfortable with me & I'm just helping. I love Jayden, & I know Jayden thinks of us as best friends.
" daddy I did it! All by myself!" Jayden said running to michael all excited.
" good job buddy!" Michael said kneeling down to him.
"Soon I can wear big boy undies!" He gleamed. "That's right." Michael said kissing his head.
"Is breakfast weady?" Jayden asked hugging his leg.
" yep. Just give me a second." He said. "dre can you put me in my chair?" He asked. I picked him up setting him down in his chair. " Do you need help Michael?" I asked. " yeah, could you get his fork out?" He asked. " Yep." I said. We basically sat around all day & chilled. Around noon was Jayden's nap time. Michael took him up stairs & put him down.
He walked down stairs as I watched TV.
" you shouldn't of gave in to him last night." Michael said sitting at the other end of the couch. "He thought it was his fault? He was upset michael. I wasnt going to let him think he did something wrong because you don't like me. Jayden likes me & we get along great. & plus I thought it was helping you out. What is so wrong with that?" I asked.
"Because you are not his mom. & he's gonna start thinking you are. You are Ari's mom not his. I appreciate the help but if I wanted it then I'd ask for it." He said.
"Well it seems like his mom has disappeared, why is it so bad that he would think of me that way? !" I asked frustrated.
" because I am not going to let you have rights to another one of my kids Dre! I will not go through what I did last time with you! Me & Jayden are fine he doesn't need some woman in his life that's just gonna disappear like you did last time." He said.
"I'm not going to disappear, I would never leave Ari. & no your fine without a woman but Jayden sees his own sister has a mom but he doesn't have anyone to call mom. Do you really think that doesn't effect him? He wants someone to call mom so bad!" I said trying to get him to understand. "Just shut the fuck up. Let me raise my kid. At least I could take on the roll as a single parent. Don't tell me how to parent my kid when you couldn't even handle being a mom to 1 kid." He said harshly. I shook my head. "You weren't a great parent either but I don't throw that in your face 24/7! You got a second chance to be a dad! I haven't! I love seeing that you can be a dad to Ari now! But you'll always hold the past against me & make me feel like shit till the day I die. I will always be a bad mom in your eyes." I said as tears swelled up in my eyes.
"I got a second chance because I'm not as irritating, whiney, difficult, dumb & crazy as you!" He spat hatefully. I stood up & grabbed my shit. " I cant fucking do this anymore!" I shouted as I grabbed my keys. "Then fucking leave! I don't want you here!" He yelled.
So I left. I got in my car & drove around. I did feel crazy though, & it wasn't good. I was feeling bad again. I drove down the road as tears poured down my face, I sped down the highway so angry at how he treats me. Fucking prick. I wish I could just punch him once. I felt my heart race as my pain was real. I don't wanna feel like this. Then my phone started ringing. I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked sniffling.
"You better not be driving right now! Go park some where. I know your mad at me but driving while upset isn't the solution. You have a kid." Michael said with an attitude. "Go fuck yourself! I hate you!" I spat hatefully then suddenly I heard a crash, I slammed on my breaks but I was to late.A car hit My car sending me spinning across the highway. My car stopped, my breathing was heavy as I was trying to comprehend what had just happened, I looked at myself seeing I was a little banged up, nothing much really, when another car crashed into me. Everything went black.

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