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DRE'S POV ~ ~ ~ ~
It's been about a month since Ari's birthday. I've been trying to get the hang of things. Every thing has changed and it's been crazy. Michael & I don't argue but we try to keep our distance. We can be in the same room & be okay but.i guess we just don't care to be around one another. It seems Jayden has taken a liking to me, but Michael gets all weird when I spend time with Jayden.... it's not like I'm going to steal him & put him up for a adoption...
" Well you gotta put it like this first." I said showing Jayden how to play a game on my phone.
" Jayden, come here." Michael said from the dining room.
"No! I playing game!" Jayden whined.
" don't tell me no Jayden." Michael said in a warning tone.
" you can take it with you Jayden." I told him. " otay." He said. He went to michael then shortly came back to me. " daddy says I can't play any games." He said handing me my phone. Michael walked in the living grabbing something. "Why can't he play any games?" I asked.
He looked at me like he was offended, "because I'm his father & I said so." He said with an attitude.
"Your not nice daddy." Jayden said as he starting crying. Michael's face softened, "I wanna play game." He cried. "You can find something else to do. " Michael said.
"Dre can we play go fish? " Jayden asked.
" No Jayden go play with your sister or something" Michael said digging into his pants pocket.
" No! I wanna play with Dre!" Jayden said upset.
"Why can't him & I play games. Geez michael I'm not going to run away with him & give him to a random family." I said irritated. Michael's face got red with anger. He walked out of the room pissed. I just shrugged. Jayden was still crying, I picked him up cradling him. " I just wanna play games." He said still upset. "I know. You're okay. We'll find something to do."i told him.
" movie? " He asked drying his tears. "Yeah, let's go ask Ari if she wants to watch one." I said.

We all laid in the living room & watched Disney movies. Jayden fell asleep on me. Shawn & Michael were having guy time I guess & Liz was at work. Michael came inside grabbing a couple beers for him & shawn.
"Don't drink to much daddy. You have to drive home." Ari said. "Yes baby girl, I know." He replied.
"Dreee." Jayden whined waking up.
" what? " I asked playing with curls.
He lifted his head up giving me the cutest look as he rubbed his eyes. God Michael makes some cute babies.
" I hungry." He yawned.
" Do you guys want a snack?" I asked him & ari.
" yeah we have some fruit we can cut up." Ari said getting up.
As Ari got everything out I went outside to talk to Michael.
"Michael." I called.
"What? " He asked.
" can Jayden have fruit?" I asked.
" yeah but cut it up small if it isn't squishy. He doesn't always chew his food well." He said. " okay. "
I went back inside. I let Jayden help make the fruit bowl for them to eat out of. Michael and Shawn came inside as Ari was putting the fruit in the bowl, I was cutting it and Jayden was eating the fruit as I cut it.
" mmmm, yummy." He smiled.
"You like strawberries?" I asked. He nodded.
" daddy, try!" Jayden said offering a strawberry to michael. Jayden placed the strawberry in Michael's mouth. "Mmmmm that is good buddy." Michael smiled.
"Are you still grumpy daddy? " Jayden ask with his hands on his hips. I started laughing so did Ari.
" no.... I'm not." Michael giggled.
" good." Jayden smiled.
"Oh no, they're gonna watch football." Ari said rolling her eyes.
"don't be a hater." Shawn Said patting her head.
Then Michael's phone then rang. "Hello?" He answered.
" hi mother." He said.
"What why?" He asked confused.
"But who's gonna watch him? Shawn and Liz are going out of town. Mom I can't reschedule this......okay fine. I'll see what I can do......love you too....bye" He sighed rubbing his face hanging up his phone.
He looked up at me, "I need a favor." He said.
I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked.
" can you watch Jayden over the weekend, at my house. I have a big meeting in San Francisco I cannot miss." He said.
" sure." I said.
"Yay!" Jayden hollered.
"When exactly am I watching him?" I asked.
" I'm leaving Friday night and won't be back till early Sunday morning." He said.
I nodde, "okay that's fine. Just let me know what time I have to be there."
"Dre u gonna watch me?" He asked with a big smile.
" I guess so." I giggled wipping his face with a cloth.
" I'm so happy!" He said throwing his hands up.
"good cause we're gonna have lots of fun." I said setting him on the ground. He ran to michael hugging his leg. Michael picked him up hugging him. "Is love you daddy." Jayden said holding Michael's face. "I love you more." Michael said kissing his cheek. I will admit, not that I ever doubted Michael parenting in the long run, but he's done an amazing job raising Jayden by himself. Jayden is such a loving, happy little boy.
"Can willow come too." He asked michael.
" Come where?" He asked. "To our house when dre watch me." He said.
"Um no, buddy willow went back home in florida." He said.
" so?" Jayden asked.
"Buddy, Florida is a long way away. We won't be seeing her for a while." He said. Jayden stuck his lip out, sad.
He rubbed his eyes as he started crying. Michael rubbed his back as he cried, "I want to play with willow." He cried.
" I know jj, but she had to go home. We'll see her again eventually." Michael told him.
" if you say so." Jayden said drying his tears.
" daddy! Dre here! " Jayden shouted as I knocked on his door. "Let her in." Michael yelled. Jayden tried to open the door but he's to little, the door was unlocked so I opened it.
As I walked I was attacked with hugs from Jayden.
I picked him up, "hi jayden." I said happily, tickling his stomach.
"Aahhaha!" He laughed. Michael came down stairs with all his bags.
"I'll give you a quick tour." He said. He showed me the kitchen,
"These are his snacks, then he can only have juice & water. No soda or anything sugary. Then......okay I'm not trying to be a smart ass, here are his medicines. He has a little cold so if he starts coughing or sneezing or has a bad runny nose give him this. Most of this stuff has directions on the back." He said looking at the back of a box
He showed Me all the Down stairs, then we went up stairs. "Here is his room, he'll sleep in his room but sometimes he likes to sleep with me so he might end up sleeping with you & you'll most likely have to sleep in my room if he does cause he love my bed." He said. He showed me the guest room I'm staying in then showed his room & the play room. He finished the tour then left.

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