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"Here's your cap." I said handing his cap to him.
"Can I take aria up on stage with me?" He asked. "If you want." I replied.
"Look at my little girl." He smiled holding Aria. She smiled and giggled as he made funny faces. "She definitely a daddies girl." I said grabbing her carrier. He placed her in there and put her in the car.
We drove to the high school and Michael went to do his stuff as aria and i took our seats. Katherine and Joseph joined us.
They were finally handing out the diploma. Michael came and grabbed Aria, she instantly started smiling. When he went back in line girls were already trying to touch my baby. Michael knew I didn't like those hoes touching my daughter, he blocked their hands from touching her. Then i saw them trying to flirt with him
By rubbing his arm and shit. He brushed them off . That my man.
They called michaels name. We stood up and cheered. Aria laid on his Shoulder as he official ended a chapter of his life.
He walked down and Katherine went and took pictures of him and his diploma.
They threw their caps and cheered. People poured out of the gym, I waited for Michael with Katherine. He walked up to us, i hugged him. "Congratulations baby." I said then kissing him as Katherine snapped a picture.
" Aria says 'congratulations daddy!' Haha." I laughed moving Aria's arms around.
"Thanks baby girl, daddy loves you Sooo much." He said devouring her face with kisses. She squealed and smiled.
" aye Mike you comin' to landon's party?" Chris asked. "Nah I'm gonna stay home with my girls." He replied. "No babe, you should go. You only graduate high school once. " I smiled.
" Well yo girl just gave you permission."
"Are you sure babe?"
"Go have fun. If you need someone to come get you. Call me." I said. He smiled then kissed me. "Thanks baby. I love you. " He smiled then went of with his friends.
Aria was asleep on my chest as i flipped through channels. She flinched as she started dreaming. She woke up & luckily went back to sleep. Then suddenly a stumbling Michael came in the room. " Hey baby. " He slurred.
" Babe How'd you get home? !" I panicked.
"Jackie. My little girl was sleeping, wouldn't wanna wake her up. " He giggled.
I laid Aria in her crib then helped Michael into bed. He pulled me on top of him. " babe." I giggled. "I love you." He smiled sticking his hands up my shirt. "Baby, no. Not tonight. " I said softly moving his hands.
" finnnee." He sighed.
Then aria started fussing. I got off of michael. " Come here baby girl." I cooed picking her up. She started screaming. "Shhh." I said rocking her. Michael stood up and took her from me. She stopped crying.... "Oh god...she always stops crying for you." I huffed. " she my baby girl." He smiled. He laid her on his chest. She was still awake, and kept grabbing michaels chest. "She's hungry. " I states picking her up. She cried until I started breast feeding her.
"Does breastfeeding hurt? " he asked. "No, sometimes my nipples get sore but that's it." I replied. She started falling asleep as she ate.
Michael hover over her making faces making her smile. She kept trying to grab his face as she ate. "I'm going to go to college and I'm going to give you everything you've ever wanted baby girl. Your gonna go to a good private school, play sports, maybe an instrument. I'll make sure you never go without anything." he said then kissing her cheek. He kissed me, "let me burp her? " He asked. "Are you okay to burp her. Your intoxicated."
"I'll be fine. " He said taking her. He patted her back till she was done. We all laid down and fell asleep peacefully.
"This is going to be so hard." Michael sadly packing. "We can do this though." I replied
"I'm going to miss so much stuff though." He said wipping a tear off his face. I held his face. "Your doing this for her." I said softly.
"God I hate this." He said.
"We've got 1 more week. Let's make the most of it." I said kissing him. He laid me back on the bed and made love to me all night.
I woke up to giggling. I turned over to see my beautiful little family. "She's two months old today." Michael smiled. " I never thought I'd love being a dad this much." He said. "Well we're lucky too. She's a good baby."
"True, when Janet was a baby all she did was scream & cry."
" thats all she does now little brother! " Marlon said walking into the room. "Breakfast is done. Mother is waiting."
He said then leaving.
We got dressed then got Aria dressed.
We sat at the table, "do you guys have someone to watch Aria while you're both at school. " " yeah stacy's older sister. She's 22 and majored in child development." I said. "Good. Cause its either you go to school or get a job Audrey." Katherine said. "Yes ma'am." I smiled.
" Your gonna finish school. " Michael sternly. "Of course I am." I said. "Good. Cause after I get my education you have to get yours."
"Bababa." Aria blabbered. Michael mocked her. She let out a high pitched scream smiling. We all giggled. she started getting fussy though so michael held her. She liked to grab his hair though so she ended up in my lap. " you know, you guys are doing a lot better then we thought. " Katherine smiled.
" Well we were blessed with a good baby." Michael said.
" That's right. But I mean with Audrey being v so young, she handles the baby well. Most mother's her age lose it." Katherine said.
"Michaels a pretty good partner so I got lucky there too." I smiled
"Were very proud of you guys. You guys really took this seriously." Joseph said. "Thank you. " we replied.
The next day we had Michaels graduation party.
I had Aria in a tiny little tutu.
"There's my god daughter!" Chris said tickling her. She squealed & smiled. "You wanna go to chris?" I said pointing to him. She started crying. "Chris ! Stop making my baby girl cry!" Michael joked. "She don't like me. "
"She likes me. " Stacy teased holding Aria's hands. Aria pulled them away. She spotted michael and instantly started reaching for him. "An come here baby girl. Are all these people making you mad?"
She laid her head on his Shoulder. "Its her nap time babe." I said. "I'll put her down. " He said walking into the house
"I don't know how you guys do it." Stacy said. "Were definitely blessed." I replied. Michael came back out.
The sun started to set and we all sat and just talked. I sat in michaels lap, with his arms wrapped around me.
" man, I can't believe we're starting college. It seemed like yesterday we were shoving dirt into our pockets and racing our bikes down the street."
"I thought that's what you all did do yesterday?" Stacy teased.
We all laughed. " I don't wanna go away. I don't wanna miss to much of Aria growing up." Michael said. "yeah but not many people wanna hire someone with just a high school diploma." Chris said.
"I know." Michael sighed.
"She's up michael, I'll go get her." I said as i heard her fussing on the baby monitor.
By the time I got to her she was screaming. " aria, what's wrong baby." Then i smelled it. "Oh, someone pooped didn't they." I said. I laid her on the changing table and cleaned her up. I brought her down to michael. She was still hiccuping from crying. He held her close to him rubbing her back. "Why is she up set?"
"Poopy diaper." I replied. She was now sitting on his lap looking at everyone.
Chris mocked her.
"BABABA!" She hollered.
" hush up." I teased.
She stuck her lip put at me. "Don't give me that lip. " I laughed.

" She loud for a little one." Stacy said. " She squeals loud too." Michael said.
"Ehh ehhh" Aria whined wiggling. He turned her around so she could rest on his chest. She kept reaching for me but only wanted to hold my finger.
" you guys make me want a baby." Stacy whined. "Don't. " we both said.
" we love her but it's not easy. Especially since we're young. She's a good baby but it does completely turn your life around." Michael said.
" having to get diapers, clothes, doctor appointments, and having to run back and forth to get her. It's a lot of work." I said. "& money. " Michael added.
" but she is worth it." I smiled rubbing her back.

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