Oikawa x Reader

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 First one up is.. OIKAWAAAAA!!!!! YEYYY

∞ ∞

"Oikawa, you little shit STOP CLINGING ONTO ME!" You yelled shaking your leg to get the brunette off of your leg.

"But (Your name)-channnn!!!"

"Iwaizumi-kun! GET HIM OFF!" You yelled in annoyance.

"Oi Assikawa get off of her!" Iwaizumi yelled popping several veins.

"B-but Iwaizumi! I just want (Your name) to love meeee!!!" Oikawa whined, rubbing his cheek against your leg.

"O-OI! D-don't do that Oikawa!" You stammered, blushing heavily.

"(Your name) Just tell him you love him so he will stop being so damn annoying." Iwaizumi said sighing heavily, rubbing his temples.

"W-wha?! NO WAY!" You said trying to push the 3rd year off of your leg.

"(Your name)-channn!!!"

"Oikawa! Okay Okay! I... love you...." You said mumbling the last part.

Oikawa let go of  your leg, standing up.

"I LOVE YOU TOOO!!!!!!!!" Oikawa shouted hugging you, swinging your body around rapidly.

"H-HEY DON'T SWING ME AROUND TOO MUCH!!" You yelled trying to pry Oikawa off of your body.

"Okay! Wait for me after practice!" Oikawa said happily.

Of course, You couldn't say no because Oikawa would cling onto you some how, whining like a little shit he is.

You stood in front of the gate, where Oikawa told you to wait at. You looked around, trying to see if you could spot the loud and annoying 3rd year.

"(Your name)-chann!! Sorry to keep you waiting!" Oikawa said smiling.

"Whatever... anyways, why did you want me to wait for you?" You asked, staring at his brown orbs.

He smiled in response, before taking your hand.

"I wanted to walk you home of course!" He said with a smile, not taking his eyes off of your (Eye color) orbs.

You sighed in defeat knowing He would cling onto you.

"(Your name)-chan?" Oikawa said holding your hand tightly.

"What Oikawa?" You asked, as you were around the area you lived in.

"Can I walk you home again tomorrow?" He asked a smile plastered onto his face.

You looked in his brown orbs, before slightly smiling.

"Okay." You answered and he smiled, hugging you.

"Yay! Anyways. I'll see you later (Your name)-chan!" He said, placing a small kiss on your cheek before running off.

"You.. really are an idiot Oikawa...." You mumbled, touching your cheek where he kissed.

You smiled to your self, the wind blowing against your standing figure, your (Hair color) locks swaying in the wind.

"But that's what I love about you..." You mumbled before unlocking the door to your house.

"WHO WAS THAT BOY?!" Your mom yelled.


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First one shot ayeee.

Lmao this might be bad AF but aye, Its my first time writing in this type of format so the point of views might be messed up as shit.

I usually go in 3rd person but i'm trying my best so in each update might be something in weird/ odd point of views hehehe.

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