Akaashi X reader

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DEDICATED TO MY AKAASHI: whiskey-princess
BC I'm her bokuto ;D



"Come on Keiji!" You whined pouting as the both of you sat on the couch together.

"Why do you want to do this?" Akaashi asked making you whine.

"Mouuu!!! You're my boyfriend! I want to feed you since you always feed me!!!" You said pouting.

He sighed and kissed your forehead.

"Its embarrassing." He admitted with a small blush on his face.

You giggled and pecked his lips, startling him.

"It's just us~ No need to be embarrassed! Plus we've done the dirty already! I dont understan-" Before you could finish, Akaashi pressed a kiss to your lips making you giggle.

"Don't say that." He said pulling you onto his lap.

You laughed and held a your chopsticks out with nanohana karashiae (boiled rapeseed plants with karashi mustard dressing).

He sighed and slowly opened his mouth, taking the food.

Your eyes lit up and you grinned, clapping your hands like a kid.

"YAYY!!!!" You cheered happily.

Akaashi lightly chuckled at your reaction and pecked your cheek.




I made a Valentine's Day Akaashi Card so~

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