Yamaguchi X reader

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I was thinking about doing a special but ill probably save that till later.



"Yamaguchiiiii~!!!!" You cheered running towards the brunnete with the small antenna on his hair.

He saw you running towards him, witha huge smile on his face.

"(L-Last name)-chan?!" He said blushing heavily.

"Yamaguchi? whos that?" Sugawara asked peeking his head out of the gym.

You had a bright smile on your face, as you entered the gym.

You focused your (eye color) orbs on Yamaguchi and smiled.

"Is that...." Hinata started..

"Yamaguchi's girlfriend??" Kageyama asked.

"E-Eh?! (L-last name)-chan I-isn't my girlfriend!" Yamaguchi said blushing even more, turning into a tomato.

You pushed a piece of your (hair color) lock behind your ear with a smile.

"Anyways.... after practice Can you walk me home Yamaguchi?" You asked and he scratched his cheek.

"B-but... Practice ends at like 6..." Yamaguchi said scratching his cheek.

"I can wait then." You said with a smile as you stood beside Kiyoko and Yachi.

Kiyoko and Yachi smiled at you and you smiled back.


You waited for Yamaguchi in front of the school, texting your (Brother/sister) that you were leaving school soon.

Yamaguchi spotted you and rushed over.

"W-were you waiting for a long time?" He asked and you shook your head.

"Lets go." You said and he nodded.

The 2 of you walked in silence, enjoying the company of each other.

"A-ano.. (Last name)-chan.. why did you want me to walk you home?" He asked and you smiled.

"Hmm~ No reason..." You lied, as the brunette was completely oblivious.

It was obvious you liked Yamaguchi, everyone noticed except for him.

You reached your home and he walked you to your door step.

"Thank you yamaguchi-kun.." You said with a smile.

Yamaguchi blushed and nodded.

"N-no problem..." He said and you giggled poking his cheek.

"Head home safely!" You said before heading inside.

He smiled and began walking home.




I tried but i might do christmas specials tmr sooo~ 

I'm still deciding so dont worry.

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