Terushima X reader

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i will edit this later again so :D

Requested By:


"(First name)-chan~. Don't ignore me.." The cropped, orange haired boy whined poking  your arm as you sat at your desk, working on your (favorite subject) notes.

"Go away Yuuji. i'm busy." you replied not taking your eyes off of the paper.

He huffed and began rubbing his cheek against your arm and you placed your pencil down, sighing. Looking at him, he gave you a cheeky grin and you pecked his cheek.

"Now.. stop bothering me." you replied turning your attention back to your paper and he pouted, snatching your paper away with a smirk.

"hey!" you called out and he smirked, leaning closer to your face.

"You know.... i'll give it back if you give me a kiss (nick name)." he said and you groaned.

"No way!" you said turning your head, hiding your slightly tinted red cheeks.

"come on... just one kiss~." he teased and you sighed, looking at him.

"i hope you know you have to buy me (favorite dessert) after school." you said and he grinned.

"deal." he replied and you pecked his lips before turning your head. 

He cheered happily and nuzzled his face into your neck.


I'm updating during class :D woop woop 

I sit behind the teacher and i'm using one of the laptops and the guy sitting next to me is looking at J's LMao 

Hope you enjoyed it

[ coming up ]


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