Yaku x Reader

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Requested by:  Kunaiwa

Im gonna attempt at this so... Plus Inuoka has the same personality as mine along with Hinata so... lmao.


You changed into something comfy before heading to the Nekoma gym, where the whole Nekoma Volleyball team was practicing.

Your (Hair color) locks up in a messy bun, a few stands of hair framing your face.

As you walked in, you were greeted by, well everyone.

Your (Eye color) orbs scanned the room, landing on Yaku Morisuke.

You have a tiny, no huge crush on the libero.

He some how caught your eye when you first encountered him.


"GRUAHHH!!! IM LATE AGAIN!!!" You cried out rushing onto the campus.

You weren't exactly paying attention to your surroundings, so as you ran towards class, you bumped into someone, your things sprawled all over the floor.

You sat up, groaning in pain, hearing another groan.

"A-AH! I'm sorry!" You apologized towards the light brown haired 3rd year.

"Aha.. its fine really, just be careful next time." He replied handing you your things.

"Thank you sir!" you said saluting before heading off to class, forgetting you left your English notebook on the floor.

Yaku picked up, when he turned around, you were no where in sight.


Yaku spotted you and sprinted towards you.

"Hey... you left dropped your notebook this morning." He said handing you your English notebook.

||Flashback over ||

Then after that, you met him again when you became the manager.

You grinned to your self, jumping on Yaku's back.

"SENPAIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You cheered making a few people laugh.

The light brown haired boy had a small tint of pink on his cheeks, but he managed to stay calm.

"Hey (First name)." He said and you giggled, nuzzling your face into his shoulder.

"(Your name)....." You heard the Nekoma volleyball captain say with a menacing voice.

You gulped and slowly turned around.

"What did I tell you about interrupting practice?!" Kuroo yelled bonking your head several times.

"WAHHHHHH SENPAI! SAVE MEE!!" You yelled, Yaku chuckled and saved you from more of Kuroo's bonking.

You giggled in response and Pecked his cheek, making him blush.


Authors note

Okay. I tried this time LMAO.

Sorry if it seemed rush, its late, im tired, I just got back from dance, MY BOYFRIEND BROKE UP WITH ME but aye, im actually doing alright LMAOOO.

like I came back to class all happy and shit like "YAYYYY!!!"

I have to do Spanish Homework rn.

Up next: Hinata X reader

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