Asahi X reader

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its short i think Sorry D;

Requested by: Inuneko-chan

AAA im sorry this is so late i had 2 finals this week and now i have 3 more next week so i'll be studying D;

∞ ∞

"Are you gonna watch practice today?" Asahi asked as you sat with him at lunch.

"Uh. not today Asahi. Finals are coming up." You said sadly and he smiled, patting your head.

"Its alright (First name). I'll come by after practice okay?" He asked grabbing your hand.

You stared at your hand which was intertwined with his. You looked back up at him, he hand a smille on his face. You smiled back and kissed his cheek before the bell rang.

"I'll see you later Asahi!" You said running off.

"(First name)?" Asahi called out as he opened the door to your room, seeing your messy room.

Papers scattered all over your desk and floor, your textbooks and journals on your desk and floor. You were at your desk, your head resting against your folded arms which were on top of your table. Small snores escaped your lips. Asahi placed his bag down and neatly placed cleaned up your floor, placing it on the side. 

He pushed your (Hair color) locks away from your face, revealing your innocent yet adorable sleeping face to the older male. His lips curved into a smile as he placed a kiss on your forehead, lifting you up bridal style to tuck you into bed.

"Get some rest (First name).. Love you." He said turning off your light.

∞ ∞

Hes probably OC Sorry D:

But i hope you liked it :DD

[ Coming up ]

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