Kageyama x Reader

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KINGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! Ahahah okay okay Lets start.

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"Tobioooo!" You cheered happily as you ran into the gym where your boyfriend, Kageyama was practicing with his teammates.

Once the ravenette spotted you, He blushed heavily, looking away. You smiled and hugged him tightly, nuzzling your face into his chest.

"H-hey! (Your Name) i'm sweaty!" Kageyama said blushing, all you did in response is hug him tighter.

The ravenette sighed in response, He slowly wrapped his arms around your waist, planting a small kiss on your forehead.

"WOAHHH!! IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND KAGEYAMA?!" A orange headed boy yelled, making the tall blushing ravenette stiffen up.

You giggled and pulled away, looking at the orange headed boy.

"O-oi... Hinata you're too loud.." Sugawara said.

"Hinata? Oh!" You hit your fist into the palm of your hand. "You're Tobio-chan's partner aren't you!?"

"Yeah!" Hinata said, his eyes glowing in excitement.

Kageyama was getting jealous now, since all you've been doing is talking to Hinata and everyone else, but him. He popped a vein as Hinata was showing you how to serve.The ravenette pulled you away from the orange headed boy. He pressed his lips againsts yours.

Your eyes widen in response, usually Kageyama was too scared or embarrassed to make the first move. You began kissing back, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His arms were wrapped around her waist, while you were on your tippy toes.

You tugged at his shirt letting him know that you needed a break. He pulled away, your cheeks flushed from exhaustion, while Kageyama's cheeks were like a tomato from exhaustion and embarrassment. You giggled in response, leaning up to peck his lips.

He slightly smiled and you grinned, before running off yelling "Love you Tobio!"

"Yeah.... Love you too (Your name).." He said touching his lips with a small smile visible on his face.

∞ ∞

Oh dayum, hope you guys enjoyed that Lol. I hope I nailed his personality Lmao

Don't forget~ If you want a character or something just request! The request forum is in the beginning of this book :D

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