Akaashi X reader Lemon

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Requested by: Awesomefan2016

Alrightly. Lemon.

Let's do this HAHAH *wink wink*



You walked into your boyfriends room, changing into one of his shirts.

Not bothering to put on shorts you peeked your head out and smiled.

"Hi Keiji! How was practice?" You asked running into his arms.

His eyes widen but he remained calm.

"Good." He said and you smiled.

"Ne! What do you want for dinner?" You asked grabbing something out of your bag, the shirt going up alittle to reveal your (favorite color) panties.

Akaashi walked over to you and carried you to his room, placing you down on the bed.

"K-keiji?" You said and he pressed his lips against yours, sliding his tongue inside of your mouth:

Your arms went around his neck, pulling him closer

While that was happening, his hands slid up the shirt you were wearing.

Moving away from your lips, you panted slightly, Akaashi sucked on to your neck, leaving Love bites

"K-Keiji...." You whimpered out and he massaged your breast, tugging on your hardened buds.

Letting out a gasp, he smirked in victory and you tugged at his shirt.

Akaashi threw his shirt off and pulled your off, quickly unclipping your bra.

He took one of your hardened buds into his mouth, his hand massaging your other one.

You let out a soft moan and he switched.

His free hand traveling between your legs, rubbing on your now wet womanhood.


Pushing your (favorite color) panties aside, Akaashi pushed in 2 fingers, moving them at a slow pace.

"K-Keiji! You meanie! stop teasing!" You said groaning.

He chuckled and thrusted his fingers at a faster pace, your stomach began coiling up.

"K-Keiji!" You moaned out releasing all over his fingers.

He pulled out his fingers and licked them clean.

Akaashi positioned his hardened Member at your entrance and pushed in, making you grip the sheets.

You nodded and he began thrusting in and out at a good pace.

You pressed your lips against his, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He slid his tongue back into your mouth pouring into you harder and faster.

The same feeling came back, your walls clenched around Akaashi's member making his groan.

"K-Keiji!" You moaned loudly.

"M-me too.." He groaned out.

After a few more thrusts, the both of you came at the same time, Akaashi's hot semen filling you up.

He pulled out and pulled the blanket over the both of you.

"I love you Keiji..." You said snuggling up against him.

"I love you too (first name).." He said wrapping his arms around your bare body, planting a kiss on your sweaty forehead.




I hope you enjoyed

Nico-chan kept laughing at me when i told her what i was doing LOL

I kept laughing while writing this but also making really ugly faces at my screen LMAO

I tried okay 

My computer kept freezing while typing this and finding a photo LOL

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