Kita X reader

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Requested by: No one 

Genre: Floof

Hi I love Kita hehe. (and the miya twins :P) 

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Kita was somewhat at a loss of words when his grandmother ushered him to change out of his uniform into some nice clothes, he was confused. Why was his grandmother begging him to wear nice clothes? When he questioned it, she stated that he had a date and the girl was coming by soon.

'A date?!' He thought, panicking slightly.

Kita knew how his grandmother was, she was already expecting him to get married, did she really find someone for him to marry? He sighed as he stared at himself in the mirror, wearing black jeans and a maroon windbreaker with a black long sleeve underneath.

"Shinsuke! Come here!" his grandmother called out with joy, Kita walked out and his eyes widened seeing you standing at the doorway with a soft smile on your face. He had to admit, you were beautiful. You looked up and your eyes nearly popped out of your head, seeing your classmate standing there.

"Shinsuke, come meet (first name) (last name)!" His grandmother said, as the male walked over putting on his shoes as he realized that it was you.

"Now, have fun on your date!" Kita's grandmother said happily, pushing her grandson out to door while you awkwardly stood there.

"(last name)... I'm sorry about my grandmother.." Kita apologized, as the two of you began walking. You let out a small chuckle, scratching your cheek embarrassed.

"Actually.... My grandmother set me up too... I guess our grandmothers set us up to go on a date." You replied, chuckling while he blinked a few times before letting out a tiny chuckle.

You had known Kita only at school, apparently everyone was scared of him since he was very blunt and robot like. You two were in the same class, which sometimes you wondered how you even got into class seven. Despite being in the same class, you two never really spoke to each other. You didn't know much about him, other than he's that smart ass dude in your class.

The walk was quite awkward, there was this thick awkward silence in the air as the two of you walked to who knows where.

"So uhm... where are we going Kita-san?" You asked, looking up at the male and he scratched the back of his neck.

"Well... there's this small cafe nearby if you're interested in going." he stated and you nodded, following the male.

To be real, you weren't quite sure how this date was going to end up. Kita was practically quiet the whole walk to the cafe, so you thought he was just being nice since you two were set up together. Well, you thought wrong.

Kita was actually pretty sweet at the cafe, he spoke to you and got to know you while you also got to learn about him a bit more. You learned that he was on the boys volleyball team and was the captain.

"I remember when I tried volleyball... The ball smacked my face." You cried out, pouting and he let out a small chuckle.

"You we're probably too close to the ball... or didn't receive it properly." Kita said and you tried to recall how you received it when you were helping (cousin's name) practice.

"Probably... My cousin laughed at me while I was bleeding out of my nose." You whined, taking a sip of (favorite drink).

"I could help you out, if you wanna try it some time." Kita said, while you grinned.

"Sounds fun! I'm down, Kita-san!" You said and he gave you a tiny smile.

'Maybe having grandma set me up was a good thing.' You both thought, with a small smile.

∞ ∞

Hope you liked it :D


Instagram: ItsRinniepooh

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