Kageyama X reader

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Requested by: No one 

Oya its been awhile ehehe. 

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It was a usual day at practice, Sawamura and the other third years practicing new techniques, Tsukishima blocking them, Nishinoya and Tanaka trying to talk to Kiyoko and lastly, Kageyama and Hinata practicing their usual quicks. A sigh escaped the ravenette setter's lips as picked up his water bottle, beginning to chug it down. He stopped mid way, hearing his phone buzz against the bench. He rose a brow and picked it up, seeing a text from his significant other.

'From (first name) <3,

Tobio! I'm on my way to watch your practice~! I'm going to stop by the market to get drinks! Want anything?'

Kageyama stared at the text before a small smile formed on his lips and a blush made its way to his cheeks. He placed down his water and pushed on the letters on his phone.

'To (First name) <3,

Just get me more water. Thank you.'

He placed his phone down as he turned back to resume practice, as usual. Kageyama could feel himself getting frustrated over his tosses since he was already hyped to see his significant other that he kept messing up.

"Are you okay, Kageyama?" Sugawara asked while the black haired male nodded, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. It's been awhile since you two saw each other, since you attended (High school) and he went to karasuno. Usually you two would spend weekends together but poor Kageyama has been busy with practice, homework and studying that he would end up ignoring you when you came.

You didn't mind though, since you were equally as focused on studying and (favorite game), but at least you got to cuddle with your adorable boyfriend at night. Waking up to him was the best thing too but he always felt bad that he was practically neglecting you but you would always reply with the same thing:

"Well... at least you cuddle with me. I understand you're busy though Tobio, I'm just glad you actually told me but I'll just keep you company cause I love you~."

He also enjoyed the fact that you took the time to come to his games whenever you can, always giving him the support and cheering him on. He appreciated having you by his side and helping him with everything he needed.

Being lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice that you had walked in. A chuckle escaped your lips as you made your way over to your boyfriend, poking his cheek. He looked down at you and you smiled, causing him to blush.

"Kageyama! Who is this beauty!?" Nishinoya shouted as he and Tanaka ran towards you only for your boyfriend to push you behind him while Sawamura caught the both of them.

"Ah.. I'm Tobio's girlfriend." You replied smiling while everyone stared at you. You waved before turning your attention to the boy, pulling out the water from your bag.

"I got you water and some yogurt, but eat it after practice." You said while Kageyama nodded, he took off his jacket and placed it over your shoulders, giving you a small smile.

"T-thanks, (first name)..." He mumbled with a blush while you giggled, leaning over to peck his cheek before you took a seat on the benches to watch your amazing boyfriend toss.

"I can't believe Kageyama has a pretty girlfriend... I wonder how she deals with that scary smile.." Hinata whined while Kageyama gave Hinata a scary smile causing the orange haired boy to squeak.

"Tobio! Give a real smile!"You called out chuckling while Kageyama blushed slightly, you smiled and he gave a tiny smile back causing everyone to scream.


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Hope you liked it :D


Instagram: ItsRinniepooh

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