Iwaizumi X reader

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Genre: floof

I'm working on a series of updates right now yall so don't worry~

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A sigh escaped his lips as he ran his fingers through his brown hair as he sipped his drink, watching his childhood friend get bombarded by his fangirls and dragged away. It was a normal thing for Oikawa to get dragged away by his fangirls or constantly surrounded by them. Even during practices, so Iwaizumi would usually have to tell them to leave or someone else would.

"Eh? He got dragged away again~." You said, letting out a small laugh as you sat beside Iwaizumi who chuckled slightly, looking at you. You shot him a smile and turned your attention back to the clipboard in your hands.

You were the manager of the boys volleyball team, you were lucky enough to even get this position. Most girls wanted it to be around Oikawa, but you didn't even know who this Oikawa boy was. Heck, you didn't even know what he looked like until he joined the team. The only reason you got this position was because of your cousin, Matsukawa Issei. He felt bad that you always had to wait for him until he was done with practice, so that's how you became the manager. You grew close with most of the third years, especially Iwaizumi Hajime, which led to you two dating.

"I know. I'll go get him." Iwaizumi growled out, getting up while you placed your hand on his arm with a soft smile.

"It's okay, we're on break anyways, Hajime." You replied while he gave you a soft smile, leaning over to press a kiss to your forehead while you giggled. No one was aware of your relationship with the ace, only your cousin was since he caught you two being all couple-like.'

Iwaizumi relaxed under your touch and pulled you into his arms, his arms wrapped around your waist while you were looking up at him. He had a small hue of pink dusted across his cheeks causing you to let out a small giggle before resting your hands on his bicep which was firm.

"Hajime... We'll get caught." You mumbled out as he pecked your lips, while you looked into his green eyes. He didn't seem to care at that moment, so he pressed his lips against yours. You kissed back, shutting your eyes while he deepened the kiss.

"WOAHHH~! IWA-CHAN!" You two heard a familiar and annoying voice shout causing you two to pull apart, you turned your head and saw Oikawa standing there with some of the other team members.

You blushed heavily while Iwaizumi threw a volleyball at Oikawa's face, his face was a shade of pink due to being caught making out with you. You let out a deep breath as a menacing aura was radiating off of you which caused the boys to shiver in fear.

"Ten laps. No stopping~." You said in a dark tone while the boys screeched, running off to do their laps while you turned to your boyfriend with a smile.

"You really are scary sometimes~." He said letting out a small sigh while you laughed.

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Hope you liked it :D


Instagram: ItsRinniepooh

Coming Up


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