Tsukishima x Reader

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Daww shit its the tall blonde... titan.. LMAO

Lets do dis... Tsuki why are you so damn tall? He can clean the top of my cabinet Lmao Okay lets officially start

∞ ∞

"FUCKISHIMA!" You yelled popping several vein as you tried to get your manga out of the tall ass blonde boy's hand.

"That's not my name~." He teased holding the book up higher.

"TSUKISHIMA! GIVE ME BACK MY MANGA!" You said jumping up, hoping to grab it, but all Tsukishima did was pull it back up.

You sighed in annoyance before walking away.

"You're giving up~?" Tsukishima asked, poking your cheek.

"Shut up Tsukishima.." You grumbled in response.

"(Your name)-san... can I borrow your notes from last class?" Yamaguchi asked bowing slightly.

"Oh yeah.. Here." You said pulling out your notebook, handing it to the tanned freckled boy.

"Ah! Thank you!" Yamaguchi said walking back to his desk to copy your notes.

Tsukishima frowned, trying to get your attention, but all you did was ignore him.

You were so annoyed with Tsukishima right now.

All he ever did was mess with you because you were short. You were the same height as Hinata, but the difference was you couldn't jump as high as the orange headed boy.

You sat in the classroom, helping Hinata with his English.

"Woahhh! Your notes are so pretty like Yachi-sans!" Hinata said looking at your notebook in awe.

You chuckled at Hinata's reaction, taking a bite out of your bento.

Tsukishima sighed heavily, before grabbing your arm, dragging you who knows where.

"O-oi! Tsukishima! Let go of me!" You said trying to yank your arm out of the blonde's grasp, who only tightened it.

He pulled you towards the roof, blocking the exit. No one was on the roof, so no one was there to witness what was about to happen.

"What Tsukishima?" You asked, narrowing your (eye color) orbs at the blonde.

He handed you your manga, you looked at it, before trying to grab it. Once you got a grip on it, Tsukishima yanked towards him, making you stumble towards him. He swiftly connected his lips with yours, putting his hand on the back of your head. our eyes widened in response, you didn't know what to do.

'Tsukishima.. is kissing me!?' You thought.

Its like your body moved on it's own, you began kissing back, your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Tsukishima smirked against your lips, before pulling away. Your face was flushed a light pink, from embarrassment and exhaustion.

"You're mine now. got it." He said looking into your (eye color) orbs.

You nodded in response, covering your face, so he wouldn't see your tomato colored face.

∞ ∞


Ohoho... Yamaguchi is so freaking cute WUAHAHAHAHA along with Tsukishima, Kuroo, Hinata and... damn a lot of them are so cute with their personalites!

HFFGUGJAHURJ I need to check if Haikyuu S2 was updated.

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