Oikawa X reader

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You are iwa--chans cousin in this

Requested by: Nazar01

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"Oikawa..." You said quietly glancing at the group of girls in front of your crush.

"(Last name)~!!!" Oikawa said happily running over to you.

You moved to the side before he could hug you. He pouted in response, making you raise a brow.His fan girls glared at you making you glare back.

"Iwaizumi told me to get you." You replied with a bored tone.

"Okay~! Let's go to Iwa-chan, (last name)-chan!" He said happily.

"Yeah go to your boyfriend." You said and Oikawa huffed.

"He's not my boyfriend (last name)! I'm straight!" Oikawa whined as you entered the gym.

"I have brought the Pinecone." You said gesturing towards the brunette beside you.

"(Last name)-chan! You're so mean to me!!" Oikawa cried out, trying to hug you but you moved making him fall.

He clung onto your leg, rubbing his cheek against your calf.

"Iwaizumi!" You called out.


"He's trying to look up my skirt." You lied making your cousin even more furious.

"ASS~ I~ KAWA!!!!!" Iwaizumi yelled kicking the brunette.

"WAHHHH!!!" Oikawa cried out.

Oikawa ran over to you again and pecked your cheek before being beaten by your cousin. You blushed slightly, turning your head away.

"(First name) when we get home, I need to disinfect you." Iwaizumi said.

"Yeah yeah.." You mumbled, as a smile creeped up on your face.

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Hope chu enjoyed Kyuhuehue

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