Hinata X reader

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GUESS WHO IS BACK~! UFF RIN-CHAN IS BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER UFF! Idk if there was a specific scenario for this one bc i can't remember and i don't have my list with me rn so yah BUT I HOPE U LIKED THIS

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Hinata literally could not contain his excitement when you had agreed to watch his match, especially since he had the biggest crush on you of course. The thought of you coming to the match made him all jumpy and giddy. However, he was nervous because what if he wasn't put into the game? What if you couldn't make it? What if you were disappointed because of the match?

The thought made the boy almost made him have a stomach ache, his upperclassmen reassured him that everything is fine especially saying that you will go since you agreed. The energetic orange haired boy made sure to train and practice the usual quick's he and Kageyama did almost every match that seemed to leave the crowd in awe each time.

Today was the day of the match; Hinata was currently walking through the hallway where he saw other teams together and some people who were watching walking around. Looking around frantically, searching for you. There he saw you, he could've sworn that he saw flowers surround you and a bright light shining on you. You were dressed casually but also pretty cute, wearing (favorite color) denim skirt and a (another favorite color) top and a pair of white shoes. There you were standing beside your best friend whom you dragged along.

You looked around and saw the Karasuno team, your eyes lit up in joy as you called out to them, waving as you made your way to them. Hinata almost blushed and freaked out but remained calm and composed, when on the inside he was screaming.

"Hey Hinata!" You said smiling as you walked over to the orange haired male who blushed but managed to give you a smile.

"(Last name)-chan! Y-You made it!" He spoke up, with joy making you blush before you spoke up.

"Yeah. I mean I couldn't miss the match. I wanted t-to see you p-play." You admitted, playing with the hem of your skirt making Hinata's heart almost burst.

"Anyways~. Do your best out there! I'll be watching!" You said, giving him a peace sign and before you started to walk off, Hinata grabbed your hand.

"U-Uhm! I w-was thinking that you c-could wear my Karasuno j-jacket! B-because it's pretty cold in here and stuff. And maybe you could be... my good luck charm.." Hinata said, mumbling the last part quietly while his teammates heard it. Some of them began to snicker while you just grinned and took it.

"Alright! Good luck everyone! Do your best hinata!" You said happily as you followed (Best friend's name) to the bleachers leaving Hinata there in shock but also filled with joy to the point where he felt like he was about to explode.

"M-Maybe Y-you'd could be my g-good luck charm!" Tanaka recited, as he handed his jacket to Nishinoya who played along. Hinata blushed heavily as he began to whine to his upperclassmen.

"Hm. That was hilarious to watch." Tsukishima said, snickering while Yamaguchi joined in.

"Ahh.. They aren't going to let him live after this.." Sugawara said as the other third years nodded in agreement, watching the orange hair boy whine and yell.

"I-I w-wanted to see you p-play!" (Best friends name) recited, laughing as well while your face was buried into your hands as you were wearing the Karasuno jacket Hinata gave you a few minutes ago.


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Hope you liked it :D


Instagram: ItsRinniepooh

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