Kageyama X reader

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Dedicated to: pastelxUsagi143

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"YAHOOO!!! Tobio-chan!" You shouted happily walking into the gym with ( best friends name) and (other best friends name).

The genius setter blushed at the sound of your voice, the way you said his name. You ran over to him, jumping on him, wrapping your legs around his waist, arms around his neck. A cheeky grin on your face.

"(F-first name)...." He said blushing as his arms went under your butt to support you.

"Yes~?" You asked grinning as your two best friends talked with the other members of the team.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked and you pouted.

"I wanted to visit you before I go to (clubs name)." You said pouting and he pecked your pout.

"D-don't pout... You're gonna make me feel bad." He said blushing still making you giggle.

"That's the point!" You said grinning making him sigh.

"Head to your club... I'll see you later... Love you." He said quietly as you got down.

You grinned and pecked his lips before running off with (best friends names).

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[Coming up]

Oikawa X reader

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