Kageyama X reader

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"Hey (best friends name).. do you have a pad?" You asked your best friend who turned her attention to you as the two of you sat on the couch, watching (favorite movie).

"Uh.. no." She replied and you groaned.

"Just call Kageyama." She said and you rose a brow.

"I don't think he would buy me any. Remember that last time i wanted to go to that cute lingerie store and he refused." You stated huffing slightly wishing your boyfriend wasn't always embarrassed 

"Oh come on (nick name)! If he loves you he will buy it." (Best friends name) said taking a bite out of your (favorite ice cream).

"Ughh... Okay." You said pulling out your phone and dialing Kageyama's number. 

After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey Tobio! Can you do me a favor?" You asked with a smile as (Best friends name) was dancing in front of you.

"Uh..sure...what is it?" He asked, as he walked with the rest of the first years on the team.

"Can you buy me pads?" You asked straightfowardly.

Kageyama stopped walking, holding the phone to his ear. Everyone looked at him, his cheeks were a bright red.

"W-what? W-Why would i buy it?! Go do it your self!" He stammered out, as he continued walking

"B-but Tobio! I-if you love me you would buy it!" You said acting hurt, quoting your best friend on what (she/he) said a while ago.

"U-UHM.... F-Fine I-idiot.." He said and you grinned to your self.

"YAY! Thanks tobio! Love you!" You said smiling.

"Y-yeah... L-love you too..(First name)..." He said his lips curling into a smile as he hung up.


Tsukishima stared at Kageyama as he held the bag of pads. He bursted out laughing along with Hinata and Yamaguchi.

"Buying pads? Oh man!" Tsukishima said snickering.

"How manly can you get?" Hinata asked laughing making the genius setter pop a vein.

"HINATA YOU DUMBASS!!" He yelled throwing whatever he could find.

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WOOP WOOP hope you liked it :D

[ coming up] 


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