Prologue/The beginning of the murders

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"Josephine" a deep venom filled voice called out into the dark abyss that was the bayou at midnight.

All that could be heard was the echoing sound of crickets, the serene river flowing, the occasional crunch of sticks as boots by the ground and the muffled cries off the poor girl, Josephine.

"I can hear you" he said "don't think you can hide from me forever"

Josephine's running finally came to a halt as she needed to stop and take a breath. She didn't want to, but she knew that he would only get closer and closer.

She managed to stifle a sob and take a trembly breath in and out before trying to escape again. She knew the bayou like the back of her hand, all exits, all paths and all dead ends.

But so did he. And he knew her patterns, he knew the way she thought and he had followed her for so long he knew the main route she would take.

The light of the moon reflected off the shiny butcher knife held in the gloved hands of the masked murderer.

His boots then took a step forward in her direction.

And Josephine was still running, wondering what she had ever done in her short 20 year life to deserve something like this.

But a little glimmer of hope shone through as she could see the glow of lights from the local town. And that means people would be there and surely this man won't be stupid enough to reveal himself with the prospect of at least a few people watching.

But her feet didn't work as good as they used to, she had grown tired and they were aching like they had never ached before.

They collided with each other at ever step, she managed to keep her balance for the first few seconds but when her feet tangled with each other and her dress, that's when she fell.

Her hands broke her fall mainly. But she also hit her head in the violent fall.

With all her strength she managed to stumble up slightly. However, the dark figure lurked over her, appearing as if out of nowhere, causing Josephine to fall back down.

The butcher knife out and glistening for her to see.

"Please, sir, my good sir" she begged, shielding her eyes from the gleam of the metal "please spare me for I have done no harm, I have cause no harm to anybody"

The masked man tilted his head "it's not that" he said "I have dreamed of doing this for a while"

"I know your voice" Josephine realised "it is too familiar not to know, I have heard your voice back home"

The man chuckled.

"If you wish not to spare me, at least grant me the solace of knowing who my murderer is" Josephine came to terms with her death and pleaded for one last request.

"Why let my work go unappreciated?" He asked himself, smiling smugly to himself "after all you won't be able to speak when I've ripped your tongue out"

Josephine trembled aggressively, the man spoke with such hatred towards her, and with such joy at the speak of her death. And he loved his gory details.

With one slow swipe of his hand, the man removed his masquerade mask, revealing his true identity.

Josephine gasped.

"I know you"

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