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The violins began to play and signalled that the bride was about to enter.

William only looked at the floor, frozen. His eyesight wouldn't move even though he knew Lottie was walking down at any minute.

The guests stood up and turned towards the back of the hall where Lottie took her father's arm, and walked down at a slow pace.

She gulped. Her breathing slowed down and deepened. It was too far gone now, she couldn't turn and run back.

She caught the eyes of Elijah who had incorporated himself into the crowd. She immediately looked away.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to witness the binding of two hearts and two factions" the priest yelped out

His words all blended together in one dragging blur. Lottie could actually class herself as brain dead from that point. She just zoned out.

"Til death do us part" closed William's sentence as everyone turned to Lottie to recite her vows

"I, Lottie" she cleared her throat "take thee William to be my lawfully wedded husband, to love and to carry..."

Her sight flicked to Elijah who waited with a pained look on his face. And then to her father, who didn't seem normal; he looked angry, and then to William, who waited patiently for her vow

"...til death do us part" she forced out

"You may now kiss the bride"

It was an awkward kiss, uncomfortable, Cold, wet and just unnatural. She couldn't wait until it was over. She couldn't wait until this whole ordeal was over.

The witches and humans rejoiced together, clapping their hands and cheering for now a bond had been formed. Not the strongest one of course, but they had allies now. And no more witches would die by human hands.

She smiled and waved to the crowd with her arm tucked neatly in William's who was also waving, soaking up the adoration and the status of being a hero.

"Let us celebrate" he shouted to the crowd, earning more cheers.

Joseph walked down the aisle with a flute of champagne "To the happy couple"

"To us" William pulled her in closer as he took a glass from his new father in law and downed it in one gulp. Gosh did he need that.

Lottie needed more than that. As she was passed a glass she couldn't help but think that she needed some poison if some sorts in there. Numb the pain.

But she drunk it anyway. And she drank and drank until William had to stop her.

"It is not like a lady to drink so much" he whispered as if she was an embarrassment

"Are you ashamed of your wife?" She asked, her voice a bit shaky, controlled by the alcohol in her system "there is no turning back now, remember, until death do us part"

And if she could have her way; death would part them soon. But she didn't and she didn't have the courage to do anything of that sort at the moment.

"You are drunk" he observed, sliding her glass away from her reach. William sighed in disappointment, he had not known Lottie to be this different.

"You are boring" she retaliated, making her way to grab another drink

"I'm taking you to bed" William snapped, grabbing her wrist harshly and dragging her through the crowd

"Ouch my wrist" she exclaimed, clawing at his hand to get him off.

As soon as they walked in to an empty hallway, he pushed her away and snapped his head around "what is wrong with you tonight?"

"What is wrong with me?" She asked offended "what is wrong with you?"

"You have changed, dramatically" he tried to explain but the venom dripping from his voice was the only thing she focussed on

"My best friend has just been found dead!" She retaliated "excuse me if I need to drink away my sorrows"

She also wanted to say that she had been forced to a marriage with a complete lunatic, torn away from the love of her life and now she has to live her life in complete and utter despair, knowing that she could have had a perfect life with someone else.

Nobody knew what she was going through except for her and it killed, it was so painful and it made her feel nauseous ever moment she was aware of her life.

"This is a time for celebrations" William calmed himself down and began to try and make her feel somewhat better "Charles will be mourned and he will have an adequate burial, but for now we need to worship these moments"

"If I worship these moments any more I might pass out" she shut her eyes and swayed

"Then let's get you in to bed; we also have a large day ahead of us tomorrow"

"Ah yes" she recalled, hoping that William wouldn't bring it up anymore "that's going to be fun"

"The grand ball is tomorrow, are you planning on attending" Lottie asked Elijah as she sat on the bed in her wedding dress

"I have an invitation but I fear situations have become... Complicated don't you agree" Elijah tried to let her down nicely

"It's a shame though; I was thinking as we can't be together anymore, we could finish off what we had started" Lottie suggested, it was a vague comment and Elijah didn't know what she meant by it

"Excuse me?"

"When you came to town, when I met you, I believe we were beginning a quest to identify who the killer is" she began

Elijah wanted to refuse and say that the killer had already been killed, hinting towards Charles. But he better not do for the sake of Lottie's happiness

"The grand ball, tomorrow, is an opportunity for all the wealth and witches of this town to gather in one area" she began "now tell me how any ripper would resist a chance like that"

She was right. If the ripper wasn't Charles then he or she would definitely be at that party tomorrow night. And Elijah would do anything to ensure the safety of Lottie.

"I'll be there, at 8 sharp" Elijah informed her


Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now