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"You're looking undoubtedly happy tonight, brother" Klaus sipped at his champagne quickly "what's gotten into you?"

"Does everything I say and do need to be questioned, Niklaus?" He asked "I might just be happy because for once you are behaving... To a degree" he sighed as he saw two large breasted women in nothing but corsets and underwear stumble from one room to another

"At least I'm not leaving them out in the open for all to see, Elijah" he said "it's nice to see you happy, I'm getting awfully tired of that frown on your face, I actually began to believe it was permanent" Niklaus stood up whilst speaking and patted Elijah on the shoulder before following the women.

"Oh and Elijah" he said before he left "if you want to join us, I have plenty more for you to sink your teeth into"

Elijah tutted and rolled his eyes at the comment, Klaus knew he hated that sort of humour and managed to put a downer on all of Elijah's good moods, but it wouldn't put a downer on his day.


The next day, when Elijah woke up, Niklaus was stood over the bed wafting a thick envelope above Elijah's face.

"What is that?" He asked

Klaus lifted the already ripped flap of the envelope. He had already read it. His fingers pinching the folded line of the letter and pulling.

Klaus discarded the envelope to the floor and opened out the letter, clearing his throat to read it to his brother

"My dearest friends" he falsed a deep, southern accent; almost identical to that of Joseph's and also William's "we would like to invite you to afternoon tea with us at our manor tonight at 6pm, sharp"

"Who was that from?" Elijah already knew, but he humoured Niklaus by asking

"William, Joseph..." Klaus droned "your little friend Lottie" Klaus raised an eyebrow at the mention of her name "she seems to have a positive affect on you; I believe we should go... Have some fun"

"Your type of fun is not in the slightest appealing" Elijah groaned, his feet finally meeting the wooden floorboards as he stood up; the creaking sound echoed around the highly decorated room "especially not around those type of people"

"I do not mean my kind of fun" Klaus threw Elijah some clothes to put on, as he only had underwear covering him "I am settling for your kind of fun, for once, that boring type where I have to sit and act sociably for an evening, so you can have your fix of that little witch"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Elijah buttoned his shirt up and began to fix his tie

"Come on Elijah, we all know that you are not one to resist a pretty face; and hers is exquisite; don't you agree?" Klaus knew how to play on Elijah's nerves, he had mastered it over the years they had remained together. And plenty of girls Elijah did chase after in his younger years; though since he has aged, Elijah only focussed on family and that included Niklaus.

It didn't give Niklaus much leeway to go out without being under the careful eye of his older brother, and yes; sometimes he did miss going out alone without the lectures when he returned. He wanted Elijah off his back and he didn't really care how. But it was perfect when he witnessed the tiny spark between his brother and the witch, he knew he could build on it until he made Elijah believe he had strong feelings for the girl.

Which equals, freedom for Niklaus.

"That pretty face is engaged" Elijah corrected "I do not have time for such shenanigans"

Klaus huffed to himself. "Yes but we are still attending"

"You're beginning to sound like me, brother" a clean smirk wiped across Elijah's mouth as he turned to face his brother

"Oh shut up" Niklaus hissed, he had been called a lot in his time; monster, evil, the devil, but God forbid someone comparing him to Elijah.

Elijah chuckled. Klaus could really get the better of him at times, but everybody underestimated Elijah's capabilities of annoying Niklaus.


"The table is set?" Joseph asked hurriedly, Lottie trotting behind, trying to keep up with her small legs

"Yes father" she nodded, walking in to the dining hall with him

The long rectangular table was set beautifully, white cloth draped all around and candle holders were placed symmetrically, three new slim candles placed in each holder, not yet lit.

"The cook is preparing the food" Lottie informed him "everything seems to be done"

Joseph halted and turned around to face his baby faced daughter "it was your idea to invite this family around; please ensure that you do not go missing or you do not fall in to any lakes" he hissed

"Yes father" she nodded, looking at her feet, anywhere but in her fathers eyes "Elijah seemed interested in the heritage of our home, the history; would you allow me to show him around, before dinner of course"

Joseph looked with suspicion but he eventually caved in "do not take so long though"

"We won't" she smiled just as William was walking in

"I hope that beautiful smile is for me" he commented, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her in close for his lips to touch the top of her head

"Well it surely isn't for anyone else" she lied, biting her bottom lip and avoided eye contact; there was something in her eyes, a dead giveaway, it showed everyone if she was lying and if she wasn't.

"Has anyone seen Charles recently?" He changed the subject after some moments of silence "or Jessica?"

"No" Lottie defended quickly, "I wonder where they've gotten off to"

"I hope somewhere safe" William commented "one of our maids was out after curfew last night, in the gardens and it looks like she stumbled in to an axe... Multiple times"

"How do you know that?" Lottie asked grimly; news like that would spread, I would have heard it for sure, especially if it was in my garden

"I came across it today; we are getting the servants to dispose of the body and keep quiet" he replied "there is no need for a kerfuffle over yet another dead girl, plus she didn't have any kin"

It was still sad though.

"This is why I urge you both to stay in at nights" Lottie raised her voice to both men in the room "and don't act like you haven't; because I've seen and heard you both go through that door after curfew; I'm not sure exactly where, but you can't do this"

Before any one could speak to fight their corners; a butler waltzed in to the room.

"the Mikaelson's have arrived"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now