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"I wish you wouldn't go to such extents to keep our allies close" Niklaus emerged from his room, dried blood around his mouth.

Elijah was stood looking in the mirror, adjusting his neck tie. "Joseph and his coven has helped us out many times before, it is only fair that we honour his family" Elijah whipped a handkerchief out of his inner pocket and threw it to Klaus to clean himself up.

Klaus quickly took it and wiped around his mouth "honour his family" he scoffed "most people going are only there to gawk at the engaged couple and gossip"

"He has invited us, we are lucky to be thought of" Elijah said, causing Klaus to huff and puff "now the carriage is outside, please be a dear and act as if you would like to be there" Elijah said sarcastically.


"Elijah, Niklaus" Joseph welcomed them with open arms and an odd grin on his face "welcome back to my home"

Joseph always had a cold expression on his face and it seemed so weird to see him smiling and actually happy.

"We couldn't turn down your invitation" Elijah replied, shaking his hand tightly

"My daughter should be down any minute now" he said, a significant change in the tone of his voice "and the festivities can begin"

Elijah looked around the room at all the people; it was 7.10 and the party was ready to begin. But as Joseph hinted to, his daughter wasn't here yet.

"Lottie" he heard a voice call out in a thick Southern accent; pushing through the crowds of people groups together. "Have you heard from Lottie, she is not to be found" he stood next to Elijah and asked Joseph of her whereabouts.

"I've heard from others that she had taken a walk" Joseph shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't exactly the most caring father

"She's been gone for near half hour; I'm leaving to go and look for her" he said, shrugging his coat on

"William wait" Joseph stopped him "you have guests you need to entertain, she will be back"

"If you two are busy, maybe me and Niklaus could search the grounds?" Elijah suggested

"We couldn't impose" Joseph shook his head "plus you wouldn't know what she looked like"

"It might be a good idea" William stopped "there won't be a single woman out there alone, especially with the curfew set"

"Curfew?" Elijah asked, grabbing and pulling Niklaus back as he drifted off after a busty woman

"This town is taunted by a vicious killer, targeting young women, it has been this way for 4 years and I'm not comfortable for Lottie to be alone out there" William explained

"New Orleans isn't as it was since you visited those years ago" Joseph shook his head "it's dangerous for young girls"

"Well we should get searching then" Klaus spoke which surprised the whole group, he didn't look as if he were paying attention. "I have a perky blonde I'd like to get to know later"

The two brothers walked outside "I'll take east and you take west" Elijah instructed.


Lottie stood on the edge of the bridge. It took a lot of guts to climb up and now she was plucking the courage up to step off into the water.

She was sick of living in secret, from keeping a large part of her life from her father. But she knew if he knew, he'd beat her, hurt her for being something she can't help. And it would ruin her mothers memory.

The water splashed violently against the embankments and absorbed into the soil.

A gust of wind blew Lottie's hair to the side and took her balance away, causing her to sway, desperately trying to get back onto her feet. But she couldn't.

The large splash and piercing cold water against her skin indicated that she had taken the plunge, involuntarily. But the next splash she heard wasn't hers.

As she began to let air bubbles flow from her moth and take her last breath, as she closed her eyes and began to flail in the water, she felt to hands grab her waist tightly.

Her limp body then tensed up, she opened her eyes to see someone she had never met before in her life. Why was he saving her?

The cold water she had gotten used to now has disappeared; how did she not realise the man tugging her from the water and lying her on the floor beside?

Her skin was an unnatural shade of blue, her lips were every darker and she shivered and trembled vigorously.

"Take this" the man lifted his coat from the floor and placed it over her shoulders.

Lottie managed to grab his hand and pull herself up, leaning on the stranger and trusting him to take her home.

Elijah carried her to the doors and managed to push them open. The heat of the party hit her but so did the eyes of everyone else in the room. It was bad enough that Lottie waltzed in soaking wet, but Elijah was stood next to her, in the same state.

"Oh my goodness, my lady" she was instantly greeted by a woman dressed in a maids uniform "what on earth happened?"

"Lottie? What happened" William asked

"Um" Lottie tried to fathom her thoughts, overwhelmed by the amount of people watching and listening to her "I thought I saw something, so I leant over and I stupidly fell" she looked to the floor in embarrassment "had this kind Samaritan not passed by in my time of need I fear I would've perished"

"Thankyou, Elijah" William said genuinely, nodding his head and allowing Lottie's maid to take her to her room to dry off "I mean it"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now