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As they strode home in silence, Elijah could hear footsteps running behind them. Running after them?

He halted and turned around to see who was running so quickly."Lottie?" He asked as she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, burying her face into the side of his neck.

He just felt so comfortable to her like he could make everything go away. And she doesn't know why, but since they had met, she felt something for him.

And maybe it was the bond of finding a dead body, and keeping it a secret. Or maybe they just were naturally attracted to each other.

"They think I'm going out for air" she said "I just need some time away, to get over everything"

"I'll leave you two alone" Niklaus wiggled his eyebrows before disappearing off. Elijah felt relieved, not to have him standing over every word they said, but he also felt nervous that Niklaus would still be up to no good.

They were only a few footsteps away from where Elijah resided "here, come in, it is cold" he said, walking to the door and opening it up for her

Lottie carefully walked in and awkwardly stood in the corner of the hallway.

"Sit" Elijah said, sitting on the chaise longue.

Lottie sat down next to him, her hands fiddled in her lap and she just stared down. "I don't know why I came to you, you were the first person I thought of" she said

"Maybe you just needed someone that was there" Elijah gently placed his hand on hers to stop them from digging in to each other "someone who you can feel secure with"

"The wedding is in a weeks time and I can't bare to think about it" Lottie shook her head "I can't be with him knowing that he has already been with my sister"

"Over time I'm sure you'll begin to forget..." Elijah began

"I don't want to forget" she replied "I don't want to marry him, I don't love him"

"Sometimes sacrifices have to ..." He began

"You're not supposed to say that" she interrupted "you need to say that I need someone that I feel secure with, someone that's there for me, someone I can come to on my time of need, the man that's the first thing I think off when I need support"

"Someone like me?" Elijah asked hopefully, he wanted her to say yes, but at the same time he wanted her to refuse him

"Someone like you" she agreed "you"

"Lottie, you don't know what you'll be getting yourself in to" he began, wondering why he was making excuses for her not to be his

"Sh" she said "do you not feel the same way?"

"Of course I feel the same way" he replied "why on earth would I have saved you, accepted the invitation to the dinner, kept your Secrets"

" then let me have this week with you, and if you still feel like this, then I will marry him"

She could have the week. Though Elijah would prefer her to have a semi normal life. He knew that William would keep her safe, he did feel for her. She'll be safer in her own life rather than his.

But he could give the week. Not only for her but for himself.

Elijah leant his head in until their foreheads pressed against each other. His warm breath dancing across her nose and lips.

She nuzzled in closer, both of them hesitant on whether they should do carry on with it.

Elijah was the one to make the move. His lips brushed against hers in a gentle motion, giving her chance to adjust to fit to his or to tear herself away.

He would let her go, he has had enough hurt and rejection in his time to learn that the way he was wasn't exactly desirable.

But maybe it was the safety and security of his condition that drew her in. He didn't know; he couldn't read her as he could read any other person.

As they tore apart after what seemed like hours, they rested on each others forehead. Lottie, but her lip and looked down before meeting his gaze. Her hand held the back of his head as his held her waist.

"Now tell me you didn't feel anything" she said, almost out of breath from the intensity of their kiss

Elijah couldn't say he didn't enjoy it, he couldn't say it didn't feel right, because it did.

"You have the week" Elijah said

But he can't just consider the damage his life would inflict upon her if they did become a pair. He needed to consider what would happen to her family, her coven if this marriage didn't happen.

It ate At him. He couldn't be so selfish, he couldn't risk the lives of these witches so he could have a short lived relationship, after all she was mortal and will eventually die from old age, if not sooner from his reckless life with endless enemies.

"The week" she said "It will give me the chance to feel as someone should, it'll give me the chance to actually feel love and happiness"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now