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"It's an ancient hex" Mia immediately began, she ran her fingers over one of the strands seen in to Lottie's skin "it was mainly used by witches in the 1400's until; it was a new form of dark magic, called Kala Jadu but when witches began to realise what it did to not only their victims but themselves, they burnt all evidence of the spell, ripped it out of grimoires"

"What do you mean? What it did to them" Elijah quoted

"Well; during the 1400's the witches didn't really know that kala Jadu was that bad" Mia explained, quoting research she had only just done "witches found themselves out of control; thirsting for the thrill of killing. Just like their victims"

"Their victims?" Elijah asked, hinting her to elaborate on the spell cast on his girlfriend

"They use something or someone against them, someone they're scared of. In this case, Delilah used something of William's to weaken her." Mia explained "she'll drift in and out of consciousness; you won't if the real Lottie is speaking or if is the curse"

"She'll run the course of a usual hex; she'll thirst for the thrill of killing, she'll hurt the people around her, but here's the big catch" she breathed "this hex isn't meant to kill; but as it is so powerful, it's going to overpower her; burn her from the inside out until she is so weak that the ancestors could just pick her soul out of her body"

"They have to take my soul if they want to procure me, if I die before then they lose out" Lottie added

"But that means Delilah will also share the burden" Elijah added

Lottie shook her head, she tried to sit up but fell straight back down "no" she refused

"Why? Why shouldn't she?" Mia asked, almost snapped

"The majority of witches stopped using that type of magic once they found out what it did" Lottie rubbed her eyes "others became obsessed, addicted with the rush; and it sparked the ongoing secret society of witches who carry on the legacy"

"How do you know this?" Mia asked "if they're supposed to be a secret and all that"

Lottie took a deep breath in, her eyes were so heavy that she could barely open them. "Because when I turned 16; I joined them"

"You did what?!" If Mia had a glass of water, she'd surely take a gulp for the purpose of spitting it out "how come you're affected then? And did you know Delilah? And did you actually kill someone?"

"Enough with the questions" Elijah tried to stop Mia from going overboard on the frail girl

"I was 16, they were the only people who made me feel normal, I was a wolf and a witch and they also had others like me, outcasts, siphoners, heretics exetera."'she began "but when I felt what I was capable of, and when I saw what they did to poor, undeserving people, I had to quit"

"I doubt they were very happy with that" Klaus finally incorporated himself into the conversation instead of standing back and taking it all in

"They weren't; and that's why I was in so much hell on the other side; not because I was a wolf, because I rejected them. That's why they want to kill me themselves, because I can just add power to their sources" she explained "and to answer one of your many questions Mia; yes, she was one of the oldest ancestors we listened to"

"well if you were in their secret circle love, then you must have found a way to stop these things" Klaus shrugged

"No" she shook her head regretfully "the only way to stop it was to master the power, but that could only be done before someone was infected, it too late for me" Lottie coughed up blood

"How long exactly does it take?" Elijah asked worriedly, handing her a handkerchief to capture the blood in

"It depends, shortest time frame I've seen was a week, longest that I've heard of was months on end" Lottie shrugged "but all we know is that I'm terminal, and this mark will deteriorate as I do, and when it has gone, then that's when I'm gone"

"Witchcraft has improved" Mia said "I can find a cure"

"I can help too" Elijah volunteered "there must be something I can rip out of that witch"

"She's one of the oldest" Lottie shrugged "it'll be a tough challenge to get anything from her"

"Sweetheart" Elijah walked over to her side to run his fingers through her hair "I'm an 1,000 year old vampire; I think I might be able to get something from her"

"I think" Lottie swirled around and plucked the courage up to stand "I'm going to be more help than a burden right now, we can use all the power we have got"

"No" Elijah refused "you stay here, I'm not letting you get hurt"

"Hurt?" She asked "I'm a dead witch walking, I'm hardly going to get hurt"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now