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Mia entered the room; frantically lifting pillows and throwing them to the side.

"Put them back where you got them from" Klaus said sarcastically; watching her hunt as he sat with a half filled glass in his hand

"I swear Klaus if you're hiding that dagger from me I'm going to melt your eye balls" she threatened

"Though that does sound like such a tempting offer" he urged "I haven't touched that dagger"

"Well I can't find it" Mia threw another pillow on the floor in frustration "it's gone"

"Elijah might have it?" Klaus suggested

"Elijah might have what?" Elijah jumped in on their conversation

"That freaking dagger!" Mia exclaimed "I put that spell on it and now poof! It's gone"

"It can't have gone that far" Elijah shook his head and begun the search alongside the witch

"I've looked there" she pointed where Elijah's hands were searching "I've torn this compound apart trying to find it"

"Are you sure you've looked everywhere?" Elijah asked

"Yes! Everywhere but..." Mia stopped her train of thought and pointed to Lottie's room "up there"

"It's impossible, there is no way that the dagger could even be in there" Elijah refused

"Maybe we have been underestimating her power; maybe she could have gotten out?" Mia suggested, though not believing her words. Lottie was next to death herself and she could barely walk properly

"I can look" Elijah volunteered "I doubt it"

He climbed the stairs slowly and pushed the door open. Something felt strange, he couldn't feel the warm push of the boundary spell as he entered. But a lump on the bed indicated that she was still asleep, the way he left her.

It was so dark, he couldn't even fathom why it was so dark, it was daylight and the curtains didn't seem to catch any of the light. But carrying on, he walked up to the sheets and pulled them off.

What he saw next was unbelievable. Crumpled up pillows and blankets to forge the belief of someone in the bed. Lottie wasn't here, she was gone.

"Lottie?" Elijah shouted, running to the balcony doors and pulling the curtains across. He should've seen the wind blow the curtains out, he should have known that the doors were open.

Mia rushed into the room, Stopping as she could not feel the boundary spell's presence anymore. "It's down" she held her hand on the doorframe and felt "it's not been down for long though"

"I'm going to find her" Elijah placed his hands on the bars, ready to jump off

"Wait Elijah" Mia ran up to him "I'll do a locating spell and text you the location, but please call me when you found her"

Elijah gave a slight nod before jumping off and landing strategically on his feet, not caring who saw him. Yes, a few tourists gave him a clap and even some
Took photos, but nothing mattered.

Elijah prowled the streets, back roads, stores, everything! He even managed to search the old plantation. But no sign.

As soon as his foot left the threshold of the house, his phone beeped and indicated that Mia had followed through with her side of the mission.

She is in an alley way on Bourbon st. That's all I can get

Elijah sighed, Bourbon street was a very long street with many dark alley ways and plenty of hiding spaces. But with his vampire speed, he might be able to cover a great deal before she disappears again.

Elijah sped straight to the start of the street where a man with a violin was in he midst of playing a very familiar yet very private song. Joseph; Lottie's father was a composer yet he didn't share his work with others and barely anyone knew that he wrote songs.

He played them to Elijah once and this included the beautiful melody being played by the man in the street

"excuse me" Elijah approached him, causing the man to halt, very unpleasant. "How do you know that music?"

He put his violin down and explained "a woman came up to me, handed me some sheet music and requested I played it" he shrugged

"Did this woman look ill at all?" Elijah asked, trying to decipher if the stranger paid attention

"Yeah, I actually offered to take her to the hospital, but she said no, she was coughing up blood and everything" he exaggerated like it was the most exciting thing he had seen all day

"And did you see where she went?" Elijah asked, she couldn't have gone that far as the music was only reaching the middle

The man pointed "she went down that alley, it's funny because I never knew anything was there, and I've lived here for years"

Elijah dismissed the man by throwing $100 in the little box beneath him and simply walked off without a word.

"Lottie" he shouted as he turned the corner.

There she was, leaning against the wall, her head flopped to the side to look at him. Her nose was covered in blood and it dripped from her mouth down to the floor.

Obviously, he ran to her side and tried to life her, but her body stiffened and she refused to move.

"Elijah" her weak voice called for him "I love you"

He knew where this was going. He couldn't let it happen though. "I love you too but please..."

Lottie lifted her wrist before flopping it back down to her side. "You promised" she said, the mark had shrunk down to the ball of her wrist and it was almost time for the witches to take her for their own. "I can't let them..."

"I know" Elijah sympathised with her

Lottie felt completely dreadful, like a million needles pierced her skin and her head felt like cotton wool.

"We just need to get that dagger" he stalled, hoping she'd change her mind but deep down he knew it was too late. He didn't want the witches to take her and this was the only way of getting her out of this mess

Lottie reached down and pulled it out "I took it" and with all of her strength, she managed to slide it in to Elijah's twisting hands and close them

He shook his head vigorously "no" Elijah's eyes were already red with the tears that were coming, the tears that he was holding back as much as he could. But strength was all he had and he needed to be strong, for both of them.

"Please" she begged.

"It shouldn't have come to this" Elijah sniffed "I'll kill them"

"You'll be safe" Lottie corrected "for me"

She had to aim the knife for Elijah's hands had gone limp. "Promise me
You'll be safe"

Elijah didn't reply, his eyes streamed and his bottom lip trembled.

"We knew this wasn't going to work, nothing like this ever does. I had my life" she tried to make him feel better with the tip of the blade just resting in her chest

"I'll be safe" Elijah agreed, one of his hands placed at the back of her head to push her forehead to meet his.

As they touched, Elijah felt her inhale and hear her shaky breath."I love you" he repeated, taking a small breath in and building himself up "Be brave" he murmured to her just milliseconds before piercing her heart with the dagger within his grasps

At first her eyes widened and she sharply inhaled, her muscles stiffening before turning completely limp. Her body fell but Elijah caught her on the way down, hugging her close, trying to remain as calm, but the sobs broke through and his tears burnt until they were released.

Elijah lowered himself and her on to the floor until his back leant against the dirty wall and Lottie's body lay across his knees.

Elijah laid his head back on the wall and tried to resist the urge to smash it against the wall.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now