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Elijah woke in a hot sweat. The crescent moon still hung in the crescent city.

His silly curtains blew further into the room as the wind picked up. Elijah reached to the side of him to feel for Lottie. But all he could grasp was empty sheets.

That's all he's been dreaming of, her, disappearing. But this wasn't a dream. The doors to the balcony were open and the only way was down.

Elijah jumped up; his dead heart racing so much that he could feel vibrations throughout his body. He could make out the silhouette behind the curtains and knew it was her.

"Lottie" Elijah pleaded with her as he ticked the curtain back and walked through "you don't have to do this"

"If I don't then they will" Lottie was perched on the iron bars of the balcony. Her bare feet dangling in the air below. Her eyes fixated on the ground, it was so high and she was terrified of heights.

Elijah stepped forwards, the wind hit against his bare chest as it hit against her hair and night gown. "I'm not going to stop protecting you" Elijah tried to calm her down "I'm not going to stop until you are well"

"I'm going to have days, days where I'm not myself, days where I can't restrain myself from hurting anyone around me, hurting you" Elijah could see a tear fall down her already soaked cheek "do you think you can handle that? Seeing me" she took a breath "seeing something else in my body"

"I've endured a lot of things during my time on this earth but I'd endure far worse for your safety and well being" Elijah pleaded "I'd even give my own life"

"Before I come down" she said realising she didn't have the guts to actually jump; she couldn't see Elijah hurt that way; a suicide is much worse of a pain to endure "I need you to promise me something"

"Anything" Elijah replied. He would do anything for her, he would care to the ends of the earth, he would lower himself to the depths below just to hear that addictive laugh, it was almost like a melody he could just replay over and over again. It was what helped him through her death the first time.

"When this mark, shrinks to here" she pointed at an area on her arm just above the ball of her wrist "I want you to take a dagger, stab it in my heart and kill me"

Elijah felt winded. Like someone had just came up and kicked him in the stomach. He flinched of course. Of course not, of course he wouldn't kill her! "Yes" his mouth betrayed his head, if this was the only way of getting her down then that's what he had to do

"Your word?" She asked

"I give you my word" he gave it freely as he believed with no doubt that he'd help her through this. She'd survive this hex.

Lottie exhaled and slid off the bars and back on to the balcony, where Elijah immediately wrapped his arms around her.

Even she could feel the beating of his heart.

"You terrify me" he closed his lips on her forehead in a slow kiss "please do not do that again"

Lottie smiled and nodded. She knew that Elijah thought he is going to find a way out of this.

But he was wrong. Lottie had seen it, she had seen the future and she had seen how she had died. And she was indeed a dead witch walking.

She didn't belong in this world any way; she'd already had her life, she used it up. Yes, it was unhappy, painful and tragic, but that was her life, it was the path that fate laid out for her. And even the smartest people knew that date can't be changed.

And she knew that there was no way in avoiding the fate that was coming her way like a ten tonne truck.

But was there another way? Lottie was smart and she had spent so long alone that she knew loopholes; but in order to evade the torturous hell that has been set up for her, she'd have some preparations to do; and she can't let this curse destroy her.

But right now. At this precise moment when Elijah wouldn't let her go, she could feel the burning sensation again, she could feel her vision blur and her muscles weaken.

"Elijah" his ears picked up her faint voice and he tore himself away to see if she was okay.

"Is everything okay?" Elijah asked

"Yeah it's fine" she smiled, her voice was unreasonably peppy. She tucked her hair behind her ear and walked in to the room to pull her clothes out of the drawers

"Where are you going?" Elijah asked following her through to where she stood

"Out" she smiled "is there a problem with that?"

"Yes!" Elijah was so confused "you're a wanted woman!"

Lottie didn't say anything else. She exhaled and put her clothes nicely on to the bed before walking up to Elijah.

Both of her hands caressed both of his cheeks "my love" she smiled again, looking up at him "you don't own me"

As she said that, she brought his head down as it met with her knee, inevitable breaking his neck, and making an awful mess of his skull.

Lottie threw the man to the side and carried on like nothing had happened. "That'll definitely hurt in the morning" she laughed to herself "shame I won't be around to see it"

Lottie put her clothes on, threw a bag over her shoulder before stuffing it with vervain and then she disappeared through the door. Unheard.

:) I hope you're liking the story! Everyone's comments are absolutely amazing, I love the face that you love my story!

As for the picture; someone wanted it so I thought  the best way to let everyone have it would be to put it up here :)

And by the way, if there are any typos please ignore XD I write these on my phone and autocorrect isn't kind to me :)

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now