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Lottie stood in the pathway, in the front garden. She stared up at the house in front of her very eyes. It had not changed that much.

The weeds were overgrown and the house was covered in some sort of green fuzz. The old wooden door that she used to sneak through time after time had been eaten away.

"well this is sad" she murmured as her fingers reached out to touch the green blanketing the outside wall

"If you want a tour they're..." Mia came storming out until she was stood in front of them. Her voice lowered as she realised who was standing in front of her.

"I hardly believe I'd need a tour" Lottie smiled playfully, her curly brunette hair was tied up in a low bun, with two perfect strands covering each side of her face.

"Oh my" Mia widened her eyes; she really couldn't believe that the woman she had spoken to, the women to helped her through her tough times, the woman whom Mia had been making a living off was standing in front of her. She wouldn't have been here if it weren't for Lottie.

"I suppose you are the witch I owe my thanks to" Lottie dipped her head in a small curtesy "your voice helped me though some tough times during my absence, and you brought me back"

"It was the least I could do" Mia stuttered

"Well; I'm not the type that's much into human affection wth strangers but..." Lottie stepped up and hugged the stunned witch "I guess we aren't"

Mia hugged Lottie back; it was like just being with a friend, or close relative. She felt comfortable around her.

"would you like to come in?" Mia asked

Lottie nodded her head. She glanced back at Elijah and held her hand behind her for him to take. And then she stepped into her past.

"Do you want to see something astounding?" Lottie asked the two within the room. Her small body was consumed by the large ballroom, however she could feel the power of her home run through her.

Elijah opted his head and smiled as if to say 'yes'

She took both of their hands and closed her eyes.

Elijah opened his and looked towards Mia, who stared in awe at the golden walls and the crystal chandelier which was lit. The room was never like it was in reality.

"Is this how it used to be?" Mia asked, living out her wildest dreams in this one moment

"Not exactly" Lottie snapped her fingers and as the sound echoed through the room; she miraculously was changed into one of her favourite golden dressed, her pearl white gloves with her hair down in the curls they were usually in.

Elijah was dressed in his old fashioned suit, the red velvet jacket and cravat tucked neatly into his blouse.

Mia had been changed into a slim, flowing, red dress, her hair was tied up into plaits which were clipped into a bun. She couldn't believe it.

People surrounded them, they danced and laughed. The sound of violins and harps and cellos emanated from the corner.

"This was what my home was like" Lottie smiled, taking the hand Elijah had left out for her, once she did, he spun her into his arms. "I thought you'd like to live it for a while"

Mia acted like a statue, as if anybody she would touch would immediately disappear and she'd be plunged back in to the cold reality.

"They're all based from my memories" Lottie informed her "all of these people were real once; go ahead, dance with one"

Mia immediately took the arm of the nearest man, Lottie recalled him to be the fishmonger's son, Jonathan, and they swirled away.

"My lady" Elijah bowed to her. Lottie smiled and slid her hand back in his, before being pulled straight into his arms

"we never got a proper last dance" Lottie recalled, living in the moment. Oh how she did miss her home badly, just everything about it. 2015 was different, extremely different and she didn't know if she could adjust to it or not. Elijah had transitioned with the years, he was okay. She wasn't.

"I believe that we can finally finish off what we started" Elijah dipped her and pulled her back up, they both had switched sides now.

But Lottie came to a slow stop. Her eyes fixated on the balcony above.

"Lottie" Elijah looked at her from the side, realising that she was staring at something. He turned his head around to see the balcony she was looking at.

"I said this place was built upon memory; I had to put him somewhere out of the way, but he still had to be here; so I put him up there"she nodded to the candles that they could see flickering above them

"He's not real" Elijah reassured her

Lottie nodded her head, her eyes turned hazy as she struggled to keep them open; her nose started to drip with blood, all over her white gloves and golden dress.

"What's happening?" Elijah asked as Lottie placed her whole body weight on him as she collapsed.

The visions ended and they returned into the harsh reality they were permanently stuck in. But Lottie was awake and that's all Elijah could wish for.

Mia's eyes filled with concern when she had seen them dancing, and she was still concerned with Lottie's bloody nose now.

"That took too much power" Elijah observed

"No" Lottie refused at the same time as Mia did

"She's over 300 years old, doing that spell was basically like levitating something for me" Mia explained "it's a piece of cake"

"Then what's going on then?" Elijah asked

"The ancestors" Lottie grunted, standing up on her own but after this she immediately bowled over in pain "they want me dead"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now