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"It feels like a million needles have been jabbed in to my head" Lottie held her head as she woke up with Elijah sat beside her.

The antidote did work to expel the venomous pain that she had endured; but it did leave an after burn; from the wolfsbane as well as remnants of the ash.

Elijah handed the girl a glass of water for her to drink. "Mia said that you need to stay hydrated" he said

Lottie took it and drank it all, her mouth felt so dry. "I want her dead" she spat words that she wouldn't usually say nor think

Elijah tilted his head at her comment. That was not something she would say.

"I don't know why I said that" Lottie murmured to herself "it just came out"

"I can't say that she doesn't deserve it" Elijah smirked and agreed; trying to make the girl with sad, disturbed eyes feel a tiny bit better.

Lottie chuckled a bit. The closed curtains added to the dark atmosphere even more.

He knew something was going to go wrong; it always did and it was always his happiness that was at stake.

Lottie thought about the witch even more; firing her anger up to the max. She was not anybody to get too angry; she was in control, she had learnt to keep her anger under wraps when living around her father.

Her fingers clenched tighter around the glass until the pressure was too much and it smashed. The pieces of glass rained down on to the blanket covering Lottie's legs, as they fell, they cut.

Elijah felt the sudden urge to look away. Over the long period of time that he had known her, he had resisted every single urge to try even the slightest drop of her blood.

"Ouch" she exclaimed, turning her hand slowly

Elijah jumped on the area beside her and immediately rolled her sleeve up to stop it from being drenched in blood.

"What's that on your arm?" Elijah pointed to the markings that flowed from her wrist to her elbow.

"I don't know but it burns" Lottie replied, running her non injured fingers across it

Elijah had to discard her arm for a moment to try and stop himself from bringing her dainty fingers up to his mouth and consuming them all together.

"I know you want to" Lottie raised her hand and allowed the blood to trickle down her arm "you can"

"No" Elijah couldn't stop his fangs from
Making an appearance. But he stood his ground and hid them away

"You've waited long enough, I don't see why you're refusing" Lottie again moved her hand so beautifully that the red drops flowed around in some sort of rhythm

"Why are you doing this?" Elijah asked, as if this wasn't Lottie that was speaking to him. Lottie always had refused to give Elijah even the smallest of tastes of her blood. But why start now?

"Because I don't want it going to waste" she snapped

Elijah couldn't hold it in any longer. He took her wrist and gently wrapped his lips around the cuts that were already inflicted.

As soon as the wounds had sewn themselves together; Elijah wondered how far he could take it. His fangs involuntarily extended, piercing her skin.

"What the hell?!" Lottie pulled her arm away, her eyes had widened like normal as they had indicated before that she was in some sort of daze. "What are you doing?"

"I-i" Elijah stuttered, quickly swiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, though he felt a bit paranoid after just in case he had missed some. "You told me to, when you cut your hand"

"No I didn't" Lottie refused "I just woke up to you taking blood out of my body for no reason"

Elijah felt so confused! What was happening? He definitely wasn't imagining everything; he heard Lottie tell him to drink.

"Lottie I give you my word that you were the one to tell me to drink" Elijah emphasised "you know I wouldn't if you were in a vulnerable state; if you hadn't have told me to"

"I don't remember saying anything like that; I must have been sleep talking" she murmured to herself

"No" Elijah sat up from the position, the warm feeling of the blood flow down his neck, the high he had gotten from something he had wanted for so long had began to fade. "Lottie you woke up half an hour ago"

Lottie's gaze lowered to her arm "what is this?" She asked raising it up to examine the patterns "and why is it on me?"

"It must have been the witch" Elijah linked "there cannot be any other explanation"

As soon as he had finished his sentence, Mia and Klaus burst through the door.

"Guys" Mia said, she was out of breath and worry filled her face "we have a problem"

"What is it?" Elijah stood up

Mia stormed over to Lottie's side, took her wrist and raised it even higher. "This" she exclaimed "this is our problem"

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now